Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Review: The Frights of Fiji by Sunayna Prasad #middlegrade #fantasy

About the book: 

Sent to live with her strict, aloof, and uncaring uncle after her parents are killed in a car accident, twelve-year-old orphan Alyssa McCarthy longs for the life she used to have—one filled with fun and love. 
Then one stormy night, a message appears in the raindrops on the window that will change everything. 

"Your life will never be the same again, as magic will interfere."

Before long, Alyssa is kidnapped by Master Beau, a banished sorcerer with a mysterious connection to her who can only regain his power by weakening hers. Suddenly hurled into a world of wizardry filled with fantastical beasts and marvelous technology beyond her wildest imagination, Alyssa must defeat Master Beau if she ever wants to get home again. But Master Beau will stop at nothing, including using Alyssa’s friends, to ensure he is triumphant. 

My Review:

There are times when I really wished I liked a book. To be honest, with every single book I read. Unfortunately, this is not one of those times. I plodded through this book even though I wanted to set it down and not keep reading. This read like a "Harry Potter" knock off.

The book started out fairly well with the theme of a child who lost parents and had to live with non-caring relatives. Does that sound familiar? However, from there, character development went sour. The pre-teen girls were whiny at best and did not realize their actual strengths.

The "human" monsters in the book were not as complex as you would expect for a middle grade book and came off as rather blah. Give me some good old fashion gripping characters! Where is the "Fright" that the title suggests?

In addition, the good humans seemed not that upset that their family members had been (spoiler) kidnapped and taken out of the country. What? Where is the description of "Fiji"? 

The fantasy characters in the book had the greatest potential for the whole story. Again they also had development problems, as they kept changing what they could and couldn't do with no real lead up to why or why not. This was truly a shame as some of these characters had that interesting wow factor and funny. But with great potential, they simply fell flat. 

The last I have to say here is the book should have ended with chapter 17. The author introduced new ideas that would have been better left with the continuing series. Yes, I said the series. This was the first book!

I am giving this book 2 stars and actually, that is pushing it. I did not absolutely hate the book. The cover was nice and as I said above, I did somewhat like the fantasy characters. If I was to give the author some advice, I would suggest that she revamp the book, flesh out her characters better, and make it more your own.

Disclosure: I did receive this book from the author. The views expressed here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. 

~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

Where to find the author:

Sunayna Prasad enjoys writing fantasy books for children, as well as cooking, creating artwork, watching online videos, and blogging.  She is passionate about modern-day life in fantasy stories, world building, and even humor. She is constantly brainstorming new ideas and using her creativity.

Sunayna has been writing stories since the age of six. Many sources that have inspired include various books and movies, all of which are fantasy.

She is lives in New York with her parents.

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Monday, August 19, 2024

The Mystery of the Missing Jewels by Jessica Leigh Stevens #giveaway #spotlight #middlegrade #series

 This fun and exciting middle school mystery series sees Ned and his Uncle Jim use their super-sharp detective skills to solve mysteries in Lakeside. Incidentally, both are dyslexic. But that’s not going to stop them! Dyslexia might present some challenges with spelling and reading, but it also makes them great at solving puzzles, cracking codes and thinking outside the box. Armed with these superpowers, they make the perfect team for solving mysteries.

Ned and his uncle Jim, a retired detective, live in Lakeside Village. It’s a quiet place where nothing much seems to happen...or at least, that was the case. Now, there are mysterious events and they all seem to center around a cold case Uncle Jim had been working on before he retired.

On top of that, treasures are disappearing from the Cheap and Cheerful, a second-hand goods store. But who would want to steal from the owner? Uncle Jim and Ned find hidden secrets and uncover even stranger happenings than just the theft. Why are there unusual sets of footprints? What is the significance of the feather they find? And why does the owner of the shop suddenly seem suspicious?

It’s up to Ned and Uncle Jim to use their detective skills and dyslexic advantages to discover the person behind the thefts and maybe even crack the cold case. However, it might be more than the two can handle.

Will Ned’s detective career be over before it really starts?

Join Ned and Uncle Jim on their first adventure!

“A must-read for peers, friends and family members of dyslexic people to help understand how they see the world. Truly eye-opening!”. Pam, Teacher.

Children and tweens will enjoy seeing the action-packed adventure story unfold through the lens of a dyslexic child. Through effective storytelling they learn how the dyslexic brain works differently, and how children with dyslexia can excel using their special strengths.

Presented in a dyslexia-friendly format, this mystery series can be enjoyed by all readers. The large print dyslexia font and cream background make it an accessible option for dyslexic readers, allowing them to enjoy relatable and age-appropriate books.


Jessica is a former teacher, having spent many years working closely with dyslexic children. Through her love for writing she hopes to educate readers about the challenges and triumphs experienced by people with dyslexia.  

In her spare time, Jessica enjoys baking and loves to go on long walks with her family.


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Sunday, August 11, 2024

Mr. Howard the Rescued Cat by Erin Hayburn #spotlight #excerpts #childrensbooks #rescuedanimals #activitysheets


An abandoned young cat must fend for himself and avoid the nasty bully cats patrolling the

streets, until he is rescued by new people, given the name; Mr Howard, and brought into a

home with good food, soft beds, and a very old dog! But to pass the test in the new home, Mr

Howard must follow The Rules. After an unexpected escape, he is faced with a choice: Will he

choose No Rules and a life on the streets? Or The Rules and a new family? What will Mr

Howard choose?


Activity sheets:

Would you like to color a picture of Mr. Howard or fun activities involving him?  The author has included for me to share but you can find many on the website below.

Author Bio (courtesy of Mr. Howard):

My human, the author, Erin Hayburn, is a bit shy (and not as interesting as me), so I'll take over

from here - My name is Mr. Howard McGregor, thank you. Mr Howard The Rescued Cat is

based on my true rescue story as a young, and ever so handsome kitty cat.

I may be black and white on the outside, but I'm most certainly colorful on the inside!

After a spell of homelessness and trying to survive on my own (not too successfully, I might

add), a new family rescued me and welcomed me into their home - which already had an old

dog living in it! I won't bore you with the details of my hilarious antics in said new home (you'll

have to read my book for that!), let's just say there were a lot of new Rules I wasn't necessarily

keen to follow...

With my dashing good looks, charming personality, and riveting origin story, I always believed

someone should write a book about me. Although I look far more dapper in real-life than the

illustrations depict, the narrative is indeed accurate of my early escapades.




Monday, August 5, 2024

Guest Post: Embracing Calm/Meditation

Hi everyone,

Earlier today, I spotlighted a book called Embracing Calm by Anne Beall. I now want to welcome her on my blog to guest posts about meditation. Welcome, Anne. I am so glad to have you here. Take it away.

~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

Embracing Calm: Discover the Health Benefits of Meditation

Meditation offers numerous physical and mental health benefits. By calming the mind and body, it helps

lower stress levels, which are closely linked to various illnesses. Meditation promotes emotional balance,

heightening our awareness of thoughts and feelings, and enabling us to respond to situations with greater


Regular meditation can also lower blood pressure, enhancing cardiovascular health and reducing the risk

of heart disease. It also strengthens the immune system, making the body more resilient against illnesses.

Additionally, meditation improves sleep quality by promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety, essential

for overall health.

However, meditation can be challenging. Sitting still and focusing on your breath can feel both boring and

impossible for long periods. But there’s an easier way. Focusing on your breath is simply a technique to

redirect your mind from stressors. When we pull away from our thoughts, we feel better. Deep breathing

helps us calm down and distances us from our worries.

I love meditation, but I find it challenging to practice consistently. I discovered that the easiest way to

quiet my mind was to embark on a mental journey. By relaxing and enjoying this mental trip, I found a

way to escape my thoughts. That’s why I wrote Embracing Calm: Meditation Journeys for Inner Peace.

These meditation journeys are short mental trips designed to provide respite and relaxation. Each journey

immerses you in a different environment, helping you forget your stress.

In my book, I crafted diverse journeys—from taking a luxury rail trip to visiting a forest waterfall to

exploring an ancient castle. Each journey aims to make you feel like you’re truly there—smelling the

scents, feeling your feet on the ground, touching different objects. As you embark on these journeys,

you’ll find yourself slowly relaxing, like taking a short mental vacation. When you finish each journey,

you’ll feel calm and peaceful.

People love listening to these journeys via audiobook or reading them at the start of their day. I hope you

find as much relaxation and peace in each journey as I do.

--Anne E. Beall

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Anne E. Beall, PhD is a research psychologist, award-winning author, and the founder of Beall Research.

She is at the forefront of exploring human emotions. Her influential work has been featured in the pages

of People Magazine, the Chicago Tribune, the Toronto Sun, and Hers Magazine, and she has made

significant appearances on NBC, NPR, and WGN. Holding a PhD in social psychology from Yale

University, Beall’s contributions extend beyond academia, enriching lives through her award-winning

publications and literary endeavors. Her dedication to fostering emotional well-being energizes her work,

establishing her as a distinguished voice in the field.

Embracing Calm by Anne E. Beall #giveaway #spotlight #selfhelp

Book Details:

Book Title:  Embracing Calm: Meditation Journeys for Inner Peace by Anne E. Beall
Category:  Adult Non-Fiction (18+),  143 pages
GenreMeditation/Inspirational/Self Help

Book Description:

Step into Serenity: Your Journey Awaits

Discover a sanctuary within your mind. Written by psychologist Anne E. Beall, this book takes you on a series of serene adventures, from secluded forests to calm beaches, immersing you in vivid, tranquil scenes that foster relaxation and peace.

You'll become engrossed in these meditation journeys, each guiding you deeper into its unique setting. As the main character of every story, you embark on a richly detailed adventure, with vivid imagery that transforms you into an active participant. Whether you're wandering along pristine beaches, paddling to ancient lighthouses, or journeying towards enchanted royal castles, tranquil adventures await you, all from the comfort of your home.

​This is more than just a book; it's a companion for moments when you need to escape the stresses of the world, guiding you to a serene space within. Whether you choose to read in quiet solitude or listen as the narratives unfold, these journeys offer you a personal haven of tranquility.
Buy the Book:
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Author Anne E. Beall
Meet the Author:

Anne E. Beall is an award-winning author whose books have been featured in People Magazine, Chicago Tribune, Toronto Sun, and she’s been interviewed by NBC, NPR, and WGN. Her book, Cinderella Didn’t Live Happily Ever After: The Hidden Messages in Fairy Tales won a Gold award from Literary Titan. Her subsequent book, Only Prince Charming Gets to Break the Rules won a Silver award from Literary Titan. And her Heartfelt Connections book was named one of the top 100 Notable Indie books by Shelf Unbound. She has published in several literary journals including Minerva Rising Press, The Raven’s Perch, and Grande Dame Literary Journal. She received her PhD in social psychology from Yale University and is the founder of the strategic market-research firm, Beall Research.

connect with the author:  website 
