You surely have heard the phrase, "It's a dog's life" or other dog related phrases to describe how well treated some dogs can be. Well, in the case of one Pekingese breed dog that is an understatement.
Enters Miss Pearl Essence otherwise known as Diva Pearl, Miss Pearl or just plain Pearl.
Pearl is a real dog champion that won several awards including Best In Show and two time best of opposite sex for the breed.
Pearl steps out of retirement after seven year to become the magazine cover for Orient Express in 2012 but to also have her very own book entitled, Diva Pearl the Pekingese which included a CD of two songs and video written just for her. Would you believe she has her own web page and Facebook page too. A diva just has to have her things.
Upon reading the book "written" in Pearl's voice, with the help of her human, Vicki Gattuso, the reader learns a little tidbit about how the Pekingese were bred in China and how they became worshipped. Most of all the reader follows along with Pearl in her journey from birth, becoming a champion, becoming a mother, retirement and her comeback gigs after showbiz.
With over 57 pages of photos with Pearl in all her diva-ness which includes family and friends, one simply cannot get enough of her.
Overall, I thought the book was cute and certainly over the top for a dog. However, kids and dog lovers alike will certainly like this book.
The photos are bright and fun. This is no ordinary dog as her awards and life attests to.
The book is classified as a picture book due to the amount of photos in the book so, a really young child as young as 1 year old up to 8 will love this.
The only thing I found to be cheesy about this was the included CD. To me, it really leant nothing to the book other than being a little bonus for those who would purchase the book. Frankly, I do not get the writing of two songs to a Champion Pekingese. Maybe though, that is just me.
I give this book: 3 Stars.
~Naila Moon
PS. In Diva Pearl's book insert of information, there was a card that said she was available for movie rolls, just in case anyone is interested.
Where to find the author, Miss Pearl and her human pet, Vicki Gattuso:
Pearl's Website
Pearl's Facebook
Disclosure: I received a free copy of the book and CD for my open and honest review. The words expressed here are 100% my own.
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