Friday, January 30, 2015

#Review: Ancient Feminine Wisdom by Judith Jungman Saadon

Ancient Feminine Wisdom brings to life the stories and voices of nine biblical women, to be a source of inspiration and enlightenment for you. 
The book includes the stories of Eve, Sarah, Hagar, Rachel, Leah, Tamar, Hannah, Naomi and Esther. 

For every spiritual woman you will find: Her ancient biblical story; A feminine perspective of the biblical woman’s narrative, to open you up to a new and unexpected feminine point of view hidden in the ancient story; Four insights and four imaginative journeys that represent the biblical woman’s growth and allow you to receive guidance from her, to discover her unique secrets and wisdom, to experience meaningful change in your life; and a story of healing from the writer's clinical practice, inspired by the biblical woman. 

Ancient Feminine Wisdom will guide you on your spiritual journey toward finding your internal beauty and strength; toward realizing your desires, your creativity, your love for your feminine body and your ability to listen to its wisdom. The biblical women will help you discover that you can dare to say what you think, sound out your voice, be heard, think creatively and rejoice over your womanhood.

My review:
I found this book to be intriguing from the very start. I wondered how the women of old could help the women of today find peace and encouragement within themselves to move forward.

The author, who is a psychologist, uses the women and their stories in her therapy sessions. She asks women to chose a guide intuitively that will help them manifest change in their own lives. She wrote about each woman of the Bible, their own stories, how they can help, and then the success her clients have had calling upon one of them.

I read the book in one sitting which is a good start in reading the book but then it is a must to return to the book and decide which woman would be best to help guide you. Really studying one of the women and all her to help you only can bring about change that you may be seeking.

Great book and worth the purchase. 4 stars.

Disclosure: I purchased this book. The views expressed here is 100% my own and may differ from yours.  ~Naila Moon

Where to find the author:

You know what day it is? It's Book Nook Friday Outdoors! 1/30/15 #booknooks

This is the day of the week I share with you places and spaces to read. Some are very elaborate, some are very cuddly, some are ugly, but all are functional for that one thing we like to do. Read!

This week I came across a book nook that I would certainly love. Being an outdoor, hug the trees kind of gal, I thought this nook would be ideal. Can you imagine being in this and it slightly raining. Oh, heaven!

This next one is really wonderful too. I can only imagine a little girl out there with all the pom poms and pink. Who knows though, maybe a little boy might like it too.

Here is the grown up version. Don't you think?

Finally, I think this would be fun too. You could grow it in the Spring or Summer.

That's it for this week. Make sure to come back next Friday for more Book Nooks!
Happy Reading! ~Naila Moon

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Multicultural Children's Book Day #Review: Grandfather Counts by Andrea Cheng/Illustrated by Ange Zhang #ReadYourWorld #Kidsbooks #Multicultural #ReadingRainbowBooks

About Multicultural Children's Book Day:
The overall mission of the Multicultural Children’s Book Day: Celebrating Diversity in Children’s Literature event is primarily raise awareness for the kid’s books that celebrate diversity, but also to get more of these books into classrooms and libraries.
"The importance of diversity in children’s literature. Our young readers need to see themselves within the pages of a book and experience other cultures, languages, traditions and religions within the pages of a book. We encourage readers, parents, teachers, caregivers and librarians to follow along the fun book reviews, author visits, event details, the multicultural children’s book linky and via our hashtag (#ReadYourWorld) on Twitter and other social media.”
Thank you to the sponsors of this event:

Special shout out to Lee & Low Books who sent me several books for review. I chose Grandfather Counts for today's event.

  • Age Range: 6 - 8 years
  • Grade Level: Preschool and up
  • Series: Reading Rainbow Books
  • Paperback: 32 pages
  • Publisher: Lee & Low Books; Reprint edition (September 1, 2000)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1584301589
  • ISBN-13: 978-1584301585

In this contemporary intergenerational story, a biracial girl and her Chinese grandfather overcome language differences and develop a special bond.

My review:
This is a sweet book that tells how generations can come together in love and understanding to learn from each other. 

Grandfather has come from China to live with his daughter and family. He does not know English and the family, other than his daughter, do not know Chinese. Adjustments have to be made with all parties concerned. It is only with a daily travel of a train that runs in the back yard, that things begin to change.

Written in first person, I enjoyed how Grandfather and the young grand-daughter would sit out on the concrete wall waiting for the train go by. These sittings helped each to come to an understanding of each other. I am sure by the title of the book, you can figure out what each of them learned but they also learned so much more.

