Monday, July 29, 2019

#Spotlight & #Giveaway: Matt's Swirly World by Madeleine Matthews @madelnematthews @iReadBookTours #childrensbooks #kidlit #kidlitart #giveaway

Meet the Author:    

Aspiring contemporary ballerina, commercial poet, grateful wife and mother. Certified Life Coach, BA Finance, MA Statistics ( don't judge, I was young ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ), now IT Product Manager. When I was pregnant with my now 3 y/o boy, I was worried of how I can raise my child to cope in a world of bullying, peer pressure, substance abuse, screen time etc. My husband told me that if we want our son to thrive in this world, all we need to do is build his self-confidence & firm limits. So that's how I started reading parenting books, and read a lot. I read tons of books on the latest research discoveries in interpersonal biology and brain development. I love anything that Daniel J Siegel ever wrote. I am also a fan of "How to talk so kids would listen" by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish.

For "Matt's swirly world," I worked with a psychologist who specialized in child development and attachment parenting. That's because, I am above all, convinced of the immense potential every child has and their absolute innocence. I know from experience that raising kids can often feel quite differently, and challenging. I am convinced that the way to turn that potential into peaceful family lives and well balanced kids - is both intuition and science (and patience). Being emotionally available as a parent, being present for them and for yourself, to keep your own emotional highs & lows in check. Because they are good at triggering us, aren't they? When I was 8, I had no money to buy my mother gifts; I really wanted to create joy in her heart, so I started dedicating poems to her. That's what got me started writing.

Connect with the author:    Website  ~ Facebook  

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Saturday, July 27, 2019

Down the # TBRHole...Cleaning Up MY TBR Pile Week 3

Hi, I am back for round three (for me) with Cleaning Up My TBR List. This is a weekly fun book linky hosted by Lisa Loves Literature. The title speaks for itself but here is how it works:

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopsis of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go

Note: Since I have reviewed many children's books and have grandkids to read to, I had listed a ton of books on the TBR list. For whatever reason, they looked interesting and I thought eventually I would read to them. 

However, over time and distance, that has not happened. Also, I have received so many to review over the years that I simply just did not get to these, never came across a copy, or did not get to review. I do hope to receive some more physical copies in the near future.

So, this week, I deleted a ton of books off my TBR. It is not that I won't read them or possibly even review them, it is just they don't need to be on the list until I do (or don't). I always prefer physical copies of books. 

The following list is what I removed. These were listed in 2012.
  1. How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food
  2. When Sophie Gets Really Really Angry
  3. Giraffes Can't Dance
  4. If You Take A Mouse To A Movie   (I have several in this series. I think I bought this one.)
  5. Dooby Dooby Moo (No longer interesting)
  6. Bear Wants More  (No longer interesting)
  7. Monkey And Me  (No longer interesting)
  8. Hand Hand Finger Thumb  (Again, I have many Dr. Seuss books. I can always add again.)
  9. If You Take A Mouse To School (Same as No. 4)
  10. First Day Jitters  (Past the age for this book)
I am sure I will have more as the weeks go by.  Here are 5 more all from the 2012 list I considered this week.

In this lively and compelling account, Rubin chronicles her adventures during the twelve months she spent test-driving the wisdom of the ages, current scientific research, and lessons from popular culture about how to be happier. Among other things, she found that novelty and challenge are powerful sources of happiness; that money can help buy happiness, when spent wisely; that outer order contributes to inner calm; and that the very smallest of changes can make the biggest difference.

My thoughts:
Whew, dang that is a long title! Although being happy intrigues me, this is apparently book one. That alone does not make me happy. There have been a bunch of books written on being happy and right now, I am working on being my happiest life, which includes decluttering and cleaning out my TBR pile. ;)
Verdict: Toss

2. Wicked

Wicked is about a land where animals talk and strive to be treated like first-class citizens, Munchkinlanders seek the comfort of middle-class stability, and the Tin Man becomes a victim of domestic violence. And then there is the little green-skinned girl named Elphaba, who will grow up to become the infamous Wicked Witch of the West, a smart, prickly, and misunderstood creature who challenges all our preconceived notions about the nature of good and evil.

An astonishingly rich re-creation of the land of Oz, this book retells the story of Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the West, who wasn't so wicked after all. Taking readers past the yellow brick road and into a phantasmagoric world rich with imagination and allegory, Gregory Maguire just might change the reputation of one of the most sinister characters in literature.

