Monday, August 5, 2024

Guest Post: Embracing Calm/Meditation

Hi everyone,

Earlier today, I spotlighted a book called Embracing Calm by Anne Beall. I now want to welcome her on my blog to guest posts about meditation. Welcome, Anne. I am so glad to have you here. Take it away.

~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

Embracing Calm: Discover the Health Benefits of Meditation

Meditation offers numerous physical and mental health benefits. By calming the mind and body, it helps

lower stress levels, which are closely linked to various illnesses. Meditation promotes emotional balance,

heightening our awareness of thoughts and feelings, and enabling us to respond to situations with greater


Regular meditation can also lower blood pressure, enhancing cardiovascular health and reducing the risk

of heart disease. It also strengthens the immune system, making the body more resilient against illnesses.

Additionally, meditation improves sleep quality by promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety, essential

for overall health.

However, meditation can be challenging. Sitting still and focusing on your breath can feel both boring and

impossible for long periods. But there’s an easier way. Focusing on your breath is simply a technique to

redirect your mind from stressors. When we pull away from our thoughts, we feel better. Deep breathing

helps us calm down and distances us from our worries.

I love meditation, but I find it challenging to practice consistently. I discovered that the easiest way to

quiet my mind was to embark on a mental journey. By relaxing and enjoying this mental trip, I found a

way to escape my thoughts. That’s why I wrote Embracing Calm: Meditation Journeys for Inner Peace.

These meditation journeys are short mental trips designed to provide respite and relaxation. Each journey

immerses you in a different environment, helping you forget your stress.

In my book, I crafted diverse journeys—from taking a luxury rail trip to visiting a forest waterfall to

exploring an ancient castle. Each journey aims to make you feel like you’re truly there—smelling the

scents, feeling your feet on the ground, touching different objects. As you embark on these journeys,

you’ll find yourself slowly relaxing, like taking a short mental vacation. When you finish each journey,

you’ll feel calm and peaceful.

People love listening to these journeys via audiobook or reading them at the start of their day. I hope you

find as much relaxation and peace in each journey as I do.

--Anne E. Beall

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Anne E. Beall, PhD is a research psychologist, award-winning author, and the founder of Beall Research.

She is at the forefront of exploring human emotions. Her influential work has been featured in the pages

of People Magazine, the Chicago Tribune, the Toronto Sun, and Hers Magazine, and she has made

significant appearances on NBC, NPR, and WGN. Holding a PhD in social psychology from Yale

University, Beall’s contributions extend beyond academia, enriching lives through her award-winning

publications and literary endeavors. Her dedication to fostering emotional well-being energizes her work,

establishing her as a distinguished voice in the field.

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