Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Witch’s Debt Coal Mountain by Edward Rollins #giveaway #countdowntohalloween2024

Book Description:

When the ghost of Jake Calhouns

grandmother delivers a cryptic message to

him, he's drawn back to the mountains of

southern West Virginia, where he finds himself on a collision course with the

consequences of his past, the strained family ties that drove him to run, and the

woman he left behind.

Though he longs to return to the life he's made for himself in the city, a string of

deaths forces him to decide who he will be, where he belongs, and how he will

stop whoever is killing those closest to him.

"You all right, Buck?" He set his coffee on the small table there as he took more of my
weight than I intended.  
"Yeah," I lied. "Bit of a headache." I couldn't look him in the eye. "I need to check on
something. Be right in."  
"Sure you're gonna be all right?" Dad picked up his coffee as I took my weight again.  
“I’ll live.” I nodded and started toward the sitting room. I steeled myself against the pain
I knew was coming and pushed my senses into the Curtain once again.  
The little room off the chapel was packed with overstuffed couches and an ottoman
which could double for a bed. I could see just clearly enough to avoid tripping, but it made
finding the cat a challenge. I moved from piece to piece, looking behind and under each. There
was no sign of it. It could have left through the chapel but I wasn't ready to accept that it had. It
was bothersome enough it was inside the church. I didn't want to consider what it would mean if
the thing could move across the consecrated ground of the chapel.  
"Lose something?" Bonnie asked from the doorway.  
Frustrated and defeated, I gave her a weak smile and let go of my view into the Curtain.
"Hello, Bonnie."  
She stepped into the room, her coat and purse left behind somewhere. She wore a pained
smile on her lips. "That the best you have for me?"  
There were people in this town I didn't care to spare a kind word, Bonnie wasn't one of
them. She'd done nothing but love me.  
I stopped fighting the smile she had always put on my face and replied, "Well if it isn't
Bonnie Blankenship, the prettiest girl at Pineville High. How are things, Ms. Blankenship?"  
"Much better,” her smile touched her eyes and she stepped in close.

Of Women Wronged: Hillbilly Hauntings

The days grow shorter, the air turns crisp, and something deep within us all knows
that the world is changing. Halloween draws near and with it a thinning of the
Curtain this world from the next, allowing haints – restless spirits – to slip closer
by than they were on brighter days.
No part of the world is without tales of restless spirits; stories of the sorrow, anger,
or injustice endured by the living. In Japan they tell of the onryƍ, wrathful spirits
devoted to revenge against the living. In Mexico, they talk of La Llorona, who
wander the water’s edge, mourning the loss of their children. Across Europe they
speak of the White Lady, symbols of betrayal and life cut short. When it comes to
tales of lost love and betrayal, my beloved West Virginia isn’t without a tale or two
of its own.
We tell the tales of Zona Heaster Shue, Screaming Jenny, the Weeping Woman of
Sweet Springs, Kate Carpenter, and our own White Lady of Flat Top Manor. Each
a spirit bound by sorrow, betrayal, or unfinished business. Let’s take a moment and
remember each, but take care, it’s said that people die twice, once when their heart
beats its last, and again when someone speaks their name for the final time.
In Greenbrier County they tell the tale of Zona Heaster Shue who - in 1897 - was
found dead under questionable circumstances. Her husband, Erasmus, was quick to
claim she had died peacefully. Zona’s mother wasn’t having it. She claimed that
Zona's ghost began to visit her in the dead of night, accusing Erasmus of murdering
her by snapping her neck. Confronted with the charges, a local judge ordered
Zona’s body exhumed, and the evidence of Erasmus’ guilt was revealed. Erasmus
was convicted of the crime, but Zona’s spirit still didn’t rest. She is said to haunt
Greenbrier County still, a chilling reminder that justice isn’t bound by the grave.
In Jefferson County we find a different sort of tale. There, when wind moans
through the trees and the moon lights the ground just so, it’s said that you can hear
the pain filled screams of a woman long dead. Screaming Jenny, a local woman
who died in pain and terror. It was a cold night in autumn when Jenny, poor and
living in an abandoned railroad shack, tried to warm herself by a fire. Somehow,