This book reminded me so much of fun times I had with my own Grandfather and by listening to him and watching him intently, I learned something. I hope that some day, my own grand-children will learn something from me. I always learn something from them and that is what love and family is all about.

The illustrations in the book were colorful, large and somewhat exaggerated, a nice addition to the book as a whole. This book was truly great and I would highly recommend it for families who are inter-generational or intercultural. 5 stars!

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book for my open and honest opinion. The views here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Naila Moon

Family Activities related to the book:

  • Learn a little Chinese! On the inside cover are the Chinese number to 8 and other words learned in the book. Make flash cards, like I did, with the Chines word on one side and the meaning on the other. 

  • Count train cars! Grandfather and his Grand-daughter sat and counted trains every day to learn numbers and words. Find a train near you,or make your own train and count the train cars in Chinese and then English.

  • Talk and color! Grandfather and Grand-daughter wave to the train conductor every day.Have your child draw their own train and color it. Talk about what the conductor might be thinking when he sees the pair every day.

Where to find the author:

Help Spread the Word about MCCBD!

1. Spread the word about MCCBD and the need for diverse children’s books! Remember our hashtag, #readyourworld
2. Like MCCBD on Facebook to learn more about authors and books that celebrate diversity.
3. Make a donation.  Click here to help get multicultural books into the hands of kids who need them most.
4. Bookmark MCCBD blog to have continual access to an extensive list of diverse children’s books from around the world.
5. Follow MCCBD on Pinterest to keep the inspiration coming. This board is filled with great books and activities related to diversity.

Monday, January 26, 2015

#Review: A Shelter in Our Car by Monica Gunning/ Illustrated by Elaine Pedlar #Multicultural #Kidsbooks

Zettie and her Mama left their warm and comfortable home in Jamaica for an uncertain life in the United Sates. With Papa gone, Mama can't find a steady job that will sustain them and so they are forced to live in their car. But Mama's unwavering love, support, and gutsy determination give Zettie the confidence that, together, she and her mother can meet all challenges.

My Review:
This book although fictional, is also not so fictional. There are thousands of people that are homeless today including many of them children. Yes, many do live in their cars too, the one possession that might keep them safe. Many live in shelters or with other members of their family, and yes, the streets. Homelessness has many views.

The two main characters in this book, Zettie and her Mama, have to do many undignified things just to survive, like washing in the bathroom at the park, and  being told to move their car after they have gone to sleep. They also have to trust some others who live on the street and even the police, this too can lead to danger. Mama takes care of Zettie as best as she can and constantly tells and shows her love for her. The story is heart-wrenching and an eye opener to maybe those that do not have to live a life of indignities.

The illustrations are done with chalk as cartoon-ish chunky characters. The colors are mainly muted and darker which adds to the overall sadness of the book. 

However, in the end there is hope for these two which packages the book in a nice tidy bow but for those living a life on the streets, hope can be as little as finding your next meal.

The book is targeted to 6+ and much discussion can take place with the reading and rereading of this book. Think about it and read this winner of a book. 5 stars!

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book for my open and honest opinion. The views expressed here are 100% my own and may differ with yours. ~Naila Moon

Where to find the author:

#WintersRespite Read-a-thon Kick Off

Here we go, another read-a-thon! This is my official kick off post.

I love this one and from this gal as she has several read-a-thons throughout the year which, of course, is very nice. This read-a-thon, like others, also includes great prizes to be won.

The other nice thing is the title of the read-a-thon. It lends itself to cuddling up with good books even though the snow or weather outside might be frightful! It gives us time to enjoy them and in my case review them.

My plans this time are a bit two fold as Multicultural Book Day starts tomorrow. I will be reading and reviewing multicultural books all week. Stay tuned for all of that!

My list as of now:
  1. A Shelter In Our Car
  2. Grandfather Counts
  3. Baseball Saved Us
  4. Crazy Horse
  5. If You Were Me and Lived In Hungary
  6. If You Were Me and Lived In Scotland

Happy reading! ~Naila Moon

Sunday, January 25, 2015

#Review/ #Giveaway: Mini Myths:Be Patient Pandora! and Play Nice Hercules! by Joan Holub/ Illustrated by Leslie Patricelli

When Pandora is warned by her mother not to open a box, her spirited curiosity trumps her obedience. Pandora harmlessly touches the box, innocently leans on the box, and eventually, albeit accidentally, bursts the box open! The cupcakes that were hidden inside are ruined, except for one last vestige, which Pandora presents in the hope that her mother still loves her.

