Friday, August 28, 2020

#Review & #Giveaway: Copy Boy by Shelley Blanton-Stround #historicalfiction, #mysteries @blantonstroud @iReadBookTours

Jane’s a very brave boy. And a very difficult girl. She’ll become a remarkable woman, an icon of her century, but that’s a long way off.

Not my fault, she thinks, dropping a bloody crowbar in the irrigation ditch after Daddy. She steals Momma’s Ford and escapes to Depression-era San Francisco, where she fakes her way into work as a newspaper copy boy.

Everything’s looking up. She’s climbing the ladder at the paper, winning validation, skill, and connections with the artists and thinkers of her day. But then Daddy reappears on the paper’s front page, his arm around a girl who’s just been beaten into a coma one block from Jane’s newspaper―hit in the head with a crowbar.

Jane’s got to find Daddy before he finds her, and before everyone else finds her out. She’s got to protect her invented identity. This is what she thinks she wants. It’s definitely what her dead brother wants.

My review:
The setting is the Depression-era and the main character, Jane, has grown up with the hardships that many people of the time had.  She grows up in a shanty town and has the problem of an abusive father and unloving mother.

Eventually, as the summary says, she gets away after she thinks she has killed her father.  A friend of the family helps her get straightened out and that is where the real story begins. It took a little bit to get to this point but once it did, there was no stopping.

Jane is a tough character and it is totally understood where she has come from. Wanting to be a journalist, she manages to hide her identity and wiggles her way into be a copy "boy" for a local newspaper.  Even though it seems unlikely to me that she would be able to manage such a feat without be discovered, I liked her tenacity. She does not take no for an answer! This is an admirable characteristic of hers and a nice change from the sappy women characters often seen in books.

It also helps her to stand up to the people who have abused and used her over time. She is certainly a gal to be reckoned with and again, I like her. With a few well-placed twists, we find out she is in it for the long haul. I won't say how long, because that is truly a spoiler.

Even when she is eventually outed, she still walks in and announces that she is going to stay put. Whoo hoo, I say! You go girl! *laughs*

If you are interested in journalism, photography, strong women, history, or Depression-era topics, then this is the book for you.

I give it 4 stars.

Disclosure: I was given a copy of this book from the author. The opinions expressed here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle

Where to find the author:
Shelley Blanton-Stroud grew up in California's Central Valley, the daughter of Dust Bowl immigrants who made good on their ambition to get out of the field. She teaches college writing in Northern California and consults with writers in the energy industry. 

Website Giveaway: $25 Amazon Gift Card courtesy of Shelley Blanton-Stroud, author of COPY BOY (4 winners) (AMAZON.COM customers) (ends Sep 24)

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens #review

I am absolutely in awe of this book. I seriously had to hold the book to my chest and just breathe for a moment after I was done reading it. The writing is superb and one of the best I have seen.

I was so immersed in the characters and all the action from them that I felt like I was there, in the marsh. I was there with every breath she took. I am aware that it is "only" a book, but I am telling you...I was there. If nothing else observing as only a reader like myself could do.

The pain the character endured all of her life was really just too much. I could not help but cry and then laugh and love with the main character. I often felt a need to hold her but all I could do was hold the book and hope she "felt" it.

She lacked friends and family. Yet, at least there were people who really did care. Again, I so wished I could have hugged her and often wished others would too when she needed it most. But then, she was cautious and it is understandable.

In the end, I felt relief and happiness for her.

And there are always secrets.

If I could, I would give this book much more than the 5 stars it is getting. It was that good and one that will certainly make one think about their own life and actions.

Disclosure: I purchased a copy of this book for my own collections. The review here is 100% my own opinions and may differ from yours. ~Michelle

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

#review: Oh Susannah: It's in the Bag by Carole P. Roman #carolepromanbooks

It all begins with homework trouble and an invitation to a sleepover that she doesn’t want to go to. Would you want to go to a sleepover in a creepy house? Rather than dealing with her problems, Susannah stuffs them into her backpack. But how much can a backpack take? Will she be able to confront her worries before the backpack bursts? Or will she just continue to hide them away? 