her clothes were set ablaze and, in her panic, she ran screaming and blind in search
of relief. She ran right onto the railroad tracks and into the path of an oncoming
train. Locals maintain that now and then the figure of Screaming Jenny - still
engulfed in flames – can be seen running through the night. Her ghostly shrieks a
reminder of her final, desperate moments.
From the tranquil beauty of Monroe County comes a tale of another ghostly
presence born of sorrow and despair. Known as the Weeping Woman of Sweet
Springs, it’s said that she was a bride abandoned at the altar or perhaps a grieving
mother who lost her child. Whatever the case, the young woman fell beneath the
weight of her broken heart, and cast herself into the spring where she drowned. But
she wouldn’t have a place on our list if that was the end for her. It’s said that she
still wanders, a ghostly figure draped in a flowing white gown, her soft sobbing
proof that some heartache is too deep to fade, even in death.
From Mercer County and the grounds of an old plantation known as Flat Top
Manor comes the tale of the White Lady of Flat Top Manor, a restless spirit whose
tragic story is tangled in the past. Some say she was the young bride of the manor’s
original owner; others maintain that she was a servant who died at her master’s
hand. In either case, it is agreed by those who believe, that her life was cut short by
violence. Witnesses maintain that the air goes frigid long before her shadowy
figure - fleeting and ethereal – is seen gliding through the manor's hallways or
lingering at the edge of the woods. The truth of it is left to you, but the accounts of
witnesses and investigators alike have gone a long way to make Flat Top Manor's
reputation as one of the most haunted locations in the State.
Silent and still, the Greenbrier River flows through Summers County like an
apparition itself. It’s a peaceful scene as beautiful as any faery tale picture, but its
waters gave birth to a tale of lost love and lingering sorrow. Kate Carpenter was a
young woman deeply in love with the wrong man. Her family opposed her choice
of suitor and refused her their blessing. Unwilling to either set aside her love or go
against her kin, Kate threw herself into the river and drowned the dark, icy waters.
But as is the case in these tales, neither the depths of the river nor the touch of
death could quiet Kate’s restless spirit. She lingers near the place where she left
this world, a spectral form barely visible on misty mornings walking the
riverbanks. For Kate, death was better than the absence of the man she loved.
This Halloween, when autumn leaves rustle in a cold wind, remember the story of
these women as you sip your pumpkin-spiced drink. Their stories are the echoes of
unimaginable loss and suffering, and they leave us to wonder—what would we do
if faced with such sorrow? Would we find peace, or would our spirits, too, be

bound to the places where our hearts were broken? But let’s remember as well that
these spirits weren’t content to shuffle off the mortal coil the first time. Speaking
their names again – breathing life into their memory - might be enough to remind
them what binds them to this world.

The Haunted World of West Virginia’s Grannies
West Virginia, the place generations of my people have called home. Wild,
wonderful, and possessed of an undeniable beauty. But sometimes... the place just
ain't right.
Maybe it's the narrow roads snaking through claustrophobic forests. Maybe it's the
looming presence of the mountains, equal parts shelter, and constraint. Or maybe
it’s the tight-lipped locals, wary of strangers and burdened by the weight of tales
passed down since before their kin left the Old Country. Whispered stories that tell
of all manner of...other. Either way, it's hard to shake the feeling that my beloved
mountains are hiding secrets best left alone. That's the world that birthed the
Granny, or white witch; wise women, workers of poultices, charms, and yes - when
called for - curses. And it is the Granny that inspired my Coal Mountain series.
Only seems right to share a bit about them with you.
The origins of the Granny lie in the isolation and desperation of mountain life, in a
time and place far removed from modern medicine when the nearest doctor could
be a day or more away. When folks there got sick, they turned to the Grannies,
whose reputations were rooted in their understanding of herbalism and the
preparation of natural remedies; the ability to “stir a boil” and make a sick child
well. It was a short hop from a tea to cure a fever to a poultice to catch the eye of
the one you loved. And when the shadows grew long and the veil between worlds
thinned - as it’s said happens each Halloween - it's no surprise that folks turned to
the Grannies again, this time to keep that darkness at bay.
To their communities, the Grannies were keepers of ancient knowledge passed