My thoughts:
At the time that I added this to the list, Wicked was revving up as a fantastic play adaptation. I was excited about this one and wanted to read the book before I saw the play. I also am a huge fan of "The Wizard of Oz".
Unfortunately, time has passed and I never saw the play or even got to the book. I imagine at some point I will read it but for now, I have lost interest. This is a so-so for me but I think My verdict comes to this.

Verdict: Toss

 F. Scott Fitzgerald's third book, stands as the supreme achievement of his career. This exemplary novel of the Jazz Age has been acclaimed by generations of readers. The story is of the fabulously wealthy Jay Gatsby and his new love for the beautiful Daisy Buchanan, of lavish parties on Long Island at a time when The New York Times noted "gin was the national drink and sex the national obsession," it is an exquisitely crafted tale of America in the 1920s.

My thoughts:
This is one of the classics that amazingly, I have never read. I have made it a goal to read many of the known classics if not all of them. I put this one on the list because it was not an assignment book back when I was in school. Therefore, I want to read it. Hmm...maybe I should attempt to at least get this one done before the end of the year. I am going to make it happen!
Verdict: Keep

Sisters of the last Straw is the story of a group of misfit nuns who solve little mysteries. It is comical - containing lots of slapstick and pratfalls. While is is entertaining it teaches the Gospel lesson of tolerance and the need to help others. Written for children at a 3-5 grade level, it has delighted younger children who like being read to. This is the first of a series of books involving the nuns and their adventures.

My thoughts:
I attended Catholic schools the majority of my life. The nuns I encountered were mostly friendly but nothing like the nuns described here...well, except for one who said we could bribe her with Snickers...but I digress. Since, I think sisters in habit are someone hysterical anyway, and I love a good mystery, I am quite sure I will love this book series. 

This is a kid series and so I will enjoy this with my grandchild of this age level. 
Verdict: Keep

Harriet Vanger, a scion of one of Sweden’s wealthiest families disappeared over forty years ago. All these years later, her aged uncle continues to seek the truth. He hires Mikael Blomkvist, a crusading journalist recently trapped by a libel conviction, to investigate. He is aided by the pierced and tattooed punk prodigy Lisbeth Salander. Together they tap into a vein of unfathomable iniquity and astonishing corruption.

My thoughts:
Back in 2012 this book was hot, hot, hot and I managed to secure myself a copy from a thrift store. As with many of my TBR books, it was put on a shelf to read later. In or around 2015, I had to abruptly move but this book came with me. It sat for yet another year and eventually, unread, was sent back to a thrift store. Why I never read it, I am not sure.  Since I never read the physical book, I am going to take this one off of my list from 2012. Maybe in the future, I may pick it up again and read it.
Verdict: Toss

Final thoughts: 
Well, it seems I tossed more than I kept this time. As I said at the beginning of this long post (thanks for sticking with me), many of the books are children's books. I did not toss  but 10 this week but I am sure there will be more as I am still not out of 2012.

I did add two shelves to my Goodreads which is pirate books and dino books. I have grandkids that are still young and one of them is a dino crazed child. Moving them helps the list.  So, now I am at 719.

What do you think? Should I have kept some of those tossed? Make sure to go over to Lisa's.

Happy reading,

Friday, July 26, 2019

No Pit So Deep by James Nathaniel Miller II #review #ChristianFiction #thriller


Cody is a professional athlete and a decorated US Marine haunted by a dark military past. Brandi is a gutsy investigative journalist and single mom who has exposed a child-trafficking ring. When terrorists attempt to abduct her at a public theater, Cody, a stranger, saves her, but the violent incident unlocks the malignant demons of Cody's past.

˃˃˃ Is There A Pit So Deep That Even God Can't Find You?

Cody and Brandi are now forced to play a deadly game of hide-n-seek with the syndicate. Cody protects Brandi and her three-year-old daughter, but Brandi risks her life to learn the truth about the Afghanistan incident which plunged Cody into his deep mental abyss. Was there a cover-up?

My review:
 This is one of those books where you have to take a breath from it ever-so-often. I couldn't put the book down until I read every heart wrenching word.

The books over the top characters and the seemingly horrible events that surround them in a week's time make the book almost improbable. Yet, even though a work of fiction, the events are somewhat based on truth. That itself has blown me away and again left me breathless.

Intertwined in the story is a tale of children who are trafficked for unspeakable things that no child should ever endure. This is a story of rescuing the children. This is also a story of forgiveness.