My review: 
This adorable, 34-page book, is aimed for 3rd graders. The title caught my attention because I grew up with the song, "Oh Susanna". I thought this book might be a take-off of the song. I was wrong.

In fact, it follows along a third grade, only child, girl, who is just trying to navigate life.  She feels caught up in a world where her parents are overly busy, her school is overly trying, and her friend is...well, overly friendly.
This all happens in the frame of one day and it is truly overwhelming.

As the summary says, she stuffs all of it her backpack but then...well, of course I don't want to spoil it for you. However, in the end, she gets to voice her feelings and ask for help. Ultimately, this is what the book is about.

I liked that Carole P. Roman has taken yet another departure from her series of books. This book addresses the issues young students may feel when everything just seems to go bonkers and no one seems to listen. I liked it also sent a clear message to us adults that sometimes even we are doing too much and need to take the time for those things and people that really matter.

Terrific book. 5 stars. Don't believe me? The cover of the book has no less than 6 awards.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the author. The views expressed here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle

Where to find the author:


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

#Spotlight and #Giveaway: All Done With It by Maggie Toussaint #cozymystery

All Done With It (A Dreamwalker Mystery)
Paranormal Cozy Mystery
7th in Series
Publisher: Camel Press (August 11, 2020)
Number of Pages 211 pages
A Jane Doe jogger homicide near the swamp mystifies Dreamwalker Baxowell. The petite woman carried no ID, and no one recognizes her. Worse, a shadow passes from the body to a deputy, rendering him unconscious. The deputy and the corpse are dispatched to the hospital and morgue, respectively.

With summer heat and pending childbirth on her mind, Baxley’s dreamwalks into the spirit world fail to yield leads, frustrating Baxley and her deputy husband, Native American Sam Mayes. Days later, Jane Doe’s description matches a missing Mississippi woman. Turns out, her new husband is missing too. Jane’s sketchy brother-in-law and her aunt arrive, full of secrets. At Jane’s campsite, the team encounters a terrifying anomaly, nullifying Baxley’s senses. With such danger present, they must protect their unborn child. No more dreamwalks will occur until Baxley gives birth.

When her friend Bubba Paxton vanishes, Baxley sights him in a mirror, trapped between worlds with other souls.

Meanwhile, the shadow invades other hosts, demanding to see Baxley. Mayes and Baxley ignore the shadow as they rescue Bubba, untangle the Jane Doe case, and handle missing persons reports.
To free the trapped people, Baxley must outwit a powerful foe. Can she stop this super villain before he steals her soul?

In this 7th Dreamwalker Mystery, female sleuth and psychic crime consultant Baxley Powell works a homicide case that leads straight to an evil force in the spirit world. The stakes? Her soul, her unborn child, and humanity’s freedom.

About Maggie Toussaint

Southern author Maggie Toussaint writes cozy and paranormal mysteries, romantic suspense, and dystopian fiction, with twenty-plus fiction novels published. A three-time finalist for Georgia Author of the Year, she’s won three Silver Falchions, the Readers’ Choice, and the EPIC Awards. She’s past president of Mystery Writers of America-Southeast chapter and an officer of LowCountry Sisters In Crime. She lives in coastal Georgia, where secrets, heritage, and ancient oaks cast long shadows.
Author Links

Purchase Links - Coming Soon 

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Thursday, August 13, 2020

#Spotlight & #giveaway: Frankie and the Gifts of Fantasy by Ruth Ballard

Book Details:

Book Title:  Frankie and the Gift of Fantasy by Ruthy Ballard
Category:  Middle-Grade Fiction (Ages 8-12), 260 pages
Genre:  Fantasy and Magic
Publisher:  WhipSmart Books
Release date:   June 16, 2020 (ebook); October 1, 2020 (print)
Tour dates: August 3 to August 14, 2020
Content Rating:  G.