Hercules is not as interested in “playing nice” as he is in playing strong! But when one feat of strength destroys his little sister’s 12-piece tower, he must use his powers for good to restore the tower and seek her forgiveness. She forgives him indeed, and then shows her own strength by gleefully knocking down the stacked blocks herself!

My review:
These two book are aimed for children less than 2 years old as they are sturdy board books with very few words. However, that does not mean that they go without merit.  The books are clever retellings of classic myths that truly pack a punch. Each teaches a lesson that even the youngest of children would recognize.

The illustrations are done in bold and colorful colors. The facial features tell exactly what each character is thinking. They are done well and add greatness to the books.

For the older child or adult, the original myth has been condensed and written on the very back page. Truly this is also a nice addition to already great books!

Both of these books get 5 stars!
Would you like to have a chance at winning one of these two books? Author Joan Holub has generously offered a book to one of my readers. Enter in the Rafflecopter below.

Disclosure: I received these books from the author for my open and honest opinion. The views expressed here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. I am not responsible for prize shipment. ~Naila Moon

Where to find the author:
Joan Holub author Mighty Dads

Joan Holub is co-author of the best-selling Goddess Girls series, the Grimmtastic Girls series, and the Heroes in Training series. Her picture book Little Red Writing received three starred reviews and has been named to many Best-of lists. Her mighty cool dad inspired the creation of the picture book, Mighty Dads

 Twitter | Goodreads | Facebook

Saturday, January 24, 2015

#Review: Erica's Tripod by Cynthia Fabian #Kidsbooks #diversity

 Erica has MD and she sometimes struggles with day-to-day problems, but she is learning how to manage her growing pains with the help of her new pet, Tripod the dog. It isn't easy for Erica, as her new dog Tripod is a brand new challenge. Erica's mom has brought home many pets over the years that needed homes. But this time it's different, this dog has challenges of its own. Can Erica make friends with the new addition to the family?

My review:
On the front cover, it says this book is about a girl with muscular dystrophy. Well, that is sort of true but not quite,  The book is more about acceptance than anything. 

I actually thought it was somewhat harsh that the main character, Erica did not accept her new pet at first. In fact, I thought her whole attitude was harsh. It goes to show that everyone can have biases no matter who they are or their own conditions. At least she did come to accept eventually.

I was disappointed in this book as I hoped that the book would actually be to help children cope with such a disease as Muscular Dystrophy or at least children learning to accept other children with the disease. My first impression from just the cover was totally wrong.

As far as the illustrations  throughout the book, I was not that impressed. They were simple line drawings and few colors to them. I did not think they added that much to the book.

Overall, I have to give this book 2 stars and I hope that future books will be better.

Disclosure: I purchased a copy of this book for my own collections. The opinion expressed here is 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Naila Moon

Where to find author:

Friday, January 23, 2015

It's Friday Book Nook Time! #booknooks

It is Friday Book Nook Time. The weekly post where I show you some of the coolest and maybe not so coolest places to read.  Check out these two picks this week.

I like the one on the left as it is a small space but the books hanging from the ceiling make it very cool and cozy. That pillow is awesome! Or at least I think it is a pillow.

I like the one on the right even though it is a bigger space. The pops of read are great and the low-ness of the couch and tables just screams, "read here!"  I love the wallpaper as it looks like you could just pluck a book right off of the shelf. Awesome!

Well, that is the book nooks for this week. Would you like me to share your nook? Comment below and I will check it out!

Happy Reading! ~Naila Moon

Thursday, January 22, 2015

#Review: Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin/ Illustrated by Betsy Lewin #Kidsbooks, #OddityOdysseyReadingChallenge, #Caldecott

Farmer Brown has a problem. His cows like to type. All day long he hears:
Click, clack, moo. 
Click, clack, moo. 
Click, clack, moo.
But Farmer Brown's problems REALLY begin when his cows start leaving him notes...Come join the fun as a bunch of literate cows turn Farmer Brown's farm upside-down!

My review:
I know that any kid or adult that reads this book is going to love it. The absurdity of cows typing notes to Farmer Brown is enough to make any child laugh out loud, but when other animals get in on the action...oh, what is a farmer to do?

As I read I could hear each of the farm animals and the click, clack of the typewriter too. Close your eyes and just imagine it. Funny for sure!

The colors used on the pages were certainly ones you would see on a farm. The illustrations were large, some-what cartoon-ish, and exaggerated, which added to the humor of the book overall.