down through generations; both revered and feared for the knowledge they
possessed. Their practices were a New World blend of Celtic, Native American,
Germanic, and African traditions, all interwoven with a dose of Christian beliefs
and survive still among the region's followers of Celtic Christianity.
Grannies - including my own - professed the ability to craft powerful charms and
perform rituals that could protect against the things unseen that haunted the West
Virginia wilderness. They were known to craft hex signs – a practice drawn from
Germanic and Pennsylvania Dutch traditions – and utilized these colorful symbols
to guard a place from evils known and unknown. While many of these wards were
small works of art, some were simplicity incarnate. Among the latter was the
simple use of "haint blue," a soft, bluish-green color often seen on doorways,
windowsills, and even porch ceilings. Tradition maintained that "haints" - or
restless spirits – were unable to cross water. The color - mimicking water as it does
– was thought to create a protective barrier at doors and windows.
And then there were the curses—dark incantations spoken in secret, sometimes to
seek justice, other times to exact revenge. While not every Granny dabbled in
curses, there is no shortage of tales telling if a wronged woman who sought out a
Granny to set things right. As a teenager, I heard firsthand the tales of dead
livestock, blighted crops, or families plagued by mysterious illnesses after
someone crossed a Granny. It was plume foolish to doubt ht. It was the certainty of
the belief in the power of a Granny’s curse that led them to be treated with a blend
of respect and caution. Their power both admired and approached with
The folks of southern West Virginia being of primarily Scots and Irish decent, it
shouldn’t be a surprise that Halloween, or Samhain as it was once known, was a
time of great significance for the Grannies of the region. Folks had no doubt that
on that night the boundary between the living and the dead was at its weakest;
spirits walked freely among the living. So, the living turned to the Grannies as
gatekeepers, looking to them to perform ancient rituals – often Christian and pagan
in equal measure – to honor the dead, protect the living, and keep the darkest of
forces at bay. Bonfires – with deep roots in Celtic tradition - played a role in these
ceremonies. The Grannies would gather their communities around these fires,
where they burnt sage, rosemary, and other herbs believed to cleanse the area of
evil spirits.
The legacy of the Grannies remains tightly woven into the fabric of mountain
folklore, contributing to an all too familiar sense of unease that hangs about the

darkest corners, especially at Halloween. While many in the Mountain State have
forgotten the truth of their own stories, you can count on Halloween to breathe new
life in old tales, filled with strange occurrences, eerie encounters, and supernatural
events that defy explanation. And you can find signs of the past without looking to
hard. Children carve pumpkins having no knowledge that they are practicing an
ancient ritual meant to ward off evil. Candles burn in darkened windows absent
even the most distant remembrance of nights when they were lit to guide the
ancestors home on Halloween night.
As Halloween approaches and the nights grow longer, folks in my neck of the
woods aren’t strained by the idea that the world of the Grannies remains. The
world of the Grannies – that blend of ancient wisdom and supernatural wonder –
hasn't faded with time. No, it’ll never be truly lost. It floats through the hollers like
a whisper on the wind. It’s etched into the stone of the mountains themselves. So,
when the wind carries a distant howl to your ears, or the moon casts grasping
shadows across the ground, and you sense something off in the world... remember
that the ancient magic of the Grannies remains, just out of sight, but still in reach.

About the Author:

As a kid in elementary school, Edward Rollins hated
to read. Hated it…
Then his grandfather, who knew Edward loved the
Adam West "Batman" series, introduced him to
Batman comic books, the rest is nerd history. From
those early comics he went on to consume a steady
diet of books from fantasy to science fiction.
Eventually, he found a little game called Dungeons
and Dragons and a lifetime of telling stories was born.
He’s been a sailor, a soldier, a pastor, an engineer and a college professor;
sometimes all at once. Mostly, he hopes to know what he wants to be when he
grows up. Assuming he agrees to grow up…
A writer since college, he has published a handful of short stories and gaming
industry pieces over the years. "The Witch's Debt" is his first attempt at writing
“something of his own”.

Edward has lectured in convention and collegiate circles on the topics of gaming
simulations, fantasy world building and theology in fantasy settings. He is a fan of
1920s pulp and science fiction as well as the 1950s aesthetics of Raygun Gothic
and Atom-Punk.
While he lives in central Ohio with his wife and two incredible young adults – all
three of which make him proud -- his heart will always be in West Virginia.