Book Description:

Frankie Russo doesn’t brood about the past or worry about the future. He lives in the present moment, frolicking in a world of make-believe that drives his high-achieving parents crazy. They have lofty ambitions for him, but Frankie has no interest. He prefers to flip helium burgers on Jupiter or rule a kingdom of mermen in the Caspian Sea, up inside his head, where all the fun is. Frankie’s parents nag him endlessly, worried he’ll come to nothing. But all that changes when he disappears through a mysterious crack in his bedroom ceiling and finds himself on a distant, two-mooned planet called Urth. Why was he drawn there? He doesn’t know, but as he embarks on a delightful, mind-blowing adventure, Frankie’s desperate parents think he’s been abducted, and an innocent man is arrested and charged with the crime! On the surface, Frankie and the Gift of Fantasy is a lighthearted science-rich adventure story that takes its middle grade readers on an entertaining romp to the other side of the galaxy. But the undercurrent is one of discovery and redemption, where a ten-year-old boy, through an unexpected journey, finds a way to escape his parent’s stifling shadow and emerge into a future of his own choosing.

Buy the Book:
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Meet the Author:

Ruthy Ballard is a children's book author, artist, and scientist who lives in Sacramento, California. By day, she’s “Dr. Ruth Ballard,” a professor and forensic DNA expert. By night, she romps in an imaginative playground of colors and words. Ruthy is the author of Frankie and the Gift of Fantasy and Tales by Moons-Light: Stories from Before the Great Melt. She is currently working on the third book in her Tales by Moons-light series: Elvia and the Gift of Passion. Her entertaining stories lure middle grade readers into science, but her creative ventures don’t stop there. She’s also a folk artist whose colorful "cartoons" delight and inspire both children and adults. Ruthy is married to a musician and is the mother of two sons, three cats, and a Samoyed dog named Mush, all of whom appear in her work, in various guises, from time to time.

connect with author:  website facebook goodreads

Tour Schedule:

Aug 3 – Splashes of Joy – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 3 - Locks, Hooks and Books – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 4 – Book Paradise – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 4 - Pick a Good Book – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 5 – Books, Tea, Healthy Me – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 5 - Library of Clean Reads – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 6 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 7 – Book Corner News and Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 7 - Hall Ways Blog – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 7 - Writer with Wanderlust – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 10 – The Book View – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 11 – Pen Possessed – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 11 - The Bespectacled Mother – book spotlight
Aug 12 – Sarah Says – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 13 – Haddie's Haven – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 13 - Reading Authors Network – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 13 - Literary Flits – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 14 – Adventurous Bookworm – book spotlight / giveaway

Enter the Giveaway:


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

#Excerpt #Spotlight #Giveaway: Tribulation by Jaydeep Shah

by Jaydeep Shah
(Cops Planet #1)
Publication date: June 15th 2020
Genres: Adult, Suspense, Thriller

When a couple celebrates their eleventh marriage anniversary at their old mansion far from the city of Naples, Florida, they begin experiencing paranormal events. While trying to find out the truth of what’s happening, they encounter a girl wandering in the mansion.

She is the girl whom the couple never wanted to see again in their life.

Surrounded by their sinful past and the girl’s deathly traps, the couple tries hard to escape the mansion. But they are stuck. There is no way out of the mansion. Every second, they approach their end.

There are many secrets buried in the mansion—about the girl, about the couple, and about their past.

Tribulation is a masterpiece of suspense, a thriller with some mild elements of horror from the imagination of Jaydeep Shah.

As the car passed through the open fields approaching the mansion, Casie’s heart throbbed faster and faster. She was quaking with fear and worry, incredible thoughts drifting through her head. If she’s returned, I’ll kill her. I’ll take vengeance on Alex’s death. She can’t kill me. With every thought, the blood boiled harder inside her, and her beautiful face turned pale, eyes red with fury.