A story where God is all forgiving, even for the most awful of things and can turn you for a redemptive life full of love and goodness.

Note: I do caution readers of triggers which include a near rape scene, violence, and murder.

In any case this book is well written and deserves the 4 stars I have given it.

Disclosure: I was given a Kindle copy of this book for review from the author. The review here is 100% my own opinions and may differ from yours. -Michelle

Where to find the author:

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

#Review & #Giveaway: Swing by Five Book Blog Tour by Kwame Alexander with Mary Rand Hess #BLINKSummerReading19 #YA #poetry@KwameAlexander @theffbc

Things usually do not go as planned for seventeen-year-old Noah. He and his best friend, Walt(aka Swing), have been cut from the high school baseball team for the third year in a row, and it looks like Noah’s love interest since third grade, Sam, will never take it past the “best friend”zone. Noah would love to retire his bat and accept the status quo, but Walt has big plans for them both, which include making the best baseball comeback ever, getting the girl, and finally finding cool. To go from lovelorn to ladies’ men, Walt introduces Noah toa relationship guruhis DairyQueen-employed cousin, Floydand the always informative Woohoo Woman Podcast. Noah is reluctant, but decides fate may be intervening when he discovers more than just his mom’s birthday gift at the thrift shop. Inside the vintage Keepall is a gold mine of love letters from the1960s. Walt is sure these letters and the podcasts are just what Noah needs to communicate his true feelings to Sam. To Noah, the letters are more: an initiation to the curious rhythms of love and jazz, as well as a way for him and Walt to embrace their own kind of cool. While Walt is hitting balls out of the park and catching the eye of the baseball coach, Noah composes anonymous love letters to Sam in an attempt to write his way into her heart. But as things are looking up for Noah and Walt, a chain of events alters everything Noah knows to be true about love, friendship, sacrifice, and fate.

My review:
Author, Kwame Alexander, takes on some tough issues happening even as I write this review. The issues of teen angst, race relations, prejudices, and police brutality are all addressed in this book.
He also writes about hope and dreams as the main characters Walt and Noah navigate through life.

As I began to read, I enjoyed the way the book was put together. This book is an interesting YA book as it was all written in loose prose and the chapters outlined in poetic titles that made sense. The book also shuttled me back, that is somewhat, to my own high school days.

The subject matter was easy to follow along with but at times hard to take, as again, the same issues are happening today. Walt aka Swing who embraced and chose to have a, "Hug Life" instead of a hateful manner was a delightful character who's friendship with Noah was outstanding. 

I saw myself as having a friend in Walt. But I saw also how privilege can be. The two obviously lived very different kinds of life that would ultimately end in me crying at the end of the book. I won't tell you my dear readers but I will say this, I was truly devastated in what happened.

Overall, this book is 4 stars for me. I look forward to reading more books from this author.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the author. The review here is 100% my own opinions and may differ from yours.

Where to find the author:

Kwame Alexander is a poet, educator, and New York Times Bestselling author of 21 books, including THE CROSSOVER, which received the 2015 John Newbery Medal for the Most Distinguished Contribution to American literature for Children, the Coretta Scott King Author Award Honor, The NCTE Charlotte Huck Honor, the Lee Bennett Hopkins Poetry Award, and the Passaic Poetry Prize. Kwame writes for children of all ages. His other works include SURF'S UP, a picture book; BOOKED, a middle grade novel; and He Said She Said, a YA novel.

Kwame believes that poetry can change the world, and he uses it to inspire and empower young people through his PAGE TO STAGE Writing and Publishing Program released by Scholastic. A regular speaker at colleges and conferences in the U.S., he also travels the world planting seeds of literary love (Singapore, Brazil, Italy, France, Shanghai, etc.). Recently, Alexander led a delegation of 20 writers and activists to Ghana, where they delivered books, built a library, and provided literacy professional development to 300 teachers, as a part of LEAP for Ghana, an International literacy program he co-founded.


Mary Rand Hess is a poet, screenwriter, mixed-media artist, and New York Times bestselling author of notable and award-winning books such as Solo and Swing(Blink YA), coauthored with Newbery Medalist Kwame Alexander, Animal Ark: Celebrating Our Wild World in Poetry and Pictures (National Geographic Children’s Books), also coauthored with Kwame Alexander and Deanna Nikaido, Little Larry Goes to School (National Geographic Children’s Books), written with renowned photographer and filmmaker, Gerry Ellis, and the forthcoming picture book, The One and Only Wolfgang: From Pet Rescue to One Big Happy Family, coauthored with Steve Greig of @wolfgang2242 Instagram fame. She is currently at work on a few novels in verse, picture books, and screenplays.