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Thursday, October 10, 2024

#Review It's Raining Bats & Frogs by Rebecca Colby #Halloween #countdowntohalloween2024

My review:

If a reader could have a book that looked at Halloween just a little bit differently, then this book is it! Instead of going house to house for candy, the witches, ghost,goblins, and all ghouls of Halloween, have a parade.

Unfortunately, the witches are unhappy because it starts to rain. Are they going to melt? Of course not, but what are they to do as their broomsticks are getting wet. 

In comes a cute little witch with a spell or two. Does that fix the problem? Hmm... Of course read the book and find out.

I loved this book with its cute rhymes and fun illustrations. The pairing is perfect. The illustrator managed to make the pictures to move right before your eyes. For those who cannot read yet,they "said" exactly what needed to be said. The book helps the emergent reader with complex sentences as well.

I give this book 5 pumpkins!

Disclosure: I obtained this book from my local library. The views expressed here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

Where to find the author:


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Immortal Wounds by Angie Barton #giveaway #countdowntohalloween2024 #book series #

Book Description:

After witnessing the brutal deaths of her mother and husband, Isobel overhears a confession from one of the murderers, a ruthless vampire who claims to be her father. For fear that she and her unborn daughter’s death could come next, Isobel uses the only magic she possesses and summons a portal to take her two hundred years in the past to revisit an ancestor in Scotland who she believes may know the truth of her parentage. However, in her haste, Isobel lands in the wrong century.

Before she realizes her mistake, she stumbles upon a family: a ferocious Highland warrior and his two sisters. Isobel could not have prepared herself for what she discovered during her stay: the vampire who claimed to be her father, alive three hundred years in the past! 

With the help of Meg, the youngest sister, and Mariam, both women’s ancestor, Isobel finds herself belonging in a world she never dreamed of—one entangled with vampires and webbed with revenge, curses, and a prophecy that has dictated all of their lives for the last four hundred years. 

Did Isobel make an error landing in the wrong time, or was it part of her destiny?



I LOVE baking, especially around the holidays! Every October I make these amazing double chocolate

chip cookies and it’s easy to say that they are a hit with both children and adults! 

They are soft and chewy with just the right amount of chocolate, but it’s the candy eyeballs that are the star of the show!


• ½ cup unsalted butter, room temperature

• ½ cup granulated sugar

• ½ cup dark brown sugar, packed

• optional: black food coloring

• 1 large egg

• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

• 1 cup all-purpose flour

• ½ cup + 2 Tbsp. Hershey’s Special Dark Cocoa Powder

• 1 teaspoon baking soda

• ¼ teaspoon salt

• 2 Tbsp. milk

• 1 1/2 cups chocolate chips (I use semi-sweet)

• Candy Eyeballs for topping the cookies


1. Preheat oven to 350˚ F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper. Using an

electric mixer, combine the butter and sugars. You can add black food coloring at

this time to get a deeper shade of black in the cookies. Beat together on medium-

high speed until light and fluffy, 2-3 minutes. Blend in the egg and vanilla, scrape

down the bowl if needed.

2. In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, and

salt. Slowly add the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients in the mixer on low

speed just until mixed. Mix in the milk on the lowest speed and fold in the

chocolate chips.

3. Roll about 2 tablespoons of dough into balls and place on the baking sheets.

Flatten slightly. Top cookies with candy eyeballs.

Place cookie sheet in freezer for 10-15 minutes.

4. Bake for 10-11 minutes. Let cool on the baking sheets for about 5 minutes, then

transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. ENJOY!

About the Author:

Award winning author, Angie Barton, published her first novel, Immortal Wounds, in 2022. Angie’s love for writing centers around the fantasy genre, but she also enjoys writing thriller and romance. Her passion for reading, which led to her love of writing, began in elementary school with the Scholastic Book program. Her parents, who are life-long avid readers, have been a huge influence on her reading. Therefore anything and everything Angie could get her hands on she read.

Angie has been an early childhood educator since 1986 and hold a B.S. in Child Development. Her love for literacy has continued throughout her career, not only for herself, but also with the children she has cared for and taught. What Angie is most passionate about is helping others discover the excitement that reading brings. Her greatest desire in writing is to create and bring joy and entertainment to everyone she touches.