The rain had stopped, yet the lightning was still rolling over the dark clouds, roaring its thunder. Within a few minutes though, beautiful, cotton-like clouds appeared, surrounded by clear blue sky. It was already late afternoon when Casie saw the mansion up ahead.
Seeing Casie’s car racing toward the mansion, the athletic security guard standing at the twelve-foot-high gate opened the barrier in a rush, and Casie flashed past him, squealing up the mansion’s circular brick driveway.
From afar, the mansion looked small, its true beauty concealed. But now, right up close, the mansion was entrancing—on a reserved eleven-acre parcel of land, surrounded by gorgeous, towering trees and an array of small plants in the garden.
As Casie accelerated up the drive, she almost lost control, narrowly avoiding crashing into the fountain—as the afternoon faded, the fountain’s own lights switched on, casting colorful ribbons across the wall of the mansion.
When Casie finally braked in front of the mansion’s door, the tires blew out, screeching savagely against the driveway. The sound scared everyone present: the security guard at the gate, some servants inside the mansion, and a man with a burned face hiding behind the window curtains in one of the rooms on the second floor, peeking outside at the car, holding the slightly parted fabric in his fingers.
Casie exited the car, her gaze fixed on the mansion’s front door and only there, never shifting to anything around. But the man in the room swiftly ducked away from the window anyway, just in case.
She dashed into the mansion, pushing the door open hard, and looked around, panting. As she took a few more steps into the foyer, a vision of her last visit to the mansion flashed through her head.
Almost everything was the same in the room as it had been then. Two tables, each with unlit lamps, stood quiet to either side of the entrance door. A beautiful Fresco painting hung on the wall to her right. A gleaming chandelier sparkled from the ceiling in the center of the room, and below it, a beautiful white wool sofa set rested, facing the TV on the wall beside her, next to the front doors. Behind the sofa, a set of stairs led up to the second floor, their shadows reminding her, again as vivid as if it were playing in front of her: a girl rolling down to the floor, screaming for help.
The only difference between now and six years ago was that then, the floor had been stained with someone’s blood, while in the present, it was covered with beautiful flowers. Last time, the room had been suffused with the awful iron scent of that gore. Now, the fragrance of beautiful red and pink roses filled the air, wiping out all other scents.
She was sweating profusely in trepidation. The man who called me; he’ll appear and lead me to Alex’s dead body. If she’s returned though, if she actually has, she might pop out of nowhere and kill me, too, the same way she killed my lifeline.
“Alex!” shouted Casie, finally burying her fright. She stood near the stairs, holding the edge of the railing. “If this is some kind of joke, believe me, it’s not funny.” She looked around, but not even a servant had appeared in her sight since her arrival. Investigating carefully once more, she saw a man’s silhouette on the second floor; he appeared to be trying to hide behind a pillar.
“Who’s there?” shouted Casie, staring at the silhouette while tightening her grip on the railing.
The silhouette didn’t react; the man remained steady. Perhaps he wasn’t trying to hide at all.
Casie’s heart throbbed as she walked up the stairs slowly and carefully, her vision shifting rapidly from the pillar to the silhouette and back to the pillar.
Suddenly, the stocky man popped out from behind the column, screaming. Casie screamed and stumbled backward, closing her eyes to avoid looking at the man’s burned face. The man rushed down the stairs, catching up to her quickly and grabbing her by the shoulders.


Jaydeep Shah is the author of gripping romance, horror, and thriller stories. He also writes non-fiction pieces about inspirational topics related to social issues. He is the author of more than half a dozen books.

In addition to those books, Jaydeep releases young adult fiction stories under a pen name, JD Shah. The Shape-Shifting Serpents' Choice is his first young adult flash fiction written under that pseudo name and published online by Scarlet Leaf Review in their July 2019 issue.

When Shah is not writing, he wanders around Jersey City, spends quality time with friends and family, and cooks delicious food.

Author links:

Reading Author/s Network is not responsible for this giveaway. The giveaway ends 8/20

Monday, August 10, 2020

#Review :Finding Home by Corrine Joy Brown and Ginny McDonald #horsestories #middlegradefiction #giveaway @iReadBookTours

 A coming-of-age story and a tale about friendship, trust and understanding, both horse and owner have powerful lessons to learn. Together, young Jesse Nolan from Colorado and her wild mustang, Curly Girl, rounded up in Wyoming, discover what it means to rely on oneself, as well as those who love you most. A poignant reminder of our shared responsibility to save and protect one of the American West's most noble creatures - the mustang.

