Monday, August 29, 2022

The Girl From St. Petersburgh by Joyana Peters #Spotlight #giveaway #Historicalfiction #bookseries

The Girl From Saint Petersburg
An Industrial Historical Fiction Series

Publisher: Amaryllis Press
Date of Publication: July 25th, 2022
ISBN: 978-1736937327
Number of pages: 122 pages
Cover Artist: Domini Dragoone

"Sacrifice, Starvation and Survival. What will she do to stay alive?"

Book Description: 

Russia, 1905: Thirteen-year-old Ruth dreams of growing up to marry the boy next door and living peacefully ever after. But when he and her father are forced to flee to America after the Bloody Sunday Massacre, Ruth and the other female members of the family are left behind amid the violence and chaos of revolutionary Russia. Overcoming violence and hunger with a strength she never knew she possessed, Ruth resolves to do what it takes to keep her mother and sister alive—whether it be work, beg or steal.

Then she lands herself in a predicament that threatens to put her own neck in a noose. This time she may not be able to keep them all safe, at least not without sacrificing their love for her and all that makes life worth living.

In this prequel to the award-winning novel, The Girl in the Triangle, author, Joyana Peters, portrays a tight-knit family fighting to endure at a precarious and crucial time in Jewish history. Join the countless readers who can’t get enough of Ruth and her story.


About the Author:

Joyana Peters is the Indie author of the best-selling novel, The Girl in the Triangle. The Girl in the Triangle won the SCBWI's YA Spark Honor Award, the IBPA’s Ben Franklin Award for Historical Fiction, the Book Excellence Award for Multicultural Fiction and was a Top Five Finalist for Shelf Unbound’s Indie Best Book of the Year.

Joyana got her MFA in Creative Writing from the University of New Orleans in 2014. She has taught literature and composition on both the secondary and university levels. She also writes non-fiction and has been published in digital and print publications nationwide.

Joyana currently lives in Northern Virginia where she takes in the sights of DC with her two kids, husband, and goofy Yellow Lab, Gatsby.

You can follow her adventures at: 

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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

The Inked by Kristina Streva #YA #Halloween #Giveaway #spotlight


The Inked
The Inked Series

Book One
Kristina Streva

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Date of Publication: 2022
ISBN: 978-1-5092-4381-5
Number of pages: 306
Cover Artist: Diana Carlile

"She’d been love struck… poisoned by his venomous charm."

Book Description:

Yuri and her sisters, Britt and Tanis, were born with eight long tentacles instead of beautifully jeweled and sequined fishtails. Banned from Atlantis because of their deformity, they live hidden away and are forbidden from entering Merfolk territory.


Britt unknowingly crosses over the ocean's divide and leads her sisters into a sea of trouble. A flesh-hungry beast is hunting them while something much more foreboding is hunting the beast-Kaleb and Neo, the Princes of Atlantis, who are competing for the throne. Whoever kills the beast first becomes the rightful heir, but fate holds other plans.


Can the three sisters survive a torrent of danger, desire, and deceit?

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Kaleb, the son of King Oasis, sat on his red and gold chariot. Large black seahorses adorned with golden paint pulled it forward as his army followed behind, saddled on their seahorse steeds. With each command from the King’s son, they drummed their fists on their armor made from reinforced turtle shells, all stunningly painted and garnished in sequins and gold.

A few days ago, King Oasis had proudly declared that there would be a competition between him and his twin brother, Neo. A beast had been terrorizing Atlantis, and whoever brought him the head of this creature would take the throne and the enormous bounty that came with it.

“Forward! We can’t afford to lose the trail of this beast!” Kaleb shouted as he lifted a long golden horn to his lips and blew.

His army moved forward in unison. He trailed behind them in his chariot, gripping his long-pronged golden trident in one hand and horn in the other. Kaleb was on the hunt, much like the monster who had hunted the occupants of Atlantis. Just last week, two more children had gone missing, and now that his troop had moved forward, he could search the area for survivors.