Currently, if Angie isn't reading at least three books at a time or working on a rough draft for her next book, she can be found outdoors gardening, woodworking, or relaxing by her pond. She shares that she's a Capricorn, tried and true, drinks way too much tea, and that her &"TBR" pile of books can spike at any time.



Spooktacular Giveaway

Free ebook copy of Immortal Wounds

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Monday, October 7, 2024

Bells, Book, and Corpses by T.C. LoTempio #Halloween #countdowntoHalloween2024 #cozymysteries

7th in the Series
Setting - California
Beyond the Page (September 24, 2024)
Number of Pages 207

It’s Halloween trick-or-treachery when murder pays a visit to a cursed mansion in the new
Nick and Nora mystery . . .
Waincroft Manor has long been tied to rumors of witchcraft and fatal curses, and to Nora
Charles, that makes it the perfect place for a Halloween fundraiser. But her first trip to the
deserted old mansion turns out to be truly ghoulish when she discovers a dead body. What’s
more, the corpse is laid out in a coffin—with two bite marks on its neck. Then the autopsy comes
back showing that the body was drained of blood, and there’s no stopping the local gossips from
whispering the word vampire to anyone who will listen.

Determined to dispel the rumors and save the fundraiser, Nora sets out to prove the murderer was
quite human after all. Sifting through the clues, she learns of a bitter family rivalry that spans
generations, and a more recent conflict that may point to the motive for the murder. And when
Nick spells out a clue that proves to be the missing piece of the puzzle, Nora knows she’ll have
to watch her back—because there’s a killer out there who wants to keep some secrets buried, and
they’ll happily bury Nora right along with them . . .
Includes mouthwatering recipes!

About T.C. LoTempio

While Toni Lotempio does not commit – or solve – murders in real life, she has no trouble doing
it on paper. Her lifelong love of mysteries began early on when she was introduced to her first
Nancy Drew mystery at age 10 – The Secret in the Old Attic.  She and her cat pen the Nick and
Nora mystery series originally from Berkley Prime Crime and now with Beyond the Page
Publishing.  They also write the Cat Rescue series from Crooked Lane and the Pet Shop series,
originally published by Midnight Ink and rebranded last  year as “Urban Tails Pet Shop
Mysteries.”  Book six in the Nick and Nora mysteries, A PURR BEFORE DYING, is released
this February from Beyond the Page.  There is also a new series, Tiffany Austin Food Blogger,
coming out in April.
You can catch up with them at ROCCO’s blog, www.catsbooksmorecats.blogspot.com or her

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Dragon's Halloween by Dav Pilkey #review #CountdowntoHalloween2024 #bookseries #chapterbooks

 As I do not have any "littles" around much anymore, I was unaware that this book is from a series of "Dragon's" books. I picked up this one for Halloween. The cover is adorable with the blue dragon and plethora of cats at his feet.

The story follows along Dragon as he tries to scare others and himself. As the book is chopped up into three small chapters, the first chapter is him trying to carve scary pumpkins, next scary costumes, and finally scares of the night. I have not told you much other than the titles for each chapter.

It is a perfect book for kids who are beginning to read, who like the author, dragons, animals, and most importantly Halloween. I found the short stories to be cute and engaging enough that I wanted to turn the page.  The illustrations had all the colors you would expect for Halloween and a few more. The pictures went well with the words.

A nice little addition to the book was in thr back where the author illustrates how to draw Dragon. Fun! Also, the very last page asks kids questions of what costumes they might wear to a costume party and encourages kids to draw them.

Good book and it gets 4 pumpkins (but not too scary) from me.

Disclosure: I picked up  a copy of this book from my local library. The views here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

Where to find the author:


Saturday, October 5, 2024

#Review Boo! by Robert Munsch #Halloween #childrensbooks #2024 #CountdowntoHalloween2024

My review:

I have read a few children's books from this author and picked this one from my local library  because I like his books. I wish that this book could be among my tops for him but it isn't.

Pros: As a Halloween book goes, a kid wants to dress up and have fun on Halloween. His goal is to be the scariest around. So scary that he makes people fall over in fright...he even scares his Dad.

The kid goes out and succeeds in getting his candy...so much candy that he cannot even lift it and someone else has to take it home for him.

The author attempted to make this a multicultural book.

Cons: The author failed! Wow, so much wrong here. I get that this book is meant to be for children but you have to remember who you are writing for. 