My review:
Jesse is a young girl who has dreamed of having her own horse and finally gets her chance when there is a special auction for wild horses known as mustangs. This story follows along on her adventure as she brings her horse home to be cared for.

I loved that half of the story was told from the perspective of the horse names Curly Girl. It is an unexpected twist and makes it fun to read. Curly Girl, named because of her beautiful mane give Jenna and her family a hard time but eventually finds her way home after some near tragedy.

The illustrations were gorgeous and so well done. I assumed that both author and illustrator had some connection to horses because of the way the book was written. I was correct in that assumption when I found out the (spoiler) Curly Girl is a real horse.

Overall, I liked this book and recommend it for any horse lovers out there. 4 stars!

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the author. The opinions expressed here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle

Where to find the author:


Giveaway:15 Amazon Gift Card courtesy of the authors of FINDING HOME (1 winner) (ends Aug 28)
Reading Authors Network is not responsible for the giveaway.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Fowl Murder: A Kenya Mystery by Victoria Tait #Spotlight #Giveaway #cozymysteries

Fowl Murder: A Cozy Mystery with a Determined Female Amateur Sleuth (A Kenya Kanga Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
1st in Series
Publisher: Kanga Press (July 21, 2020)
ebook, 190 pages
Digital ASIN: B089RRXBC1

A shooting on the savannah. A tragedy she’d rather forget. When past and present collide, will she survive to see her future?
Kenya, 2016. Semi-retired vet Rose Hardie just wants to enjoy her golden years and care for her disabled husband. But her peace of mind shatters when a forgotten confidant returns and reopens a case where Rose pulled the trigger. With her memories of the poacher’s shocking death flooding back, she barely catches her breath before her childhood friend is brutally murdered.

Braving blackmail and entrenched corruption, the tireless woman dives headfirst into helping the victim’s son solve the crime. But when the lead suspect is killed, Rose’s plans for a peaceful life end up dead and buried…

As her own traumatic history unravels, can Rose catch a killer before she becomes the next victim?

Foul Murder is the first book in the compelling Kenya Kanga Mystery series. If you like determined heroines, unpredictable twists and turns, and vivid African settings, then you’ll love Victoria Tait’s pulse-pounding tale.

About Victoria Gait
Victoria Tait is an exciting new author launching her Kenya Kanga Mystery series.  She’s drawn on 8 years living in rural Kenya with her family to transport her readers to a world of curiosity, community and conspiracy.  The Kenya Kanga Mystery series brings to life the beauty of the Kenyan landscape, the magic of its wildlife and the warmth of its people.

Author Links
You can find Victoria at or on Facebook at
Purchase Links – Amazon – B&N – Kobo – 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Kids Book Bundle #Giveaway (Ends 9/9) @WallysBooks @Sourcebooks

Kids Book Bundle Giveaway

Welcome To The Kids Book Bundle Giveaway!

This giveaway is part of our Back to School Gift Guide. Stop by to see all the great giveaways and products!
Do your kids love to read? A love of reading is critical to helping young people succeed in school. Encourage your child to read more by having fun books like these at home.


One Lucky Winner Will Receive 3 Books from the "How to Catch" Series by Adam Wallace and How to Build a Leprechaun Trap by Larissa Juliano!


4 Books Published by Sourcebooks:

How to Catch a Dragon


How to Catch a Dinosaur


How to Catch a Leprechaun


How to Build a Leprechaun Trap

Stuck inside? Make these precious days at home a time for new learning experiences by reading these fun and adorable books!

Hosted By:

Home Jobs By Mom

Co-Hosted By:

Deliciously Savvy & Michigan Saving And More

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Rules: Use The Giveaway Tools Form To Enter Daily. Giveaway Ends 9/9 And Is Open To The United States. Entrants Must Be 18 Years Old To Enter. The Winner Will Be Notified Via Email.

Good Luck! Enter Below

One entrant will be selected by the entry form to win 4 kids books from Sourcebooks. Open for entry in the United States, 18 years and older from 08/05/20 thru 9/9/20. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. This giveaway is in no way endorsed, affiliated, or associated with Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media networking site. The winner will have 48 hours to respond to notification email to claim their prize or a new winner will be selected. Once a winner is drawn and confirmed, the name will be announced on the Rafflecopter form. Home Jobs By Mom will be responsible for sending the winners their prize.

