Thursday, November 29, 2018

#Review: Hello, Ninjas & Hello, Knights by Joan Holub #boardbooks #mathconcepts

Perfect for reading out loud, Joan Holub’s hilarious text and Chris Dickason’s lively illustrations will have little ones learning and laughing as they try to find all the sneaky ninjas hidden on each page.

A clever, interactive approach to first concepts, this board book series also introduces important “next-step” concepts like counting in a hilariously engaging way.

My review:

If your kiddo, like my Grandson, loves ninjas, then this is the book to get! A new board-book series by the author will have your child wanting to do a ninja roll or chop but having fun counting while doing so. I have read many books by this author and her gift of writing is always top-notch. 

I love the rhymes that the book has and the illustrations that go along with it are just fantastic. The little twist in the middle of the book, which is a fold-out page,  will not only have your child in stitches but you too! I know I laughed out loud when I found out what the ninjas were on a mission for. I will just say it is pretty yummy but you will have to get your own copy to find out what it is.

A winner for sure! 5 stars!


Perfect for reading out loud, Joan Holub’s hilarious text and Chris Dickason’s lively illustrations will have little ones huff-puff laughing as the knights and dragons run up and down the castle wall.

A clever, interactive approach to first concepts, this board book series also introduces important “next-step” concepts like opposites in a hilariously engaging way.

My review:
This book is in the author's new series of board books. The illustrations are as fun as the ninja one I read, quite bright and colorful. Here the subject is Knights and Dragons. Even if you have a Princess, she will love this book.

As with many of Ms. Holub's books, she always has something to learn in them. In this book, the concept is learning opposites and making friends.
How do you make friends with dragons? Well, read the book for that!

Once again, the board book had a pull-out page that made the book simply fun and there were lead up pages that made me laugh, the one I loved most was seeing the king's underwear flying.

You can't miss this book.
Another 5 stars!

Disclosure: The books here were given to me by the author. All opinions expressed here are 100% my own and may differ from yours.
~Michelle aka Naila Moon

Where to find the author:

Joan is an NY Times bestselling children's book author, with books starring Goddess Girls, poodles, a superhero zero, or even a red pencil, in stories about friendship, girl-power, mythology, and other universally important stuff.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

#Giveaway & #BookBlast: The Wesyern Lands and All That Really Matters Series


The Purple Haze (The Western Lands and All That Really Matters Book 1) Being a princess is hard. Especially when you're just a little OCD. And your twin goes missing. Sure, Princess Eloise is Futur#e Ruler and Heir to the Western Lands and All That Really Matters. And yes, her life is structured by Protocol and full of little "habits" that help her get through the day. But none of that matters when her twin sister disappears. Eloise has to suck it up to try and get her back. She sets out with her champion (a nervous, yammering chipmunk), her guard (the human incarnation of rectitude), and two horses (one an equine perfection, the other on a vow of silence). Like a kind of fantasy-world Gilligan's Island meets Discworld, a quick little two-day jaunt turns into traipsing across realms. sniffing out a trail that is getting colder by the minute. The Purple Haze is a humorous novel set in a world of weak magic, talking animals, and wäÿ töö mänÿ ümläüts. If you like quirky, clever characters, lively dialog, and fun, ripping yarns, then you'll love this fabulous debut novel from Andrew Einspruch
  Get The Purple Haze today and dive into the freshest fantasy series in years. ON Sale for $.99 