Even though I did not get a CD with this book, you can now purchase one with it in a package deal, Without a doubt that would be an awesome thing to have as kids can read along and hear all the sounds around the barnyard.

If the writing and illustrations are not enough, just the fact that the book is a Caldecott winner should seal the deal.

Simply read the book, this is a "click-clack" good time and one you don't want to miss.
5 stars!

Disclosure: I purchased a copy of this book for my own collections. The views expressed here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Naila Moon

Where to find the author:

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

#KidLitHop #52 Join me/Link up!

Kid Lit Blog Hop

Hi everyone,

I love this day as it is  the Kid Lit Blog Hop. This is the 52nd episode and it is sure to be fun as we hop along and find great kid lit books. We continue to develop a dynamic and engaged community of children's books bloggers, authors, publishers, and publicists. So, you are always more than welcome to join us by popping in a post and hopping around to meet some of your fellow Kid Lit bloggers and authors!

For the first time, we will also be including a Linky Party to be held in conjunction with the Kid Lit Blog Hop. Every two weeks, you will have the opportunity to join in a linky party focused on one social media network, helping you to connect with and grow your network of fellow kid lit bloggers, authors, and parents. First up... the Facebook Linky Party.

We are pleased to be welcome the following co-hostess with us this week: Katie from The Logonauts, a blog focused on sharing and discussing great books for elementary and middle grade readers. Please take a moment to drop by and say hello. Welcome Katie, glad you are here!


Mother Daughter Book Reviews

Julie Grasso, Author/ Blogger

Cheryl Carpinello, Author / Blogger

Stacking Books


Pragmatic Mom

Best 4 Future: Bringing Up Baby Bilingual

Reading Authors



The Logonauts

 This week on the blog, I am featuring a book that I recently reviewed.
As Fast As Words Could Fly  Please check it out and as I always, I love comments! This book is a pre-cursor to Multicultural Day and week that I will be doing beginning Jan. 27th. I hope you will join me. ~Naila Moon

Happy Hopping everyone and enjoy the Hop!

Kid Lit Blog Hop & Linky Party Rules *Please Read*

1. Add the link to your Facebook fan page in the Facebook Linky Party linky list below. Be sure to visit, "like", and/or comment on your hostesses' Facebook pages as well as the two links directly before yours. Make sure to leave us a message if you are following us and we will be sure to follow you back. 2. Link up any Kid Lit related post in the Kid Lit Blog Hop. This can be a link to a children’s book review, a discussion about children’s literature/literacy, or a post on a recently-read children’s book or one that you love from your childhood.
* Don't link directly to your blog, it must be a specific post.*
* For Authors, we prefer you to link to your blog if you have one. Please link unique posts each time ~ no repeats please. *
* Make sure you include an image relevant to the POST (e.g., book cover), not your blog button or photo of yourself.*
* Feel free to link more than one post.*
3. Please visit AT LEAST the TWO LINKS from the Kid Lit Blog Hop directly ahead of your own and leave them some love in the form of a comment. We are trying to build a community of bloggers, readers, parents, authors, and others who are as passionate about children’s literature as we are so please CONNECT and follow any or all of the blogs that interest you! 4. If you like, grab the button above and put it somewhere on your blog, preferably the post you're linking up. If you'd prefer, you can just add a text link back to this Hop so that others can find it and check out all these great book links! 5. It would really help us get the word out about the Kid Lit Blog Hop if you would be so kind as to tweet, share, and spread the word about the Hop!
Interested in co-hosting the Kid Lit Blog Hop/Linky Party? If you've joined us before, you are welcome to join us again! Please email renee @ motherdaughterbookreviews (dot) com and put Co-Hosting Blog Hop in the subject line.
Happy Hopping!



Monday, January 19, 2015

#Review: As Fast As Words Could Fly by Pamela M. Tuck/Illustrated by Eric Velasquez #Multicultural #Kidsbooks

Young Mason Steele takes pride in turning his father's excited ramblings about the latest civil rights incidents into handwritten business letters. One day Pa comes home with a gift from his civil rights group: a typewriter. Thrilled with the present, Mason spends all his spare time teaching himself to type. Soon he knows where every letter on the keyboard is located. When the civil rights group wins a school desegregation case, Mason learns that now he will be attending a formerly all-white high school. Despite his fears and injustice from the students and faculty, Mason perseveres. He does well in school—especially in his typing class. And when he competes in the county typing tournament, Mason decides to take a stand, using his skills to triumph over prejudice and break racial barriers.

My Review:
This book is so well done that I am not sure where to begin. This is all about being brave, standing up for what is right, and being yourself!