The kid is a black child who unfortunately is  oozing with very stereotypical racism. It was absolutely appalling to read when it could have been so good. Sad!

I do see the author rewrote an updated version. I cannot say that I will read it. I give this book a "boo" for sure with a one pumpkin. 

Disclosure: I obtained this book from my local library. The views here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. Note: Although I  abhor this book, I will not ask my library to remove it. I do read banned books and do not like censorship. I will however, voice my concerns. This is a reminder though that authors need to be better at what they write and know their audience.  ~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

Where to find the author: 

ROBERT MUNSCH is Canada's bestselling author of more than sixty picture books for young readers. His irreverent tales of childhood mischief, populated by diverse characters, have been loved by generations of children and their families, who have made him Canada's bestselling and best loved author. Robert lives in Guelph, Ontario. He lives in Guelph, Ontario.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Insensible Loss by Linda L. Richards #spotlight #giveaway #thriller


Insensible Loss by Linda L. Richards Banner

Book Details:

Genre: Thriller/Suspense
Published by: Oceanview Publishing
Publication Date: September 17, 2024
Number of Pages: 320
ISBN: 978-1608095148
Series: The Endings Series, Book 4 | Each is a Stand-Alone
Book Links: Amazon | Goodreads


Insensible Loss by Linda Richards

The Endings Series


Her life is over . . . yet somehow she carries on

After attempting to sever all ties to her life as a hired assassin, a woman struggles to understand who she has become. She knows she doesn't want to kill again--but it proves to be a difficult habit to break, particularly in a world where people are after her and those she loves most.

Adrift and disconnected, she meets an old woman: Imogen O'Brien, a world-famous artist who has spent the last three decades living a hermit-like existence on a rustic desert estate in a national forest. Imogen invites her to stay and work for her, offering mentorship in return as the woman deepens her own interest in art.

What quickly becomes apparent is that elements of Imogen's past are shrouded in danger, sorrow, and darkness. Rather than growing as an artist, the former hit woman soon finds herself enmeshed in a dangerous mystery with strands that stretch decades into the past.

Author Bio:

Linda L. Richards
Linda L. Richards is the award-winning author of over a dozen books. The founder and publisher of January Magazine and a contributing editor to the crime fiction blog The Rap Sheet, she is best known for her strong female protagonists in the thriller genre. Richards is from Vancouver, Canada and currently makes her home in Phoenix, Arizona. New for 2024: INSENSIBLE LOSS, the fourth book in the Endings series featuring a reluctant hit woman struggling towards the light. Linda’s 2021 novel, the first in this series, ENDINGS, was recently optioned by a major studio for series production. Richards is an accomplished horsewoman and an avid tennis player, and is on the National Board of Sisters in Crime.

Catch Up With Linda L. Richards:

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This is a giveaway hosted by Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours for Linda L. Richards. See the widget for entry terms and conditions. Void where prohibited. The giveaway is for: $20 Amazon.com Gift Card, US Mailing Addresses Only

Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Three Investigators by Robert Arthur #giveaway #bookseries #middlegrade


 The Three Investigators series are a wonderful and wholesome mix of adventure, mystery, comedy, and critical thinking/detection. They enthralled several generations of readers worldwide – and in these new 60th-anniversary editions, they are again ready to take on the world!

                                                              The Secret of Terror Castle

The Three Investigators Book 1

Genre: Middle Grade Mysteries with a Supernatural hook

 In the first adventure of Robert Arthur’s classic mystery series, it's 1964 in the town of Rocky Beach, California. Working out of their newly established Headquarters – an old trailer hidden behind carefully arranged junk in the Jones Salvage Yard – and driven around southern California in a gold-plated vintage Rolls Royce they've won the use of in a contest, Jupiter Jones, Pete Crenshaw, and Bob Andrews decide to get publicity for their fledgling detective firm by finding a real haunted house for the renowned film director Reginald Clarke.

But although the highly rational Jupiter starts with the belief that there is no such thing as a ghost, a spook, a phantom, or a spirit, Terror Castle – the old mansion supposedly troubled by the ghost of the late Stephen Terrill, the silent horror film star called the Man with a Million Faces – may prove him wrong!