His eyes carefully scanned side to side, above, and then finally to the bottom of the seabed. To his left, he spotted a damaged boat flipped upside down with a large, jagged hole in one side. He tightened his grip on the trident, swimming down toward the dilapidated rowboat. Silver strands of hair stuck out of the damage in the boat’s side, looking like kelp waving in the current.

“Hello?” His body crept forward hesitantly as he cleared his throat. “By order of the King Oasis, reveal yourself!” Kaleb’s voice bellowed through the water.

The rowboat stirred as the head of a young girl tentatively made its way out of the hole. Her pale body followed, embellished in a purple laced corset that ended where her long black tentacles protruded.

Kaleb’s mouth dropped open. Now, Yuri swayed before him. His wide eyes traced her body up and down.

What…what is this girl doing here? Oh!

“Do you mean to harm me?” Yuri asked, cutting through the silence, her tone sharp as a blade.

Kaleb’s mouth curved into an amused smile. She’s bold. He had not seen her kind very often—they stayed hidden. This was new to him.

It was for a fair reason they hid away since his people hated hers, after all. Despised them with great passion. He ran his hands through his light-brown hair and then down to his chiseled jawline.

What if my father had found her? He shook his head, refocusing mossy green eyes on Yuri as he studied her.

Her hair was beautiful, and much like that of the mermaids he had grown up with, it was long and flowed behind her in the water as she moved. Yuri’s eyes met his, and he held her gaze, staring at the stunning icy-blue that looked back at him. He traced her pale complexion from her face down to her skinny arms, now held bent and stiff against her hips.

“Do you not know who I am?” He wore a cocky smile that hollowed into dimples at his cheeks.

Yuri’s brows furrowed. Her sharp glare stabbed at his ego, causing his dimpled smirk to retreat from his face like a wounded soldier. “Honestly, I don’t care who you are. Answer the question.

Are your intentions to harm me?” Her eyes darted to his pronged trident.

Kaleb’s grip loosened on his weapon as he stooped toward the seabed, his eyes remaining focused on Yuri’s icy-blue scowl. He opened his palms, letting the trident roll out of his hands and onto the sandy seafloor.

Inching back, he straightened his arms, outstretching his hands high over his head. “No, I don’t wish to harm you. Do you wish to harm me?” He wiggled the fingers of his empty hands.

Yuri crossed her arms over her puffed-out chest.

“That entirely depends on you,” she sneered. Her nostrils flared.

The once-retreated smirk returned to Kaleb’s face. How could such a small and petite girl have so much attitude? This girl is feisty! As his heavy trident sank deeper into the ocean floor, he lowered his hands and tapped awkwardly at his sides. His armor clung to his broad, muscular chest as he gestured in a proper bow. I might as well introduce myself properly.

“I’m Kaleb. My father is King Oasis of Atlantis. My troops and I came out here to hunt the beast that terrorizes these waters.” Kaleb paused for a response that didn’t come. He waited.

His stomach knotted at Yuri’s silence. It twisted like the ends of a fishing net. Her deep-blue eyes stared off to the rowboat in which she had emerged. “And you are…”

About the Author:

Kristina Streva grew up in Rockland County, New York. As a chronic daydreamer, she took up writing as a hobby and soon realized the magic in creating fantastical worlds. She loves museums, thrifting, movies, art, crafting, reading, and all things creative.

Tour Giveaway

1 copy of The Inked and a mermaid glass mug! Open to US Shipping





Monday, August 22, 2022

Superwoman by Mona Andrei #spotlight #giveaway #humor #adultnonfiction


Book Details:

174 pages
GenreHUMOR / Topic / Marriage & Family
Publisher: Cynren​ Press
Publication Date: March 2021.
Content Rating: PG-13: No violence, but a splattering of profanity (including the F-word) and discussion of bad marriages.

Book Description:

They put the tiny, red-faced bundle into her arms, and time stopped. She gazed at that puckered little face and whispered, Welcome to the world, baby girl. Little did she know that within weeks, she would become a single mother—not exactly what she had imagined for her daughters and herself, but exactly what needed to happen. This is the story of a single mother, but it’s more than that. Sometimes funny, sometimes reflective, it’s also your story—a story of that peculiar, trying, and wonderful state of motherhood.

