Monday, June 13, 2022

#Review: When I Grow Up I Want To Be... A Good Person #Kidsbooks #bookseries


Blake and Brendan would do almost anything to get out of going to Mr. Becket’s funeral. It will be boring and sad—and dead people are scary! There might even be ghosts! But Mom and Dad insist. Mr. Becket was a good person, and it is right to gather with his family and friends to remember him and all the good things he did.

My Review:

I have read and reviewed a few of these books now. This one like the others has cartoon characters juxtaposed with real photos. I am not at all thrilled with this but have overlooked it as this is a kid's book.

This book, as the synopsis says features two boys who must go to a funeral even though they really do not want to go. The funeral is of a person (the good person) who was kind to many of the town's people. As the boys recognize different people they know, they learn about how good a person the man was.

Overall, I liked the concept this book in the series was trying to portray. However, it was almost too over the top. Really! "Mr. Becket" seemed to be the all around good guy with no faults of his own. I think that might set kids up to fail in such a way that could be detrimental. Still, I like this book.

I do recommend this one, just maybe with conversation on what a good person is to each child.

3 stars.


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