Schedule Can Be Found HERE

Michelle from Reading Authors is not responsible for the giveaway. Prize distribution is by Blink Summer Reading Tours. Please refer to them for further rules and regulations.

Prize: 5 BLINK Summer Reading Tour Book Bundles (A Touch of Gold, Meet the Sky, No Place Like Here, Pretty In Punxsutawney, and Swing by Kwame Alexander) (USA) Starts: 7/22/19 Ends: 8/9/19 

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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Catch Me If You Can :The True Story of A Real Fake by Frank Abagnale #Review #nonfiction #memoir

SynopsisI stole every nickel and blew it on fine threads, luxurious lodgings, fantastic foxes and other sensual goodies. I partied in every capital in Europe and basked on all the world's most famous beaches'. Frank W Abagnale, alias Frank Williams, Robert Conrad, Frank Adams and Ringo Monjo, was one of the most daring con men, forgers, imposters and escape artists in history.

My review: Before this became a box office hit, there was the book. This book is simply about a teenager who took a wrong turn at Brooklyn and became an internationally wanted man.  As simple as that sounds, the author, Frank Abagnale, was anything but simple.  

One would think being a high school drop out he would have bungled his 5-year chosen "career" somewhere along the way. No, what he did some would say he was brilliant. If he didn't know something, then he studied until he did, managing to alluding authorities around the world and conning banks, and others along the way.

His story is so incredible that it almost seems contrived and yet, it isn't.  As a reader, I almost got swept away in his adventures forgetting that he truly was a con-man. I could see how people got caught up in his smoothness that allowed him to live such a life.  What is even more incredible is how he ended up living a good life in true formidable form. 

I think in truth, Frank Abagnale would still live that life if he had not gotten caught.  Had he not met people that believed he could be redeemed. He even mentions them as admirable in his book. 
He writes as someone who enjoyed every single moment sans moments of anxiety. 

As I have seen the movie and now read the book, I have to say the book is better. The book delves into details that were left out in the movie including his horrible stay in a French prison and his romances with many more airline personnel. The book also provides Q &A with the author and his thoughts on the movie.

This is by far a 5 star book.

Disclosure:I purchased a copy of this book for my own collections. the views here are 100% my own and may differ from yours.

Where to find the author: 


Saturday, July 20, 2019

Cleaning Up My TBR With a #Giveaway (US Only) - Down the # TBRHole

Hi, I back for round two (for me) with Cleaning Up My TBR List. This is a weekly fun book linky hosted by Lisa Loves Literature. The title speaks for itself but here is how it works:

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go

1.Curvy Yoga: Love Yourself & Your Body A Little More Each Day

Synopsis: Have you wanted to try yoga but wondered if it was for you? Or perhaps you were uncertain whether you could carry out the poses? As the creator of a body-affirming yoga phenomenon that embraces people of all shapes and sizes, Anna Guest-Jelley has written an encouraging book that is about to become your go-to resource. In Curvy Yoga®, she shares stories about body shaming with poignancy and even sometimes with humor. Guest-Jelley also reveals how things started to change once she found yoga—the last thing the self-declared non-athlete ever thought was possible. In addition, Guest-Jelley shares how yoga can help you connect with your body and why accepting your body doesn’t mean giving up on it. Finally, in the appendix, she presents a series of pose instructions and options to make yoga work for your body—not the other way around.

My thoughts: This book has actually been sitting on my TBR shelf here at my home. I bought it from a thrift store thinking that I would actually take up yoga. She intrigued me since she was not your typical "yoga" looking gal.  Bottom line, the book has not been really picked up since I bought it but yoga is still on my mind. I have other books.

Verdict: Toss/giveaway

2. Yawning Yoga

Synopsis: A beautiful bedtime routine for yogis of any age!

Starting with a gentle Om, Yawning Yoga's simple instructions, gorgeous illustrations, and soothing poetry guide readers through a relaxing routine to end the day. Thoughtful poems depict a series of step-by-step yoga poses. Each of the poses is accompanied by its Sanskrit name, adding to the layers of learning.

Written by a specialist in yoga for children, this lovely introduction to the elements of yoga practice―including stretching, posture, and breath work―will help children and their caring adults ready their bodies for a restful sleep.