The Star of Whatever (The Western Lands and All That Really Matters Book 2)
The slightly OCD princess was doing just fine, thanks. Then she got thrown to her death. That might have put a crimp in things. Princess Eloise, Future Ruler and Heir to the Western Lands and All That Really Matters, swallowed back her "habits" and went after her missing twin sister. She found her. Awesome! And then they both got chucked into the mysterious, magical, deadly Purple Haze. Less awesome! While her champion (a nervous, yammering chipmunk) and her guard (the human incarnation of rectitude) rot in prison and her two horses desperately try to find some way to help, Eloise and her sister go deeper into the Purple Haze to discover the source of the inner tug they both feel. The Star of Whatever (book two of The Western Lands and All That Really Matters series) is a humorous, Discworld-ish novel set in a world of weak magic, talking animals, and wäÿ töö mänÿ ümläüts. If you like quirky, clever characters, lively dialog, and fun, ripping yarns, then you'll love this fabulous second novel from Andrew Einspruch. Get The Star of Whatever today, and dive into the freshest fantasy series in years. Get this new release on Amazon also available in Kindle Unlimited

Andrew Einspruch is the author of the humorous YA fantasy series The Western Lands and All That Really Matters. He's also had more than 120 children's books published, both fiction and non-fiction, that have sold around the world. Starting with the four-book "Dunkin' Dazza" series in the 1990s, Andrew's work has covered everything from basketball to DNA, biographies to histories to mysteries, outback heroes to Christmas Island red crabs, and from how the rides work at amusement parks to how the Australian Government works (perhaps the greatest mystery of all). Andrew is the co-founder of the not-for-profit charity the Deep Peace Trust, which fosters deep peace for all species. Based in rural New South Wales, Andrew, Billie and their adult daughter Tamsin run the Trust's A Place of Peace, one of Australia's largest farm animal sanctuaries. The cows, sheep, horses, goats, dogs, cats, and geese, as well as local wildlife including kangaroos, wombats, and cockatoos, are a constant source of inspiration. If you ask, he'll deny he ever programmed in COBOL for a bank.

  Enter to win a set of The Western Lands and All That Really Matters Series in print. A great gift for any child in your life. Fill out the form to enter

Monday, November 26, 2018

#Spotlight: In The Key of Be by Lena Hubin #memoir

Non-Fiction / Memoir
Date Published: April 2, 2018
Publisher:  Chatnoir Press

Many of us across the globe suffer from some sort of mental illness. .Although it can be treated, many still struggle, some win, some lose. This is the story of one woman's fight.

Lena Hubin is a straight-A college senior when she lands in a psych ward. After her release, psychotherapy, illicit drugs, and sex distract her from her chronic anxiety--but none yields lasting relief. Despite teaching abroad, marrying, earning a masters and adopting two children, she remains haunted by anxiety.

 In her fifties, Lena returns with her family to the U.S., anticipating peace of mind. But when her son struggles with alcoholism, she feels her sanity swirling down the drain like the liquor she would dump--if she could find it. In a quest to help him, the author starts a journey that will change her life for good. 

Lena Hubin has been writing since she was a young kid growing up on a small Wisconsin dairy farm. She has had essays and articles published in ISS Newslinks, The International Educator, Midwest Living, and The Sun. For four years she wrote quarterly book reviews for In Recovery Magazine. She has a masters degree in Creative Writing from California State University, Fresno. Lena writes, plays piano, teaches, and works for social justice in Prescott, Arizona, where she lives with her husband, dog, and cat.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

#CSReadathon #Christmas Challenge

Are you joining in this season? I am off and running with two middle grade books and many Hallmark films.

Join in on the fun!

Peace, Michelle

Friday, November 2, 2018

Review: The Vampire Knitting Club by Nancy Warren #Paranormal #cozymystery #vampires


Vampires who knit
A troublemaking witch
Who killed Granny — and is she really dead?

My review:
This is the first book in a series but is also a stand-alone book. I seriously loved this cozy mystery. 

The main character, Lucy, is trying to find herself when she goes to visit her beloved grandmother. However, upon arrival, she finds that her grandma has died and she has suddenly inherited her Grandma's knit shop, a family secret, and a cast of interesting characters who just happen to be vampires that knit.

