Sunday, August 11, 2024

Mr. Howard the Rescued Cat by Erin Hayburn #spotlight #excerpts #childrensbooks #rescuedanimals #activitysheets


An abandoned young cat must fend for himself and avoid the nasty bully cats patrolling the

streets, until he is rescued by new people, given the name; Mr Howard, and brought into a

home with good food, soft beds, and a very old dog! But to pass the test in the new home, Mr

Howard must follow The Rules. After an unexpected escape, he is faced with a choice: Will he

choose No Rules and a life on the streets? Or The Rules and a new family? What will Mr

Howard choose?


Activity sheets:

Would you like to color a picture of Mr. Howard or fun activities involving him?  The author has included for me to share but you can find many on the website below.

Author Bio (courtesy of Mr. Howard):

My human, the author, Erin Hayburn, is a bit shy (and not as interesting as me), so I'll take over

from here - My name is Mr. Howard McGregor, thank you. Mr Howard The Rescued Cat is

based on my true rescue story as a young, and ever so handsome kitty cat.

I may be black and white on the outside, but I'm most certainly colorful on the inside!

After a spell of homelessness and trying to survive on my own (not too successfully, I might

add), a new family rescued me and welcomed me into their home - which already had an old

dog living in it! I won't bore you with the details of my hilarious antics in said new home (you'll

have to read my book for that!), let's just say there were a lot of new Rules I wasn't necessarily

keen to follow...

With my dashing good looks, charming personality, and riveting origin story, I always believed

someone should write a book about me. Although I look far more dapper in real-life than the

illustrations depict, the narrative is indeed accurate of my early escapades.




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