By turns exciting, spine-tingling, and humorous, The Secret of Terror Castle promises to please not only the existing fan base of The Three Investigators series but a whole new generation of readers who will find in its pages three very different boys whose imagination, courage, and intelligence can remind us that curiosity, perseverance, and rational inquiry are just as vital as friendship and cooperation.

At the end of each Three Investigators book published by Hollow Tree Press are notes written by Robert Arthur's daughter and son-in-law, exploring three subjects connected to the story – in this case, Silent Movies, Salvage Yards, and Rolls Royces – and young readers may want to use the notes as guidelines for further investigation. After all, the motto of The Three Investigators is "We Investigate Anything," and their trademark is “???” – three question marks, taken together.

On the 60th anniversary of the creation of The Three Investigators series, the first-ever English-language e-book editions of Robert Arthur’s novels, as well as the first new English-language print editions in over twenty-five years, stand ready to delight a whole new audience. Be sure to seek out all ten titles!

Amazon * B&N * Bookbub * Goodreads

The Mystery of the Stuttering Parrot

The Three Investigators Book 2  

 In the second adventure of Robert Arthur’s classic mystery series, Jupiter, Pete and Bob are in search of a missing parrot. The case soon gets complicated as they discover that not one but six talking parrots and a mynah bird have disappeared.

With the help of their new friend Carlos, the Three Investigators figure out that each of the birds has been taught to recite part of a complex puzzle, that, when taken together, could lead the boys to a great painting. But as their search takes them to a spooky graveyard, they're not the only ones hot on the trail!

By turns puzzling, compelling, and absorbing, The Mystery of the Stuttering Parrot promises to please not only the existing fan base of The Three Investigators series but a whole new generation of readers who will find in its pages three very different boys whose imagination, courage, and intelligence can remind us that curiosity, perseverance, and rational inquiry are just as vital as friendship and cooperation.

At the end of each Three Investigators book published by Hollow Tree Press are notes written by Robert Arthur's daughter and son-in-law, exploring three subjects connected to the story - in this case, Puzzles and Word Games, Parrots, and Sherlock Holmes - and young readers may want to use these notes as guidelines for further investigation. After all, the motto of The Three Investigators is "We Investigate Anything," and their trademark is “???” - three question marks, taken together.

On the 60th anniversary of the creation of The Three Investigators series, the first-ever English-language e-book editions of Robert Arthur’s novels, as well as the first new English-language print editions in over twenty-five years, stand ready to delight a whole new audience. Be sure to seek out all ten titles!

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**Don’t miss the rest of the series!**

ROBERT ARTHUR is best known as the creator of THE THREE INVESTIGATORS, the classic mystery series for young readers, for which he wrote the first ten books before his untimely death in 1969. By the time the last English-language-original book was published in the late 1980s, there were forty-three titles, some of which had been translated into over twenty languages.

Young readers in the U.S., Canada, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Thailand, Denmark, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, and Slovakia, as well as in France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and throughout the Spanish-speaking world grew up on the books, and many credit their lifetime love of reading to having discovered the story of three young American boys who form a detective agency.

Robert Arthur got the idea for the series while working in Hollywood as a story editor, showrunner, and scriptwriter for Alfred Hitchcock's TV show, Alfred Hitchcock Presents. In 1963, he left Hollywood and moved to Cape May, New Jersey, where, in a brown-shingled house two blocks from the Atlantic Ocean, he created The Three Investigators. The Secret of Terror Castle and  The Mystery of the Stuttering Parrot were published in 1964 by Random House. The series' original title was ALFRED HITCHCOCK AND THE THREE INVESTIGATORS.

The books have supernatural hooks -- haunted houses, whispering mummies, gnomes, ghosts riding carousels, screaming clocks, talking skulls -- that turn out, after closer examination, to have rational explanations.

From his memories of his years in southern California, Arthur created the small fictional town of Rocky Beach, not far from Hollywood. His disbelief and dismay at the way old houses were being torn down and their contents junked resulted in his placing The Three Investigators Headquarters in a salvage yard, where all sorts of goods have been reclaimed and are for sale. He based his head investigator, Jupiter Jones, on his idea of a young American Sherlock Holmes, and the boy who keeps records and does research -- Bob Andrews -- he based on himself (they have the same initials!)