My thoughts: Yes, another yoga book but this one is for children and seems to be an interesting way for children and adults get into the practice of yoga. I love this cover too. I think I will read this one with my granddaughter when I go visit her next month. Maybe she will get me motivated.

Verdict: Keep

3. The Mystic Princesses and the Whirlpool

Synopsis:  When the Children of Ares nearly kidnap Princess Harmonie in New York her brother Eros moves her to Hawaii, where she meets her new protectors the Mystic Princesses. The princesses are the daughters of the elemental gods and goddesses who learn they have inherited elemental powers. They learn to use their skills while playing in Hawaii. Catie turns the princesses into birds, and they soar up into the clouds and creates rainbow water slides for them to glide down to the ocean after turning them back into girls. They learn these and other powers are to be used to protect Princess Harmonie from her siblings, the Children of Ares, who want to fight and cause wars. 

My thoughts: I am not sure how this book even got on my TBR list. I imagine it is because it said something like, "if you like the Goddess Girls or Amelia Bedelia..." both series of which I do like. However, this one, not so much. Rainbow water slides and turning into birds...yeah, I don't think so.

Verdict: Toss

4. Breaking Stalin's Nose

Synopsis: One of Horn Book's Best Fiction Books of 2011

Sasha Zaichik has known the laws of the Soviet Young Pioneers since the age of six:
The Young Pioneer is devoted to Comrade Stalin, the Communist Party, and Communism.
A Young Pioneer is a reliable comrade and always acts according to conscience.
A Young Pioneer has a right to criticize shortcomings.
But now that it is finally time to join the Young Pioneers, the day Sasha has awaited for so long, everything seems to go awry. He breaks a classmate's glasses with a snowball. He accidentally damages a bust of Stalin in the school hallway. And worst of all, his father, the best Communist he knows, was arrested just last night.

This moving story of a ten-year-old boy's world shattering is masterful in its simplicity, powerful in its message, and heartbreaking in its plausibility.

My thoughts: I most likely added this to my TBR pile because it was a Newbery Award winner. At one point in time,  I was collecting and reading only Newbery's or Caldecott's.  The problem here is that this one has been on my TBR list since 2012 and I have not picked it up. I am not that enthralled with it to keep it and pretty sure if I wanted to in the future, I could just add it again.

Verdict: Toss

5. Henry's Freedom Box

Synopsis: A stirring, dramatic story of a slave who mails himself to freedom by a Jane Addams Peace Award-winning author and a Coretta Scott King Award-winning artist.

Henry Brown doesn't know how old he is. Nobody keeps records of slaves' birthdays. All the time he dreams about freedom, but that dream seems farther away than ever when he is torn from his family and put to work in a warehouse. Henry grows up and marries, but he is again devastated when his family is sold at the slave market. Then one day, as he lifts a crate at the warehouse, he knows exactly what he must do: He will mail himself to the North. After an arduous journey in the crate, Henry finally has a birthday -- his first day of freedom.

My thoughts: I have always been fascinated with history. The underground railroads, the Freedom Train Riders and much much more. This nonfiction book peaks my interest as well. I like hearing stories of all walks of life. Although, terrible things have been done in my country's history, it is still that HISTORY and it needs to be told. Children of all ages need to know and to learn. I am always learning and that is why I keep adding the books.

Verdict: Keep

Final Thoughts: Well, all of these books are from my 2012 add with the exception of the first book. It looks like I tossed more than I kept this week but that is okay by me. What are your thoughts on these? Tell me in a comment.

Giveaway & Rules: This week I decided to giveaway a book that I own. It is called, The Rock Maiden. I read this book as part of the Multicultural Book Day that I am a part of every year. You can read my REVIEW HERE and also about this particular day.

This giveaway is only for the book mentioned and I am responsible for sending the book to the winner. The giveaway will be from 7/20/19 through 7/27/19. This is only open to U.S. participants.
The first entry will be collected only to contact you if you are the winner. You must reply within 48 hours or another winner will be drawn. It will not be kept in any fashion after the giveaway is over. It also does not solely constitute you a win by that entry. You must enter at least one other entry. All entries will be verified.

Happy reading,

Monday, July 15, 2019

Down The TBR Hole... #meme #TBRHole #Books #Goodreads

I found this fun meme/game from blogger and avid book reader, Lisa Loves Literature. I thought I would play along. You can too if you want.

This meme was started by Lost in a Story and picked up by Lisa.This is her 30th installment, my first.

