Thursday, June 20, 2024

#Review: The Pants Project by Cat Clarke #OlderMiddleGrade #YA

TRIGGER ALERT & NOTICE: It actually pains me to have to add this warning to my review. However, let it be noted, that I review a variety of books with subjects that may not resonate with all. This particular book deals with LBTQ+ subjects and also, bullying. If this is not a subject that does not resonate with you, please move on. I do ask for open mindness  and kindness always with ALL of my reviews. DO NOTE that all of my reviews are 100% my own personal opinions. These views may differ with yours. ~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

ABOUT THE BOOK: Whoever wrote the uniform policy decided (whyyy?) that girls had to wear skirts, while boys were allowed to wear pants. ugh!


It is tough growing up as it is, but even tougher when you don't feel right in your own body. What is worse is when someone makes you dress or act  a certain way because society deems you should. The main character, Liv, feels exactly like that. He is a boy and he knows it.

There were. two major things I loved about this book. The first of which was the main character had two Moms. It showed that families come in different sizes, shapes, genders, and colors. It also pointed out that all families deal with the same kinds of issues no matter what.

The second thing I loved is acceptance. In the case of Liv, he never felt like he was a girl and was stuck wearing clothes that he did not feel was him. He eventually made friends that accepted him just as he was. Yay!I loved the use of pronouns too. Double Yay!

Unfortunately, the subject of bullying was presented as well. The character was subjected to a variety of bullying, from other students, adults, and even from his original best friend. I saw the character, Liv deal with this but also deal with trying to protect his Moms. The feelings presented were real and, as the reader, I could step into this.

In addition, the book presented a few minor themes and those did not go unnoticed.

Over all, this is a solid book and one that I am glad to read. More books need to be written about transgender children so maybe, they do not suffer like so many have.

I give this book 4 stars.


Cat was born in Zambia and brought up in Edinburgh and Yorkshire, which has given her an accent that tends to confuse people.

Cat has written non-fiction books about exciting things like cowboys, sharks and pirates, and now writes YA novels. She lives in Edinburgh with a couple of cats, Jem and Scout, who spend their days plotting to spit up furballs at the most inconvenient times. She likes cheese A LOT, especially baked camembert.

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