The books are a wonderful and wholesome mix of adventure, mystery, comedy, and critical thinking/detection. They enthralled several generations of readers worldwide – and in this new 60th-anniversary edition, they are again ready to take on the world.


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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Trixie the Halloween Fairy by Daisy Meadow #CountdowntoHalloween2024 #book series #fairies

I picked up a copy of this book from my local library to read for "Halloween." This is a cute chapter book story about a fairy who has lost the magical candy of Halloween and needs help from two human fairies. Adventure is pursued across town and through Halloween.

The story line is rather repetitive but understood for young readers. This book is basically aimed at girls who like pretend play and fairies. The characters are not highly developed and that is the fault of this book. I could have seen more of the girls being much more powerful as detectives on the case and not so one sided.

I would not really recommend it for all kids but a decent book at that, especially for children who need reading practice. It works well for Halloween too as that is the general premise. This book is in a series and written by three authors.  

I give the book 3 pumpkins.

Disclosure: I picked up a copy of this book from my local library. The views here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

A Prophecy Awakened by Angie Barton #giveaway #countdowntoHalloween2024 #bookseries #fantasy #recipes #poetry

Book Description:Family. Destiny. Magic. Lore.Forced to leave behind her only known family, on the night of her eighteenth birthday Charlotte Delgado flees through the invisible veil that has granted hers safety since birth, with only an age-old diary to guide her. Given less than a day to read the four-hundred year-old tales scripted amongst its pages, she barely understands the predetermined path her ancestor writes of, let alone believes it.However, despite the dangers the journal warns of—supernatural creatures that will hunt her along her journey—it’s the ominous twist of fate that surrounds the last bloodline witch in her family that fills Charlotte with the most fear.Is she that witch or merely a pawn moving the prophecy for war.

The Velvet CoffinBlack are his eyes,His lips stained red,This sinister creatureWe know as undeadBorn of the nightA soul without mercyAn evil incarnateImmortal and thirstyHe dreams of blood,His fangs sharp and baring,His desire awakensAs he lays there staringThe lid to his coffinCreaks as it raisesIts velvety liningHis hand lightly grazesMoving to the shadowsHe expels a hissHe catches her scentAnd disappears into mist
Amazon-----------Vampire Punch

I LOVE all things vampire and I LOVE to host! Planning and setting up the dĂ©cor is just as much fun as the event itself, and this punch looks great on the table!It is perfect for Halloween parties and can be made for kids or adults! It’s the perfect blend of sweet and tart, and its deep red color makes it both fun and delicious!*If you’re familiar with using dry ice, it can be added for a spooky effect!Ingredients:• 2 liters ginger ale or club soda, or lemon lime soda (Sprite or 7Up)• 1 quart black cherry juice• 2 pints (32 ounces) Pomegranate Juice• 16 ounces frozen cherries• alcohol your choice (I typically add Vodka)Instructions:1. Combine the juices and ginger ale together in a large punch bowl. If you areusing alcohol, add it now.
2. Add the frozen cherries and stir.3. Serve with ice and any decorations you may have for your spooky punch! I’veused plastic vampire teeth and my guests thought it looked “fang-tastic!”About the Author:Award winning author, Angie Barton, published her firstnovel, Immortal Wounds, in 2022. Angie’s love forwriting centers around the fantasy genre, but she alsoenjoys writing thriller and romance. Her passion forreading, which led to her love of writing, began inelementary school with the Scholastic Book program.Her parents, who are life-long avid readers, have been ahuge influence on her reading. Therefore anything andeverything Angie could get her hands on she read.Angie has been an early childhood educator since 1986 and hold a B.S. in ChildDevelopment. Her love for literacy has continued throughout her career, not onlyfor herself, but also with the children she has cared for and taught. What Angie ismost passionate about is helping others discover the excitement that reading brings. Her greatest desire in writing is to create and bring joy and entertainment to everyone she touches.Currently, if Angie isn't reading at least three books at a time or working on a rough draft for her next book, she can be found outdoors gardening, woodworking,or relaxing by her pond. She shares that she&#39;s a Capricorn, tried and true, drinks way too much tea, and that her &quot;to be read&quot; pile of books can spike at any time.www.authorangiebarton.comhttps://www.goodreads.com/goodreadscomangie_barton
Spooktacular GiveawayFree ebook copy of A Prophecy Awakened