In Superwoman: A Funny and Reflective Look at Single Motherhood, popular humor blogger Mona Andrei brings you her sage and snickery insights on being a single mom, with all its gore and glory. Through a series of interviews, you’ll also get a voyeuristic peek into the lives of other single mothers—and don’t we all love that feeling of Thank goodness, I’m not the only one! We’re all superwomen here.

Cynren Press

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Meet the Author:

Mona Andrei’s adulting journey took an unexpected turn when she realized that the father of her children was not committed to the family they had started together. At the time, she was twenty-four years old. With a baby in her arms and a toddler in tow, she soon realized that everything had fallen on her shoulders, including any chance for a secure future for her and her girls. With humor and candor as her strongest tools for survival, she went from struggling single mother to accomplished wordsmith to member of an award-winning advertising team to top 100 humor blogger. Today, she continues her journey, writing and speaking about her experiences as a single mother with a focus on changing the way that single mothers are respected and appreciated in the workplace: a win–win for both.

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Sunday, August 21, 2022

#Giveaway: Reading Journals Collection by RABT Tours

Disclosure: I am posting this announcement of behalf of RABT in order to enter a giveaway. This is not a sponsored post. You are welcome to enter the Rafflecopter below. RABT is responsible for content and prize giveaway.

~Michelle, Reading Authors Network 

Announcing the Release of a Collection of Reading Journals!


These are the perfect companion for any avid reader. The collection currently includes 3 different options to suit your style and needs, with more to come!



What's in the Journals?


Reading Log and Review Diary - $7.50


  • Rating System Page
  • Index for easy organization
  • Top Reads List
  • Upcoming Releases
  • Book Review pages numbered for easy indexing
  • +MORE



Romance Lover Reading Journal - $9.99


  • 75+ Reviews - Both Book Summary and Book Review Pages
  • 8.5 x11 inches - Great for those who need ample room for their thoughts.
  • Bookshelf - Write finished book titles on the spines
  • Top Reads List - Keep track of your top reads for the year
  • TBR LIST - List of books you want to read
  • +MORE



My Reading Tracker and Book Review Journal - $8.99


  • Reading Goals Page
  • Rating System
  • TBR List
  • Reading Tracker - Up to 200 Books
  • Bookshelf
  • +MORE








Get your hands on the perfect book review journal and/or reading tracker for your needs.



Currently, 3 options are available. More options coming SOON including heavier duty pages (for those who like to color in) and space for more reviews with higher page counts.



RABT Book Tours & PR

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Alligator Boogie by Megan Lucker #spotlight #bookseries #childrensfiction #MeganLucker


The Chronicles of the Cove, Book One

Children's Adventure Fantasy

Date Published: August 20, 2022

Welcome to Book 1 of the Chronicles of the Cove!

Alligator Boogie

When the A.C. breaks down in the middle of your first summer in Florida, there’s only one thing to do: go to the beach!

Introducing the magical adventures of Jessie, Josie, and Jack as they explore their new island home…


 About the Author

Megan Lucker is a freelance author, editor, ESL tutor, and utter rapscallion. When she is not fist-fighting alligators, teaching her dog to talk, or swordfighting in her living room; she can be found scouring her memories for her next book.

The Chronicles of the Cove are inspired by Megan's childhood memories on a real life island named Sanibel. While the real place may have no vampires, were-bears, or other monsters (that we know of); it remains just as magical as Megan remembers it.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Ghosts and Legends of Genesee & Lapeer Counties by Roxanne Rhoads and Joe Schipani #ghost #ghosttowns #haunts #spotlight

Release Date: August 29, 2022 

Book Description: 

Ghost stories and urban legends lurk throughout Genesee and Lapeer counties. 

A Clio man's spirit is thought to still reside in the junkyard office where he was murdered. For almost two centuries, the Flushing area has been fascinated by tales of the wealthy Brent family whose land is connected to numerous tales of murder, mystery, and ghosts. 

In Lapeer County, the Bruce Mansion's unnerving façade hints at the specters inside, and the land and buildings once belonging to the Lapeer State Home are plagued by haunting cries and ghostly activity. 