At first I found it fascinating that the main character believed in his father and the action he was taking with civil rights, that he hand wrote newspapers for the cause. Then he got a typewriter...something so unheard of today, but this helped to further his cause.

What was even better was the fact he used his self-made talents for greater good. I of course cannot tell the reason because that would be a spoiler. The truth is he overcame and I felt myself clapping for him and yet, disgusted at such a horrible time in our history.

The illustrations were done beautifully in mostly darker colors. This book is not meant as a picture book but the illustrations are so excellent that they only added to the book to make it something special.

This book is targeted for 7-12 year old's and I think it should be in every homeschool and classroom study. It touches on the things of civil rights and the message is loud and clear.

This book is a multi-winner of several awards and well deserved. I can give nothing but a 5 star to this one. Go get you a copy now!

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book for my open and honest review. The views expressed here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Naila Moon

Where to find the author:


Friday, January 16, 2015

Book Nook Friday #booknooks

It is Book Nook Friday, the day I show off some of the coolest places to hang out and read. I am sharing two with you today.

This first one is a bit dog house to me but no one said that a book nook had to be fancy. I actually could see kids climbing in there with their book and a flashlight.

This next one totally speaks to the Whovian in me. I seriously would love to have this in my apartment! My husband would not mind in the least. In fact, we would probably argue over who this really belongs too. However, as it is said, "It is bigger in the inside. Which of course means we could share. Right?

That's it for today. If you have a book nook you would like me to feature. Send me an email or post down in comments. I would love to see what you have to say.

Happy Reading!
~Naila Moon

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

#Review: A Different Kind of Safari by Helen C. Hipp

What do you need to feel happy about being different? Based loosely on real life experiences, this heartwarming and powerful book illustrates how self-awareness, and courage help a young boy named Raymond learn the difference between seeing things as they appear to be and seeing things as they are. Feeling "different and lonely" Raymond befriends a hippo while on Safari in Africa. Unlike other grey hippos, this hippo is pink. Ray is soon carried into a world beyond labels and challenging assumptions. You will never guess what happens next!   

My review:
This book was a truly enjoyable read. Anyone who is different from the mainstream of people can relate to the experiences of Raymond, the main character. I liked how his "safari" introduced him to animal characters that helped him to see that he might be different, but his difference is what makes him special and to embrace those things.

The artwork is simple line drawings and does not add that much to the story in my mind but they are cute none-the-less. This book seems to be targeted for children who are a bit older and read fairly well but younger children would enjoy the book just as well and may get the concept of it.

I could certainly see this book being used in a classroom as a jumping off place to discuss differences among classmates and respect for each other.

What makes this book even better to me is that Raymond is based on the authors real-life son and the hippo character in the book was an actual hippo that her family saw on safari. Rosie was the name her son actually gave the hippo and it stuck with her. Cool, huh?

This is the kind of "safari" I could sink my teeth into and it gets 4 stars from me.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book for my open and honest opinion. The views expressed here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Naila Moon

Where to find the author:
Helen C. Hipp, Author

Helen Hipp’s experience raising a special needs child led her to an M.A. in clinical psychology and certification as a life coach. She began her career as a psychotherapist to help people find answers for their life problems. Her work eventually evolved into a coaching practice, WithinU Life Coaching, focusing on individuals with special needs and their families. Helen uses her 13+ years of counseling experience and 20+ years’ experience as a successful advocate for individuals with special needs by helping them reveal their innate ability to solve difficult situations. Her debut book " A Different Kind of Safari" puts into words the essence of Helen's teachings addressing the many questions life asks by offering up lighthearted, ever-changing perspectives that transform personal challenges into opportunities. For more information, visit the books official website and to see a picture of the real Rosie the real life pink hippo that inspired this story, go to 

Website | Facebook | Goodreads

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Read-a-thon updates. #WintersRespite

I totally blew the @boutofbooks read-a-thon. I mean I read books, sure I did. I even attended the Twitter party, which was totally fun. I met some new people including a gal all the way from Serbia...Russia...oh, dang...somewhere around there. Sorry! Anyway, cool beans!!
So, I started off great but then it went all down hill from there.

I don't know what happened but...ok, I do. I simply let everything else get in the way and did not take it seriously enough. Ah time! Really, I promise!

As it turns out it is once again time for the Winter Respite read-a-thon. So, I guess next time is here?
Right on the heals and during the same week is Multicultural Day. I am so excited!
So, join me will you?

Happy Reading!
Naila Moon