Thank You So Much For Visiting Today!

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Calla, Pixieland Diaries by Christina Bauer #Excerpt #Spotlight & #Giveaway

Book in the Pixieland Diaries
By Christina Bauer
Opening Excerpt

Day Seventy-Five

Dear Diary,

To be clear: I am not primping because Dare’s about to visit me. It’s just that I have routines. Before anyone visits my royalness, I always check my appearance.

Of course, there are some exceptions.

I don’t check how I look for my parents, Poppa and Muti. Or for my friend Bilge, the hobgoblin, and his piggy familiar, Oinky.

Other than that, no one really visits me.

All of which leads to one thing. Having a diary demands that I be totally frank with myself. In this case, I must break out my forthrightness into another list.

I, Calla, Get Brutally Honest

The truth: My appearance-checking is really a Dare-only activity.

He’s cute.

So sue me.

The end.

Whew. Glad I cleared that up.

Back to my me.

With Dare about to appear, I do you know what. In this case, I find myself looking pretty awesome in my ermine cloak and pink dress. In terms of pose, I lounge on a golden leather chair with a heavy book perched on my lap. Totally regal.
I whisper to the line in my palm. “You may visit.”

A small sphere of white light appears. The shape expands into what I call Ghost Dare. In reality, this is an astral body projection of the real Dare, but that’s a mouthful.

I check out my new visitor because, hey, it’s a good use of my time. Ghost Dare is crazy tall and broad shouldered. Longish dark hair highlights the sharp lines of his face. He still wears black armor and a fur-trimmed cloak. The guy must have closets stuffed with nothing but metal and furry things.

Ghost Dare bows. “Hello, your Majesty.”

“Oh, drop it.” I roll my eyes but secretly, I like the fact that someone else is acknowledging my new job.

Ghost Dare plunks down onto a chair across from me. His gaze turns almost worshipful. A new kind of energy fills the air.

I worry my thumbnail between my teeth and consider this turn of events. One minute ago, Dare and I were just saying hello. Now it seems like we’re moving into more personal stuff. Am I okay with that?

No question. The answer here is a big yes.

Ghost Dare moves to kneel beside my chair. Things keep getting better and better.

“I can’t stand the idea of you ever being hurt,” says Ghost Dare. “It highlights all the things I haven’t said.” He scooches closer. “It’s like this. I’ve shared my feelings for you before.”

Not this speech again.

“I remember. You said I’m like your little sister.”

When Ghost Dare next speaks, his voice is all low and growly. “What if things have changed?”

Gulp. That’s a shocker.

Reaching forward, Ghost Dare runs his fingertips along my cheek. Considering he’s mostly transparent, it’s a nice and tingly feeling.

“Talk to me, Calla. Would that be interesting?”

“Maybe.” My eyes widen as a realization hits me. “You’re scheming.”

“Absolutely.” Leaning forward, Ghost Dare presses his forehead against mine. It’s both tingly and distracting. “Sleep well, Calla.”

With that, Ghost Dare vanishes.

About the author:

Christina Bauer knows how to tell stories about kick-ass women. In her best selling Angelbound series, the heroine is a part-demon girl who loves to fight in Purgatory’s Arena and falls in love with a part-angel prince. This young adult best seller has driven more than 500,000 ebook downloads and 9,000 reviews on Goodreads and retailers. The first three books in the series are now available as audiobooks on Audible and iTunes.

Bauer has also told the story of the Women’s March on Washington by leading PR efforts for the Massachusetts Chapter. Her pre-event press release—the only one sent out on a major wire service—resulted in more than 19,000 global impressions and redistribution by over 350 different media entities including the Associated Press.

Christina graduated from Syracuse University’s Newhouse School with BA’s in English along with Television, Radio, and Film Production. She lives in Newton, MA with her husband, son, and semi-insane golden retriever, Ruby.

Stalk Christina On Social Media – She Loves It!
Web site:
