Monday, October 31, 2022

Crazy Witch:The Witch Doctors by C.S. Edwards #Halloween #giveaway #bookseries #witches

Crazy Witch
The Witch Doctors 
Book Three
C.S. Edwards

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: C.S. Edwards
Date of Publication: October 31, 2022
ISBN: 9798215161517
Number of pages: 142
Word Count: 36,382
Cover Artist: C.S. Edwards

Book Description:

What does Bart Babington’s love life, a legendary key, and the Goddess of Death, have in common? Well, Bart is about to find out.

The not-so-famous witch doctor cosmetic surgeon is sick and tired of his two meddling sisters trying to mate him up at every annual Samhain celebration for the last ten years. So, Bart enlists his two best wingmen to help him find a fake date to take to Rabbit Hash for the party.

In his grand plan to get his sisters off his back, what he didn’t count on is falling for a pigeon raising, southern witch on a moped. Nor did he expect to lose her during the couple’s championships for the Loving Cup. But he’s on a ghostly trip to sort out his past and make room for true love in his life.

Will Bart find his witch, or will he never unlock his heart?


Once upon a time there was a witch and a warlock who fell in love. They lived together in a modest and remote castle, working the land, making essential oils, and giving back to the earth. They were a good witch and warlock who loved their life and wanted nothing more than to share their love and good fortune with others. But most of all, they dreamed of having a tiny magical being of their own. This was not to be. For all their trying, the witch could not become pregnant. They grew herbs to make special teas, mixed up potions for fertility, and even cast spells under the light of the full moon. Nothing worked. The witch’s belly remained empty. The days turned into months, into years, then into decades. A century passed, but no baby came. The witch fell into a deep sadness. She no longer got out of bed and tended to her garden. She no longer sang while strolling through the meadows of wildflowers. She no longer ate until she was full. She cried. She slept. She stared into the nothingness of the night.  

Heartbroken to see his love so forlorn, the warlock decided to venture out of the safety of their secluded castle and find a Baba Yaga to heal his wife and give them a child through either light or dark magical means. The day he left, he kissed her and promised to always love her in this world, and the next. He vowed to search eternally for help for his barren wife. He vowed to find a way to give her a child. The witch pleaded with him not to leave. She told him she’d felt something terrible coming his way. He saw it, too, but knew her happiness was more important. She cried and held onto the warlock, but he pushed her away. Before he mounted his stead, he placed a soft kiss on her lips. The warlock embraced the witch’s face in his hands and looked deep into her aqua eyes. He said, “you are my heart. Without you by my side, this muscle in my chest would cease to beat. I will travel to the end of the earth and time to make you happy.” He kissed her again. “If I do not return, always follow your heart.” He removed a long chain that held and small key from his neck and placed it in her hands. “This key opens the lock to the future. It’s been passed down in my family since the beginning of time, bestowed upon those with a purpose to learn. Use it and our love will be for all eternity.” 

The witch did not see the warlock alive again. 

About the Author:

C.S. Edwards is a southern author of small town adventures sprinkled with romance, mystery, and occasionally some paranormal and fantasy. Her newest release, Crazy Witch, The Witch Doctors Book 3, is a saucy, fun, romantic romp. In her catalog, you’ll also find the darker small town mystery Welcome to Lovely, that shows a spicier side of crime and romance.

C.S. Edwards lives with her family on the Kentucky side of Cincinnati, where they are all just doing their part to make the world a little more interesting and entertaining.

“My kids, all five of them, swear I talk to myself way too much. What they don’t know is, I’m not talking to myself, I’m talking to my characters. Sure, that makes me a little crazy, but come on, it also makes me super interesting—right?! Probably not, but a girl can dream.” — C.S. Edwards

Join her on social media here:

Sunday, October 30, 2022

#Review: The Hallow-Tween Tales by Steven Manchester #plays #CountdowntoHalloween2022

If you have been around my blog reviews for awhile, you will know that I have reviewed several of author, Steven Manchester's novels. Well, this time, he has gone for the younger sect and taken his children's plays to book format and I for one, am glad to be here for it. It tickles me orange as this one is for Halloween.

The Halloween-Tween Tales is two plays put into one book and begins with the story of the "Monster Bash" with the likeable main character, Franklin Sterne. Hmm...could it be, THAT monster? Franklin battles bullies, investigates a mystery, and gets the girl. Oh, what fun! Narrated by a scarecrow, made this first story even that more interesting.

The second story, "The Haunting On Oliver Street", is a classic retelling of a haunted house, sea captains, nosy kids, and things that go bump in the night. This is the one where you tell around a campfire in the middle of the cornfield or a bunch of kiddos who believe anything you tell them. 

Both of these stories I found to be so good that it kept me wanting to turn page after page and I know younger kids would too. Afterall, the book was written for them to begin with. However, there were underlying jokes and puns sprinkled throughout that kid's probably would not get the references to, but I did! There was one joke/comment in there about the University of Phoenix that made me laugh so hard that I almost spit out the drink I had just took. I went to U.O.P. and several people I know have to and well, in some ways, the comment is true! Do you want to know what it said? Well, you know the drill, read the book! (Side note: U.O.P. and people who have gone there, don't get angry, it was all in fun.)

Overall, the author has yet again, another winner of a book and I look forward to many more of his new young reader's series in the near future. 

This book gets 5 pumpkins from me!

Disclosure: I received a copy from the author. The views expressed here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

About the author:

Steven Manchester is the author of the soul-awakening novel, The Menu; the #1 bestsellers Twelve Months, The Rockin' Chair, Pressed Pennies and Gooseberry Island; the national bestsellers, Ashes, The Changing Season and Three Shoeboxes; the multi-award winning novel, Goodnight Brian; and the beloved holiday podcast drama, The Thursday Night Club. His work has appeared on NBC's Today Show, CBS's The Early Show, CNN's American Morning and BET's Nightly News. Three of Steven's short stories were selected "101 Best" for Chicken Soup for the Soul series. He is a multi-produced playwright, as well as the winner of the 2017 Los Angeles Book Festival and the 2018 New York Book Festival. When not spending time with his beautiful wife, Paula, or their children, this Massachusetts author is promoting his works or writing. Visit:

Thursday, October 27, 2022

The Bone Master by Debbie Iancu-Haddad #Halloween #giveaway #bookseries #Fantasy #spotlight


Kaii Haku has lived his whole life in the shadow of his cruel father's magic.
Rebelling against his father- the Bone Master- by drinking and sleeping around was Kaii's main occupation for years.

But when one of his best friends is kidnapped by pirates, Kaii embarks on a perilous rescue mission with two retired pleasure house workers, a shy teen bookworm, and a feisty girl from the pirate crew.

The journey will take Kaii and his allies far from Achten Tan, to a sea ruled by dangerous conditions and ships that travel on the backs of monsters.

For the first time in his life, he has the power to make a difference, but if he wields his emerging bone magic to save the girl he loves, he risks losing himself and becoming like his father - a man who tried to kill him.

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Speechless in Achten Tan

Book 1 In The Sands of Achten Tan

Mila hasn't spoken in the five years since she became an Onra, a first-level Everfall witch. After failing the test to reclaim her voice and control her magic, her mentor sends eighteen-year-old Mila to Achten Tan–City of Dust–a dangerous desert town, built in the massive ribcage of an extinct leviathan.

To reclaim her power, Mila must steal a magical staff capable of releasing it, from Bone Master Opu Haku's sky-high lair.

Her only resources are the magical luminous elixirs of the cursed caverns where she grew up, and a band of unlikely allies; a quirky inventor, a giant-ant rider, a healer, a librarian's assistant, a Tar-tule rider, and the chief's playboy son.

But in the City of Bones, enemies & friends are not who they seem, and trusting the wrong person can be deadly.

If Mila fails, she will never speak again and her bones will be added to the desert.

This book includes a kick-ass tattooed witch who can't speak, giant ants, first-person present-tense narration, magic, banter, lots of innuendoes, and cute boys kissing.

**Don't miss the FREE prequels!!**

In the Heart of the Storm

A Prequel to the Bone Master

Get it FREE here!

Pirate in the Desert

An Achten Tan short story

Get it FREE here!

Debbie Iancu-Haddad is a Jewish Israeli author living in Meitar in the Negev Desert. Author of Speechless in Achten Tan a YA fantasy novel. And The Bone Master, forthcoming.

She spends her time taking part in Anthologies (seven to date with three more on the way), writing VSS on Twitter, and buying way too much stuff online. Her goal is to promote body positive characters and include characters dealing with physical challenges. #ownvoices

For her day job, she gives lectures on humor, laughter yoga workshops, and chocolate workshops, and sees how often she can make her two teenagers roll their eyes.


Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

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I Am Different, I Am Great by Melody Kiang #spotlight #giveaway #picture books #multicultural


Mei Mei loves school, but sometimes she feels a bit out of place. She speaks with an accent that makes her stand out from everyone else. When she tells Mommy her worries, Mei Mei finds that she's more that just her voice. She's made up of many wonderful parts - parts she should be proud of! Can Mei Mei find the good within and learn to love herself exactly as she is?

**Get 10% off from Bookbaby with code FF10**


Melody is a passionate Early Childhood Educator who has been working with young children for the past 12 years. She has been a Preschool teacher, Director, and a Co-founder of an Ed-tech company. Her own experiences as a second generation immigrant inspired her to write this story about some of the challenges children face.


Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

$10 Amazon

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The Bone People by Wally Runnels #Review #skeletons #horror #series

My review:

In the latest installment of Rocky's mercenary adventures, comes the tale of The Bone People. 

Rocky is hired to find a killer who has managed to rob the local Mexicali police. The man, Arango, is hiding among the Dead Truckers, a seemingly mythical and skeletal people. But who are they?

This job is one of the most dangerous Rocky faces as not only death, but the life of his good friend, Hector, awaits him. Rocky seems so raw at times like he is never going to do what he is going to do. However, he does because his loyalty for those he does for is unflailing. 

Can Rocky maneuver through the undead and play in Hell, with the powerful assistant to the master of the underworld, while wrestling with his own soul and the souls of others?

Ah, read this novella and find out all of those answers and more.

I really enoyed this latest installment from this author. His on-going stories about Rocky are often facinating. Just as you think you know Rocky, them BAM, the author throws the reader a loop. The book is rated as "horror" but truth is, it is not blood and guts but just enough thrill to keep you going. 

Awesome stand alone book within the series. 5 stars

Disclosure: I received an advanced copy of this book from the author. The views here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

Amazon  *   Website

Monday, October 24, 2022

Tome of the Vampire by Jason Goss #vampires #giveaway #Halloween#horror

Tome of the Vampire
Volume One
Jason Goss

Genre: Dark Fantasy, Gothic Horror, 
Post -Apocalyptic
Date of Publication: Aug 30,2022
Number of pages: 221
Word Count: 67k
Cover Artist: Jason Goss

Book Description: 

For over one thousand years after the world was nearly destroyed by the calamity known as Sinfall, the church has helped people recover.  The recovery and safety the church gave came at a steep cost.  Technology has been lost to the ages and banned by the church.  

The land is plagued by a terrible curse that threatens to wipe out all life, and the church has no idea how to stop it.  Until a chance encounter with a mentally unstable vampire offers an unlikely solution….

Tome of the Vampire is a dark fantasy story set in a post apocalyptic fantasy world filled with magic, dragons, and mystery surrounding the secrets the church has banned people from knowing, and what caused the calamity.  


It had been one thousand, four hundred eighty-one years since the calamity known as All Sins Fall, or Sinfall for short. And on this day, the vampire and his holy cleric accomplice are awaiting judgment by the Grand Inquisitor. Today is the day of reckoning.

The mighty steel doors of the keep slammed open in unison with the thunder strike outside, as a violent storm raged on. The dusk brought with it a storm so loud it was almost deafening. Two prisoners wrapped in starsilver chains were violently dragged into the keep towards the inner sanctum. The first, a young girl in her early twenties with long, dirty blonde hair, tied back and dripping wet. Loose, wet bangs covered her filthy face, hiding her green eyes. She was head to toe in regalia of the Knights of the Silver Star. Chain mail armor, wrapped in a silver star crested tunic. Her hands were bound behind her, and a chain clamped to her neck. The girl was aggressively dragged forward towards the Inquisitor.