Here is how it works:
  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopsis of the books
  • Decide: keep it or toss it 

I have 735 books on the TBR pile as of this writing. Since this is the first time I have done this, I am only going to do the first 5. I might do more next week.

Here we go...

1. Official Book Club Selection: A Memoir According to Kathy Griffin

Synopsis: Official Book Club Selection is Kathy Griffin unplugged, uncensored, and unafraid to dish about what really happens on the road, away from the cameras, and at the star party after the show.
 Writing with her trademark wit, the feisty comic settles a few old scores, celebrates the friends and mentors who helped her claw her way to the top, and shares insider gossip about celebrity behavior–the good, the bad, and the very ugly. She recounts the crazy ups and downs of her own career and introduces us to some of the super talented people she encountered before they got famous (or, in some cases, after fame went to their heads).

My thoughts: She annoys me so much that I am not sure why I ever thought I would read her book.

Verdict: Toss

2. I Am Ozzy

SynopsisThey've said some crazy things about me over the I am: ready to tell my story, in my own words, for the first time.It haunts me, all this crazy stuff. Every day of my life has been an event... A lot of it ain't gonna be pretty. I've done some bad things in my time. I've always been drawn to the dark side, me. But I ain't the devil. I'm just John Osbourne: a working-class kid from Aston, who quit his job in the factory and went looking for a good time.

My thoughts: I used to watch his show for awhile with Sharon. Then it just got gross. Ozzy may be sober and clean now but he is still one messed up dude. I don't need to read about him.

Verdict: Toss

3. Then Again

Synopsis: Mom loved adages, quotes, slogans. There were always little reminders pasted on the kitchen wall. For example, the word THINK. I found THINK thumbtacked on a bulletin board in her darkroom. I saw it Scotch-taped on a pencil box she’d collaged. I even found a pamphlet titled THINK on her bedside table. Mom liked to THINK.

So begins Diane Keaton’s unforgettable memoir about her mother and herself. In it you will meet the woman known to tens of millions as Annie Hall, but you will also meet, and fall in love with, her mother, the loving, complicated, always-thinking Dorothy Hall. To write about herself, Diane realized she had to write about her mother, too, and how their bond came to define both their lives. In a remarkable act of creation, Diane not only reveals herself to us, she also lets us meet in intimate detail her mother. Over the course of her life, Dorothy kept eighty-five journals—literally thousands of pages—in which she wrote about her marriage, her children, and, most probingly, herself. Dorothy also recorded memorable stories about Diane’s grandparents. Diane has sorted through these pages to paint an unflinching portrait of her mother—a woman restless with intellectual and creative energy, struggling to find an outlet for her talents—as well as her entire family, recounting a story that spans four generations and nearly a hundred years.

More than the autobiography of a legendary actress, Then Again is a book about a very American family with very American dreams. Diane will remind you of yourself, and her bonds with her family will remind you of your own relationships with those you love the most.

My thoughts: What is not to love about Diane Keaton. It seems she writes lovingly about herself and he mom.  This one I still want to read for sure.

Verdict: Keep

4. Growing Up Amish

Synopsis: Ira Wagler was born in 1961, the ninth of a Canadian Amish couple's eleven children. At seventeen, in the dark of night, he left the religious settlement, but it was only nine years later that he finally left the church for good. His favorite Bible verse is from Psalm 34: "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." In this new memoir, he tells what it was like growing up Old World Amish and what it felt like leaving it for a strange new world. Far more than picturesque; Growing Up Amish conveys one man's heartfelt experience. 

My thoughts: I am always fascinated by other religions or ways of life. The Amish have intrigued me since I was a child.  I first saw a family back in 1976 and have always wanted to know more about their life. This is an insiders look and will still cause me curiosity.

Verdict: Keep

5. What Do People Do All Day?

Synopsis: An illustrated panorama of the animals of Busytown at work, describing the occupations and activities of many of her citizens through detailed drawings with labels indicating processes and equipment used as they perform their jobs.

My thoughts: I love Richard Scarry books for children. However, I think I would rather pick this one up from the library or purchase a hard copy to read to my young grandkids. We could point and read all day.

Verdict: Toss

Final Thoughts:
So, I only kept two of the five. I find it interesting that two of the three I tossed are memoirs. I do love that genre but since I have had them on my list since 2012, it is not likely that I will ever read them. Besides, I am just not as interested in those anymore. 

Check out my TBR list next week.
Happy reading!