Fearless Flossy, a mighty great white shark, has a secret—she’s terrified of going to the dentist. Dr. Dribble, the big-hearted dolphin dentist, has a jaw-dropping fear of his own, and a strict “No Sharks Allowed” policy. When Fearless Flossy makes an unannounced visit to Dr. Dribble’s office, it’s the start of an underwater adventure like no other! This ‘fin-tastic’ story is a must-read for kids and parents alike. Young readers will be immersed in a tale of courage, compassion, and conquering fear, while giggling and cheering for these unlikely friends along the way.Dive in with a big Biff Bam Booza smile.
My review:Take out your toothbrushes and your floss! The gentle dentist is in town...um, under the sea, to take care of a great-white sharks teeth problem. However, this shark queen is terribly afraid of dentist as much as he is afraid of her. What to do?
This well done picture book tells the tale of not only what happens but the main idea to be kind. Children reading this book can get the concept of kindness to others even if possibly being afraid. Of course the other main idea here is to take care of one's teeth as it is a part of overall health of the body. This may mean to face fears, as many people do have fear of the dentist.
I love this story coupled with the larger than life pictures and it was well put together. I loved the word usage too, some funny, some made up. SUPER-ATROCIOUS-HALITOSIS-ITIS is my favorite!
I was swept out to see as the story unfolded. This book deserves the 5 stars I am giving it.
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book. The views here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle, Reading Authors Network
View all my reviews
Win the Biff Bam Booza Collection! War at the Ice Cream Store, Rocket Red, Chocolate Space Bunnies, The Prickly Problem, and The Dolphin Dentist: 5 Books in all! (one winner) (USA only) (ends Dec 15)
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