Of course, being a cozy, a murder happens and minor chaos ensues. I enjoyed the fact the vampires helped out with the shop and taught Lucy a thing or two. They also protected her just as they had her Grandmother. I did not know who the actual murderer was until near the end even though there were clues. The family mystery discovery and dissolving were also well done. The only thing I thought was maybe the chapters should have been switched as they were both near the end but, that is personal preference.

One major thing I loved and a running theme throughout the book was acceptance of people no matter who (or what) they are. It was loud and clear and I would hope that theme shows up in future books.

Great job! 5 stars.

Disclosure: I was provided a copy of this book from the author for review. The reviews and opinions are 100% mine and may differ from yours.  ~Michelle aka Naila Moon

Where to find the author:

Monday, October 22, 2018

#Review: A Bully On the School Bus by Dr. Mildred D. Peyton #Preventbullying #October

A Bully on the School Bus by [Peyton, Dr. Mildred D., Peyton, Leah N.]

The book “A Bully on the School Bus” is about a little girl named Nicole, who experienced being bullied while she is on the school bus. On her way home from school one day, Nicole is confronted by one of her fellow schoolmates who rides the same school bus. This book helps readers understand how bullying may occur among school-aged children and, also, how readers can address the problem if and when such a problem does arise.

My review:
The month of October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Unfortunately, bullying happens everywhere to kids and adults alike.

The author of this book has begun a series for children to combat the problem. This is the second book in the series that I have read. Here the main character is being bullied on the bus by another student who keeps pushing her to move out of her seat. I do not know if it was intentional but it reminded me very much of the Rosa Parks story.

I was pleased to see that the main character went to her parents for help and told them what was going on. They were able to help her find a solution that turned out positive in the end. The bus driver was helpful as well and the adults in her life were a positive influence.

However, the issue I had was that this is not always and most likely not always the case. I wish I could say it was. I felt the book at the same time positive, was almost too nicely wrapped up in a bow and everything was fine. The truth of the matter is often bullying increases and children do not always tell the adults in their life what is going on. I think statistics prove that.

Overall though, I see what the author was trying to do and that is to raise awareness. Someone has to take a stand with this problem and she is tackling the problem through books. In the back of her books, she includes a definition of what bullying is, tips for parents and children, and resources. This is a good inclusion and is well received by this reader.

In my mind, I liked this book but I do think needs a bit of tweaking.with the reasons above I give it 3 stars.

Where to find the author:

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Review & #Giveaway: The Ghost and the Bogus Bestseller by Cleo Coyle #CozyMysteries #CryptKeeper

The Ghost and the Bogus Bestseller (Haunted Bookshop Mystery)
Paranormal Cozy Mystery
6th in Series
Berkley (September 25, 2018)
Mass Market Paperback: 320 pages
ISBN-10: 0425237451
ISBN-13: 978-0425237458
Digital ASIN: B078VX9SNF
Summary: Penelope Thornton-McClure and her bookshop's ghost-in-residence Jack Shepard are back on a new case in this delightful paranormal mystery from New York Times bestselling author Cleo Coyle.

A big bestseller leads to small town trouble.

Bookshop owner Penelope Thornton-McClure didn't believe in ghosts until she was haunted by the hard-boiled spirit of 1940s private investigator Jack Shepard. Now Jack is back on the job, and Pen is eternally grateful...

After an elegant new customer has a breakdown in her shop, Penelope suspects there is something bogus behind the biggest bestseller of the year. This popular potboiler is so hot that folks in her tiny Rhode Island town are dying to read it--literally. First one customer turns up dead, followed by another mysterious fatality connected to the book, which Pen discovers is more than just fiction. Now, with the help of her gumshoe ghost, Pen must solve the real-life cold case behind the bogus bestseller before the killer closes the book on her.

My review:
This stand-alone book was an enjoyable read. I was able to take my time with the book and really get to know the characters and dive into their realities. I loved that the book takes place in a bookshop. Sweet!

