Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Review of "If You Were Me and Lived In Mexico" by Carole P. Roman

In her new premiere series of  the book If You Were Me and Lived In Mexico, Carole P. Roman once again put her background as a social studies teacher to work. Her goal here is to show children that even though the world is a great big place, we all do many of the same things.

This first book in her new series takes children on a journey to learn about Mexico. The book starts out with the same two children that are on the cover, showing where exactly Mexico is on the globe.

The book continues with the tour as children can stop by the capital city, where they might go to school, and other sites on the way. Children also learn what their own names might be, what they would call Mom and Dad in Spanish and even what money would be called.

All the words are simple and the illustrations cute and understandable. In the very back of the book are all the words used in Spanish with how to pronounce them. Awesome!

The book is targeted for Pre-K  through age 8.

I give this book:

Where you can find Carole P. Roman:


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