Wednesday, June 5, 2024

#Review: Ode to a Pug by Jill Rosen



A precocious pug delights in shenanigans which drive 

her frazzled owner to declare she will give her pup away!

Laugh along with the snorting, snoring and gaseous clown

of the canine world as its owner struggles to reign

in the messes and mayhem of a new addition.

But there is nothing that a fewlicks and cuddles can’t fix, right?

A true delight that any family can relate to, 

Ode to a Pug is full of heart… and a lot of slobber.


Do you own a pug or think they are so adorable? 

This author owns a pug and pens the cutest poem to her beloved dog. However, she has such a hate/love relationship. Her pug is cute and everything but the dog does some unsavory things like chew her favorite chair and poop on the carpets. Ugh, what is this pug owner to do? Give him away of course, that is until the day, she does not.

I do not currently own a dog but I can relate to many of the things this owner/author wrote about. It was quite amusing and yet, I could feel her frustrations. I laughed out loud at some of them.

The author's illustrations were cartoon-ish and added so much to the overall children's book. This was just simply too cute!

4 stars.

Michelle, Reading Authors Network

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