The Purple Haze (The Western Lands and All That Really Matters Book 1) Being a princess is hard. Especially when you're just a little OCD. And your twin goes missing. Sure, Princess Eloise is Futur#e Ruler and Heir to the Western Lands and All That Really Matters. And yes, her life is structured by Protocol and full of little "habits" that help her get through the day. But none of that matters when her twin sister disappears. Eloise has to suck it up to try and get her back. She sets out with her champion (a nervous, yammering chipmunk), her guard (the human incarnation of rectitude), and two horses (one an equine perfection, the other on a vow of silence). Like a kind of fantasy-world Gilligan's Island meets Discworld, a quick little two-day jaunt turns into traipsing across realms. sniffing out a trail that is getting colder by the minute. The Purple Haze is a humorous novel set in a world of weak magic, talking animals, and wäÿ töö mänÿ ümläüts. If you like quirky, clever characters, lively dialog, and fun, ripping yarns, then you'll love this fabulous debut novel from Andrew Einspruch
Get The Purple Haze today and dive into the freshest fantasy series in years. ON Sale for $.99
The Star of Whatever (The Western Lands and All That Really Matters Book 2)
The slightly OCD princess was doing just fine, thanks.
Then she got thrown to her death.
That might have put a crimp in things.
Princess Eloise, Future Ruler and Heir to the Western Lands and All That Really Matters, swallowed back her "habits" and went after her missing twin sister.
She found her.
And then they both got chucked into the mysterious, magical, deadly Purple Haze.
Less awesome!
While her champion (a nervous, yammering chipmunk) and her guard (the human incarnation of rectitude) rot in prison and her two horses desperately try to find some way to help, Eloise and her sister go deeper into the Purple Haze to discover the source of the inner tug they both feel.
The Star of Whatever (book two of The Western Lands and All That Really Matters series) is a humorous, Discworld-ish novel set in a world of weak magic, talking animals, and wäÿ töö mänÿ ümläüts. If you like quirky, clever characters, lively dialog, and fun, ripping yarns, then you'll love this fabulous second novel from Andrew Einspruch.
Get The Star of Whatever today, and dive into the freshest fantasy series in years. Get this new release on Amazon also available in Kindle Unlimited
Andrew Einspruch is the author of the humorous YA fantasy series The Western Lands and All That Really Matters. He's also had more than 120 children's books published, both fiction and non-fiction, that have sold around the world. Starting with the four-book "Dunkin' Dazza" series in the 1990s, Andrew's work has covered everything from basketball to DNA, biographies to histories to mysteries, outback heroes to Christmas Island red crabs, and from how the rides work at amusement parks to how the Australian Government works (perhaps the greatest mystery of all). Andrew is the co-founder of the not-for-profit charity the Deep Peace Trust, which fosters deep peace for all species. Based in rural New South Wales, Andrew, Billie and their adult daughter Tamsin run the Trust's A Place of Peace, one of Australia's largest farm animal sanctuaries. The cows, sheep, horses, goats, dogs, cats, and geese, as well as local wildlife including kangaroos, wombats, and cockatoos, are a constant source of inspiration. If you ask, he'll deny he ever programmed in COBOL for a bank.
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