Join the authors of Haunted Flint, Roxanne Rhoads and Joe Schipani, as they take you on a tour of Genesee and Lapeer counties’ most haunted locations. 


Excerpt - Intro:

Spooky stories and terrifying tales lurk in dark rural corners and on historic main streets throughout Genesee and Lapeer counties. Hospitals, cemeteries, and historic homes have numerous ghosts attached to them.

The secrets of the dead can be buried in history, but we like to dig into the archives and coax the stories back to life, if only for a fleeting moment with words on the page. 

Several chapters in this book feature locations where history, true crime, and the paranormal intersect. These sinister tales of murder have led to locations full of paranormal activity. A Clio man’s spirit is thought to still reside in the junkyard office where he was murdered. The incident was billed as the internet’s first murder case and made nationwide headlines as the Instant Message Murder.  

For almost two centuries the Flushing area has been fascinated by tales of the wealthy Brent family whose land is connected to numerous tales of murder, mystery, and ghosts. The land may also have ties to the brutal 1928 murder of 5 year old Dorothy Schneider. 

The Lapeer State Home has ties to unethical medical practices, eugenics, and murder. The land and remaining buildings that once belonged to the home are considered to be extremely haunted. 

We dive into the history and uncover the dark truths that have lead to such haunting tales. We hope you enjoy this tour of Genesee and Lapeer counties’ most haunted locations.

Roxanne Rhoads
is an author, book publicist, mixed media crafter, and lover of all things spooky. Her books include Haunted Flint and Pumpkins and Party Themes: 50 DIY Designs to Bring Your Halloween Extravaganza to Life. She is the owner of Bewitching Book Tours, a virtual book tour and social media marketing company and she operates a Halloween blog- A Bewitching Guide to Halloween. She sells handcrafted jewelry, art, and home decor through her Etsy store The Bewitching Cauldron. When not reading or writing, Roxanne loves to craft, plan Halloween adventures, and search for unique vintage finds.


Joe Schipani
is an integral part of Flint’s art community, with ties to local artists, galleries, bookstores, and the Flint Cultural Center.

As the executive director of Flint Public Art Project, he has curated an outdoor mural gallery in the City of Flint, with over 200 murals from artist all around the world. He also serves as the one of Flint’s Historic District Commissioners and loves learning about the history of old buildings. In 2019 he co-authored Haunted Flint with Roxanne Rhoads.

Haunted America Series 
Roxanne Rhoads and Joe Schipani 

Release Date: August 29, 2022 

Book Description: 

Ghost stories and urban legends lurk throughout Genesee and Lapeer counties. 

A Clio man's spirit is thought to still reside in the junkyard office where he was murdered. For almost two centuries, the Flushing area has been fascinated by tales of the wealthy Brent family whose land is connected to numerous tales of murder, mystery, and ghosts. 

In Lapeer County, the Bruce Mansion's unnerving façade hints at the specters inside, and the land and buildings once belonging to the Lapeer State Home are plagued by haunting cries and ghostly activity. 

Join the authors of Haunted Flint, Roxanne Rhoads and Joe Schipani, as they take you on a tour of Genesee and Lapeer counties’ most haunted locations. 



Joe Schipani
is an integral part of Flint’s art community, with ties to local artists, galleries, bookstores, and the Flint Cultural Center.

As the executive director of Flint Public Art Project, he has curated an outdoor mural gallery in the City of Flint, with over 200 murals from artist all around the world. He also serves as the one of Flint’s Historic District Commissioners and loves learning about the history of old buildings. In 2019 he co-authored Haunted Flint with Roxanne Rhoads.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Fire & Ice by B.T. Polcari #spotlight #giveaway #YA #Cozymystery #bookseries

 A Mauzzy & Me Mystery, Book 2

Cozy Mystery, Young Adult Mystery, Mystery

Date Published: 08-15-2022

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press


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After encountering a brief power outage at work, college student Sara Donovan might be allowing her imagination to run wild. The main vault in the Carlton Museum holds the Fire and Ice Exhibit, a collection of rare gems, including the Star of Midnight, a 175-carat diamond. Although all the stones are accounted for, Sara suspects the Star of Midnight was stolen and replaced with a fake.