I loved the strong characteristics of the main character, Penelope and her ghostly friend, Jack. 
Jack, although rough and tough, had a sentimental side when it comes to Penelope. It was, however, hard to see him as truly a ghost that only Penelope could hear. In "real" life, they could have easily been lovers as well.

I liked the switch back to the 1940's to give clues to the present. I have seen other authors do this but it was done very well by this author. It also allowed Jack to be a real person and not a ghost. The description of him was spot on.

There were hints to who the killer might have been but I truly did not know until the end and that too was fun for me because it kept me wanting to read the book. Just as I thought it was one person, that person was proven to be innocent. I loved all of the twistings of characters together.

This is a terrific book, a nice little cozy to read for Halloween too.
Overall, I give the book 4 stars.

Disclosure: This review is part of a book tour for the authors. I received a copy of this book from the authors but my review is 100% my own opinion and may be different from yours.
~Michelle aka Naila Moon

Where to find the author:

Cleo Coyle is a pseudonym for Alice Alfonsi, writing in collaboration with her husband, Marc Cerasini. Both are New York Times bestselling authors of the Coffeehouse Mysteries--now celebrating nearly fifteen years in print. They also write the nationally bestselling Haunted Bookshop Mysteries, which were originally published under their second pseudonym, Alice Kimberly (The Ghost and Mrs. McClureThe Ghost and the Dead DebThe Ghost and the Dead Man's LibraryThe Ghost and the Femme FataleThe Ghost and the Haunted Mansion). Alice has worked as a journalist in Washington, DC, and New York, and has written popular fiction for adults and children. A former magazine editor, Marc has authored espionage thrillers and nonfiction for adults and children. Alice and Marc are also bestselling media tie-in writers who have penned properties for Lucasfilm, NBC, Fox, Disney, Imagine, and MGM. They live and work in New York City, where they write independently and together. You can learn more about Cleo, her husband, and the books they write by visiting



Michelle aka Naila Moon of Reading authors is not responsible for the giveaway from this author. For rules see the Rafflecopter or the tour page.

Friday, September 28, 2018

#Review: Splotch by Anne Rothman-Hicks and Kenneth Hicks #middlegrade


Alice’s parents refuse to let her have a dog, so when Alice sees a paint stain on the sidewalk that looks like a dog, she decides that she will make him a virtual pet. She calls him Splotch and downloads a picture of him on her computer. To her surprise, he escapes from the computer and begins to act as Alice’s self-appointed protector. Unfortunately, he sees most people as potential enemies of Alice, including her teacher and the principal, and he is not shy about giving those various enemies a bite. When Splotch starts to attack Alice’s best friend, Alice knows there is a big problem.

My review:

This is the 3rd book in a middle-grade series of books. It is a chapter book with no pictures. For some reason, I thought originally it was a simple picture book but glad that it was not. It is a stand-alone book which was great since I have not read the other two books prior to this one.

Alice is a middle-grade girl with a big imagination, a whole lot of wants, and seemingly a whole lot of enemies. Splotch is truly from her imagination but is also very real in the protection of her from her "enemies".  Having this guard dog gets her into a whole lot of trouble too.

Through the various issues Alice deals with, she becomes to understand that maybe the things she thought were true are not exactly as they seem. Just maybe all the people who she sees as enemies are actually people who are truly on her side.

I could see kids who are trying to figure out this thing we call life. working through many of the same issues Alice has. All kids want to be like, smart, and confident in their abilities. Often we adults tend to squelch those things or expect kids to be growing up fast in a fast-paced world. This is not easy for anyone and kids need to feel in control. 

I enjoyed following along to see what Splotch may have looked like. I could put myself in the place of Alice and how she felt about different situations. Ultimately, I could see through Alice's eyes, how friends are everything and having even more than one is the best.  Imagination is awesome and something kids can control, even if it happens to be a dog that bites.

I liked this cute book. 3 stars.

