Saturday, September 7, 2024

#Review Jacob's Melody: Harmony in Autism by Jaqueline Diaz #childrensbooks #autism #music


Meet Jacob, an autistic friend who sees the world in his own way. Struggling to make friends, he discovers the power of music- and music therapy- with the help of a caring teacher. In the rhythm of challenges and quiet moments, Jacob finds his unique voice, proving that being different is extraordinary. 

My Review:

As a Noni (grandma) who has an non-verbal grandchild, I wanted to read this book. I certainly was not disappointed. 

We all have different abilities and seeing Jacob find his through music was simply special. Music therapy is a great way to communicate and not needing a "language" to do so.  

I also loved seeing a teacher with patience and perseverance to help Jacob find his voice and feel welcome in what would be a lonely world for him.

This book included a guide which was a nice addition to the book.

I give this book 4 stars.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the author. The views here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

Where to find the author:



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