While conducting her own investigation, what Sara uncovers is beyond even her wildest imagination: a coded message, papers with strange characters, and a mysterious set of numbers carved into an office wall. Despite dismissive historians and other experts, she is certain these clues point to a mysterious centuries-old legend.

Unfortunately, her colorful history of usually being right, but always being wrong, means she must solve the mystery to prove her theory.

About the Author

B.T. Polcari is a graduate of Rutgers College of Rutgers University, an award-winning mystery author, and a proud father of two wonderful children. He’s a champion of rescue pups (Mauzzy is a rescue), craves watching football and basketball, and, of course, loves reading mysteries. Among his favorite authors are D.P. Lyle, Robert B. Parker, and Michael Connelly. He is also an unapologetic fantasy football addict. He lives with his wife in scenic Chattanooga, Tennessee.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Euphoric Wonderland by Ryan Becker #spotlight #giveaway #poetry

An Eclectic Collection of Psychedelic Poetry to Stimulate the Senses and Open the Mind


Date Published: 03-21-2022

Publisher: Trippy-Ass Books

Open your heart to a compilation of musical poetry and surreal expression drawn from madness and mania.

Artfully weaving a rhythmic tapestry of touching poetry that flows like music, this deeply personal memoir invites readers on a fascinating deep dive into the author’s raw and heartfelt world of living rhythms and authentic feelings. As a deft amalgamation of spoken word, truth to power, clever wordplay, and thoughtful reflections, Euphoric Wonderland illuminates a mad spark of creativity as it draws uplifting inspiration from even the darkest of times.

Stimulate your imagination and open your mind to a psychedelic and enigmatic assemblage that ranges from tributes to The Beatles, Pink Floyd, head-banging heavy metal, to vinyl records, slam-poetry, superheroes, mind-altering possibilities, and the Jekyll and Hyde living inside each of us. Euphoric Wonderland blossoms out of madness, grappling with psychological issues through humorous and uplifting vibes.

Shining like a beacon for curious minds, this eclectic collection offers a moment of reprieve for those who want to forget about their mental health-related challenges, gifting you with light, laughter, and inspiring you with a message of hope. Euphoric Wonderland carries you down a rabbit hole of unusual and trippy experiences that gives you a newfound perspective on love, pain, life, and the joys – and struggles – of existence.

*Now in Full-Color with art by Matthew Revert* 

Euphoric Wonderland is Ryan Becker’s seminal literary work which was largely inspired by the relationship he has with his parents, both of whom are poets in their own rights and words. His father is a self-taught classical pianist, as well as an avid Shakespeare fan and aficionado. Those two elements of the fine arts were instilled in Ryan at an early age and were quickly absorbed through his father’s reading to him about famous musicians and writers.

As an avid collector of vinyl records, upon hearing the music of The Beatles for the first time, specifically their Abbey Road album, Ryan knew his destiny was to write. “Every step of this life’s journey is a learning experience,” proclaims Mr. Becker. He further adds, “The Beatles taught me how not to have hate in my heart, why we must help people in need, and to never hesitate to openly express my feelings in any situation.”

Ryan credits his even-tempered, soft-spoken mother for his development as a human being. He tries to emulate her cool-under-pressure manner as well as her kind and empathetic heart, which she shares with anyone in need. It is those characteristics he’s inherited that allow him to express himself through his writing.

Ryan’s childhood carried with it some undeniably emotional bumps and bruises, explaining “Everyone has struggles, and many have their inner demons. The only way for me to exorcize them is by taking them out of my brain and putting them down on paper.”

Writing can be a wonderful escape from reality as well as a fantastic way of feeling comfort within one’s true reality.

Watching reruns of Smallville on repeat, Ryan asserts that the character of Clark Kent, portrayed by Tom Welling, has taught him a few things about growing up. For example, it helped him learn how to speak and interact better with others—trust in people who treat him right and never disregard someone who has his best interests at heart.

It is why he proclaims, “Don’t ever let anyone take a torch to your dreams. Use that fire to motivate you to achieve your greatness, no matter in which arena you might be endeavoring!”

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