Behind her followed the second prisoner. He was also bound in chains behind his back, with more chains tied to his neck, leading him forward. This prisoner stood out to the guards stationed along the inner sanctum hall. His pale face, white as marble, contrasted underneath his long jet black hair. His bright sapphire blue eyes were empty and limitless at the same time. It was like looking into a void that filled a person with both sadness and fear. The way he moved forward, led by the chain around his neck, still seemed unnatural and unnerving. Every step he took seemed effortless. He was dressed in a dark cloak with the hood down. Each step he took made the guards uneasy. This man was a vampire.

Vampires were not uncommon to the Knights of the Silver Star. The Order were responsible for waging war against such abominations. Dragons, demons, vampires, and other evil creatures were regularly hunted down and cleansed by the knights. What was shocking to the guard was to see one in the grand halls of the Silver Sanctum. Each guard gave the other an uneasy look, as they knew this was different. Something big was happening before them. Not to mention a member of the Order dragged along with him to answer before the Inquisitor.

A small set of stairs led to a sizeable and imposing limestone throne at the end of the hall. The chair's sculpted armrest was in the shape of an angel kneeling with its wings folded downwards to let you rest your hands on the angel's back between the shoulders. There were blindfolds covering the angel’s eyes. Down on all fours, they were clasping a sword stabbed in the ground beside them. The backrest of the mighty chair had two large wings spanning outward. They give the person sitting there an appearance of having majestic wings. The wings appeared inlaid with starsilver and gold. Upon the chair sat the Grand Inquisitor.

He sat on the throne, awaiting his prisoners’ arrival, looming over them as they approached. He was clad in thick starsilver armor. It looked almost decorative, if not for the battle-scarred dents in parts of it. The blemishes didn't detract from the practically holy glow it gave off. His shoulder pauldrons were shaped to look like griffons’ heads pointing outward, with its wings folding down in front and behind him on either shoulder. The Inquisitor’s chest plate was fashioned to look like that of a fierce lion's head. He had a blue and silver-lined cape flowing behind him. He was unarmed. His weapons were not far away, leaning against this throne. A massive silver Warhammer that looked heavier than the Inquisitor himself sat closest to him. Beside the hammer lay a large, two-handed great sword. Its decorations were hidden as a blue and silver cloak was draped over it.

As the prisoners got closer to the throne, the rain intensified outside. Thunder still crackled in the distance, as lightning flashes filled the room with bursts of light. The light glittered off all the silver decorations, armor, and weapons. The guards looked suspiciously at the vampire to see if the light bothered or hurt him. When he didn't react to the reflections of silver light, the guards collectively tightened the grip on their weapons, ready to strike should the moment call for it. The guards leading the prisoners pulled the chain forward and forced them on their knees.

"Alas, we have the infamous vampire, Alaric Caradoc." The Inquisitor smiled. "I expected an atrocity such as you to have put up a fight or resisted. The fact you have made no attempts to fight, kill or break free suggests you are up to something. Know that your words mean little to me, and you will most likely meet your end this night. And if you thought you could compel me with your neat little mesmerize trick... think again. I'm protected by the light of God and immune to such trickery. If you planned to attack from the inside... your plan has failed. Those silver chains will hold you while you die a quick and final death."

Alaric said nothing. He met the Inquisitor's gaze, the entire time without flinching. He appeared cold as stone. His marble-like skin didn't break a sweat or move.

"You can't kill him! We need his help!" interrupted the young female prisoner, as she tried to rise back to her feet. The guard behind her instinctively struck the back of her legs with his spear, knocking her back down.

"Silence, Yasmina! You are a traitor and a sinner. Conspiring with this creature condemns you to hell. I will end your suffering soon so that God himself can judge your sins. The only reason you still breathe is so I can find out the truth of what happened in the fires of Ghalat. Your mentor, Salazar, was a great hero and deserved to be honored. I will know what happened, and I will put you both to death."

"Not a compelling reason for us to give you answers," replied Alaric. "I expected the Grand Inquisitor to be a better negotiator. For fuck's sake, lie to us or something. Please, tell us if we help you, we may suffer less, or live or something. You sure this is your actual job?"

"Ric, let me handle this, please," said Yasmina in a nervous but stern tone.

"So you and this monster are on a nickname basis, eh? Does he call you Yas or perhaps Mina or something cute? You're nothing but a meal to him. I bet he calls you his little snack." replied the Inquisitor, laughing to himself. He expected more reaction to his sarcastic joke but got nothing.

"To answer your question... Ric, I don't need to lie. Lying is a sin, and men of God do not need to lower themselves to your level. You may not answer my questions honestly... but I will enjoy torturing you either way. And since Yasmina here seems to be fond of you, the more truthful she is, the swifter your death."

"I'm not fond of him," Mina interjected. "He is a monster. But he has information that could help us, and he has agreed to do so if we help him. When he has helped us, I will end his suffering myself."

The Inquisitor took a step towards her and firmly backhanded her to the ground.

"Idiot child," he explained, "we do not help or work with the cursed. Your mentor would be ashamed. Alaric is simply using you and attempting to poison your mind. The only way he can help us is to die in the light's fire. His soul is past redemption. And all that remains is to rid the foul curse from the land, so his sickness doesn't spread and corrupt any more lives."

Alaric tried to remain quiet, as Mina suggested. But he couldn't help himself.

"Do you even hear yourself speak? You sound like a brainwashed twit diddler. If your goal is to end corruption, and someone has a way to help you end it better or faster… doesn't it make sense to at least hear them out?" he asked.

"My goal is to kill you before you taint any more minds. Yasmina was Salazar's brightest pupil. You have corrupted her, and now I have to kill her. Now all I want is to learn his fate, then kill you before you pull off your plan to kill us. You don't fool me, cold one. I know you would kill us the second you get the chance."

The vampire finally showed a glimmer of emotion on his face, and he smiled at the Inquisitor's comments. He shook his head ever so slightly to clear the hair from his face so that the Inquisitor could see his face.

"Yes, and no. I could kill you if I wanted to, right here and now. But would I? It doesn't serve me to kill you all. But the vile plans you think I'm up to require your help. And in exchange... I will help you purge more evil than you could ever do on your own. I could teach you more about our weaknesses and lead you to them. I can help you," Alaric insisted.

The Inquisitor just laughed. He watched as Yasmina crawled up back to her knees, eagerly waiting to see his response. He looked back towards Alaric, still smiling in a smug, confident way.

"You should take your advice, cold one. Now, who is the shit negotiator? You have not provided me a compelling reason to hear you out. You are in silver chains and about to die. I hold the cards, and from where I stand, you are in no position to kill us all, as you claim. Frankly... your kind can't be trusted. Once I have my answers from Yasmina...I will put you to death. If she lies, it will be a drawn- out, painful death. If she doesn't lie, your death will be swift and painless... as will hers,"

Alaric's smile slowly faded to reveal his annoyance as the Inquisitor stubbornly refused him. He pulled his bound hands forward, breaking free of the silver manacles that bound his hands to his back, and quickly grabbed and broke the silver ring around his neck.

"Listen, you know fuck all about vampires. If I wanted you dead I'd have killed you and everyone in this tacky room already. Her included." he said as he pointed towards Mina, still shackled beside him.

The guards immediately drew all their weapons and pointed them at Alaric. The Inquisitor stepped back, reaching for his Warhammer behind him. His eyes locked on the vampire in disbelief at what he had just seen. He tried to hide his panic, but he couldn't. Silver was a weakness from all his experience and training with prior vampires. It should have stopped him from being able to use his unholy strength. Or any of his vampire powers. He knew each vampire's powers could differ significantly, but they had all been weak against Starsilver until now.

Alaric raised his arms high to show he wasn't about to attack. "Relax, I do not intend to fight you. Now lower your weapons before I change my mind," Alaric said.

All the guards looked to the Grand Inquisitor for direction. He nodded and raised a hand to indicate they could lower their weapons. He still grabbed his hammer and brought it in front of him, but left the hammer's head firmly on the ground before him.

Alaric thought it was comical that a man so devoted and sure of his God's protection would need to cling to his weapon, as if it were a comforting blanket a babe might need to fall asleep at night. But he decided not to mock the man, as he could see he might be making progress after all.

"Alright, vampire, you have my attention. We still have things to learn of your kind. You could have surprised attacked us at will, or at very least escaped with your life, yet didn't. I wouldn't be doing my job as Inquisitor if I didn't at least try to learn why."

"I know you have no reason to trust me, nor can I give you a compelling reason to. But so long as your knights don't attack me, I will spare them. I will also not attempt to flee till you have heard our proposition. After that, you may do as you wish,"

"And if I still wish to remove your head?" asked the Inquisitor.

"You are welcome to try," said the vampire, as his smile playfully returned, "but first, I suggest you at least listen to Mina's story of how we got here. And then I can explain how I may be able to help you. Besides, you wanted to learn of dear old Salazar's fate, didn't you?"

The Inquisitor looked annoyed, but the vampire was correct. He had questions he needed answers to—both for himself and the church.

"Fine. But we will take you to separate interrogation rooms, and I will uncover your scheme, vampire. And once I've learned all I need, we will sacrifice you to God."

About the Author:

Jason Goss is an aspiring Canadian author from London Ontario, and a self proclaimed nerd.  He enjoys pretty much anything sci fi or fantasy themed, and is a big fan of dark fantasy and grim dark stories. 
He would include Anne Rice and Jay Kristoff as his biggest influences for his writing.

In the past, Jason has wrote for various YouTube channels, screen plays, songs, and even short stories.  He has many stories he wishes to tell, spanning several genres. 

When he is not engaged in reading, writing or any of his several nerdy hobbies, he can often be found in the woods hiking with his rescued husky/shepard doggo. Or cuddled up with his two rescued cats binge watching a new show online.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Review: A Big Night In Booville by Slade Stone #Halloween #mummy #picturebooks #birthdays

This is a cute book that tells the tale of Wilson, the mummy who is ready for the "Big Day." Of course everyone knows that the day is Halloween. Or is it? Hmm...? Everyone seems to have forgotten that this may be something even BIGGER for Wilson.

I love the big bold characters that have come to "life" in this book. Each page made me smile. Even though this is considered a Halloween-ish book, the colors are muted bright colors and don't make the book gloomy. It is perfect for young and old alike to share.

Another plus for this book, is that it is not just a simple picture book but one that a little bit older kids can read to younger children. The more complex sentences are well put together for an overall good story. 

In addition the book lends itself to conversations parents can have with their children about a variety of topics: secrets, disappointments, fun, friends, birthdays, expectations. To me, this is quite the win for such a book.

This book gets 4 pumpkins from me.

Disclosure:I purchased a copy of this book for my own collections. The views presented here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Hilda McGilda: The Witch Who Was Too Pretty by Michele Verhoosky #review #witches #childrensfiction #Halloween

About the book:

Welcome to the wonderful, whimsical world of Hilda McGilda, where the ordinary turns extraordinary-every day. Hilda is not your run-of-the-mill heroine. Why among Dover Glen it was known she'd been a witch fifty years-multiplied then by ten! "Who cares how long it's been, dear Spook?" she asked her black cat as she thumbed through her book. "I've only reached spell 3003! There's still so much to learn, I'm sure you'll agree." Concocted by The Giggling Grammys, this zany picture storybook will delight young and old alike, especially those who enjoy tales of enchantment and fantasy. It revels in the joys of magic, friendship, and the freedom to be your authentic self while telling the tale of what happens when a spell goes horridly awry.

My review:

Written completely in rhyme, this book tells the tale of Hilda, the local witch, who has accidentally turned herself pretty. Throughout the story Hilda feels less and less herself and feels sad about it. Her friends try to help her but nothing seems to work until...

Well, of course I am not going to spoil the story more than I have to but let's just say, it is cute what makes her turn back and makes her feel better, it was a nice little twist.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. It certainly is not spooky but for a little Halloween fun, it will do. It is a great book for kids who can read fairly well and maybe even fun for the kid who likes to concoct "potions" or do science experiments. Note: The book is aimed for 4-8 year old's but I think it should be probably a little higher in age but not by much.

The illustrations are cartoon-ish and okay. They don't necessarily enhance the story as that is where the real winner for this book is. Cute book that  gets the point across of being yourself. 

I give the book 4 pumpkins.

Disclosure: I obtained this book from one of our local Little Free Libraries for my collections. The views here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

Friday, October 21, 2022

#Review: Dainty Damsels Coloring Book by J.N.Sheats #coloringbooks #Halloween


Dainty Damsels: Halloween Collection 2022
Dainty Damsels Coloring Books

Book Twelve
J.N. Sheats

Genre: Fantasy Coloring Books
Date of Publication: 09/04/2022
ISBN: 979-8849735702
Number of pages: 72
Cover Artist: J.N. Sheats

Book Description:

Spooky season is here and so are the Dainty Damsels with a new 30 page collection of illustrations by J.N. Sheats.


Grab your pens, pencils, and markers and get to coloring!

Amazon      Etsy


About the Author:

A creative mind trapped in a world of reality Jackie Sheats expresses herself in anyway that she can. From illustrating and writing to dancing like a mental patient while preparing dinner. Living in Maryland with her logic driven husband, their six cats, the dog, and a tank full of fish, Jackie spends her free time doing the backlog of housework. A movie junkie, video game addict, and lover of romance novels, she lives life under the idea that "if you don't know how to do something, go learn it!"




Example copyright to author

My review:

This is an adorable true coloring book. I say "true" because others that I have previously reviewed are books turned into coloring books. This one is ready to go with whatever tools you want to use.

All the pages are black and white and feature 1-3 cute characters ready for their Halloween debuts. There is even a familiar trio tucked into the pages but you know, my readers, you have to go get the coloring book to find out who. I am not going to spoil it!

I love this and it just adds to the fun of Halloween and I am all about that.

I give this one 5 pumpkins simply for its cuteness!

PS. She has several coloring books on the market. I may just have to go get me a few.

Disclosure: I received a digital copy of this book from the author. The views expressed here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

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Thursday, October 20, 2022

A Christmas Candy Killing by Christina Romeril #cozymystery #spotlight #giveaway


Cozy Mystery
1st in Series
The book is set in a fictional town, Harriston, Montana.
Crooked Lane Books (October 11, 2022)
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 304 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1639101667
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1639101665
Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09Q8JS9HV

Their chocolates are to die for—but things aren’t so sweet when a real killer comes to town, in this debut mystery perfect for fans of Joanne Fluke and Laura Childs.


Identical twin sisters Alex and Hannah are the owners of Murder and Mayhem, a mystery bookshop that sells their famous poison-themed Killer Chocolates. But now, there’s a real killer in their midst. Shortly before Christmas, their septuagenarian neighbor, Jane, confides to Alex that a murderer from a true-crime show has taken up residence in the village. Unfortunately, she’s also shared her suspicions with town gossip Netta. The next morning, Alex shows up at Jane’s house to watch the show, but instead discovers Jane’s body, with a box of Killer Chocolates nearby.


The sheriff quickly zeroes in on two suspects: Alex, a beneficiary in Jane’s will, and Zack, a handyman who was seen leaving the crime scene. But Alex maintains her innocence and sets out to draft a list of other potential suspects—townsfolk who’d recently been seen arguing with Jane.


When Alex gets hold of Jane’s journal, she begins to understand the truth. But a bearer of ill tidings is arriving early this year—and Alex just might not make it to Christmas.

About Christina Romeril

Christina Romeril loves to plot murders, especially by poisoning. When she’s not plotting how to kill one of her characters she’s coming up with ways to dispose of the body. Since writing her debut novel her husband’s friends have been regularly checking on his well-being.

Christina also loves to read, eat chocolates, and travel when she’s not in her she shed writing. She grew up in Southern Ontario and spent most of her summers in Muskoka swimming, boating, and generally getting into mischief. She’s lived on both coasts of Canada and has a love of being near the water and close to a forest. Thus, it makes perfect sense that she moved to the prairies of Southern Alberta over twenty years ago.

During the warmer months you’ll find her escaping to nearby Waterton Lakes National Park with her cooler stocked full of chocolate and pastries. Occasionally, the once avid hiker will even set out on one of the many hiking trails and hope she doesn’t run into a hungry bear. 

Christina is a member of Sisters in Crime and enjoys interacting on social media.

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