Disclosure: I received a Kindle copy of this book from the author. I chose to review as part of a virtual tour. The views expressed here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle aka Naila Moon

Where to find the authors:


Sunday, September 2, 2018

Are You Participating? #somethingwickedfall #readathon

Every year, Michelle, from True Book Addict kicks off her annual read-a-thon of Fright Fall. It is fun to read spooky sometimes. Usually though, mine is more for the younger set but still...

This year (in fact it is going on right now) she has included a kick-off of sorts. It is a 48-hour read-a-thon in which scary/horror is suggested but not required. There are no prizes for this one but just a fun time. I am on it!

As part of this, I have already finished a collection of spooky by the author, John Paul Allen called Dark Blessings. It is a short story collection but a few will give you goosebumps.

The other book I am reading and getting ready to finish is by the author, Scott Kenemore called The Zen of Zombie. It is actually more humorous than scary but hey, it's about zombies!

There are a few hours left for this read-a-thon. Join in if you want. At least tell me what you are reading.

Happy reading,
Michelle aka Naila Moon

Friday, July 13, 2018

#Spotlight: Disorderly Conduct by Mary Feliz #CozyMysteries

Disorderly Conduct (A Maggie McDonald Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
4th in Series
Lyrical Underground (July 10, 2018)
Print Length: 233 pages

Professional organizer Maggie McDonald manages to balance a fastidious career with friends, family, and a spunky Golden Retriever. But add a fiery murder mystery to the mix, and Maggie wonders if she’s finally found a mess even she can’t tidy up . . .
With a devastating wildfire spreading to Silicon Valley, Maggie preps her family for a rapid evacuation. The heat rises when firefighters discovered the body of her best friend Tess Olmos’s athletic husband—whose untimely death was anything but accidental. And as Tess agonizes over the whereabouts of her spouse’s drop-dead gorgeous running mate, she becomes the prime suspect in what’s shaping up to become a double murder case. Determined to set the record straight, Maggie sorts through clues in an investigation more dangerous than the flames approaching her home. But when her own loved ones are threatened, can she catch the meticulous killer before everything falls apart?
About the Author
Mary Feliz writes the Maggie McDonald Mysteries featuring a Silicon Valley professional organizer and her sidekick golden retriever. She’s worked for Fortune 500 firms and mom and pop enterprises competed in whaleboat races and done synchronized swimming. She attends organizing conferences in her character’s stead, but Maggie’s skills leave her in the dust.

Author Links:

Purchase Links: 
Amazon     B&N  

Thursday, July 12, 2018

#Review: Crappy to Happy: Small Steps to Big Happiness Now! by Randy Peyser #selfhelp

Crappy to Happy: Small Steps to Big Happiness NOW!Crappy to Happy: Small Steps to Big Happiness NOW! by Randy Peyser
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have read a few self-help books in my years of reading and I must say, this is one of the most humorous I have ever read.

Randy (who is a woman) writes in five major sections breaking each section into several chapters. Each chapter begins with a "story" that is often humorous but very real.

After the story, she will summarize it by telling the reader exactly how to take steps to make life happier right now, this very minute.

At the end of the book, she essentially summarizes each of the steps quickly so that they are once again fresh in the mind.

I liked the humor this author had which made what could have been another self-help boredom into something wanted to be read again and again. She was real with her stories and you truly felt like you understood and wanted to return the book to her to tell her, "read this!"

Overall a good book which is why I gave it 4 stars.

Disclosure: I purchased a copy of this book for my own collections. The views here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle aka Naila Moon

View all my reviews

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

#Review: Led Zeppelin Crashed Here by Chris Epting #history #landmarks #music

In Led Zeppelin Crashed Here: The Rock and Roll Landmarks of North America, pop culture historian Chris Epting takes you on a journey across North America to the exact locations where rock and roll history was made. Epting has compiled nearly 600 rock and roll landmarks, combining historical information with trivia, photos, and backstage lore, all with the enthusiasm of a true rock and roll devotee. No other book delivers such an extensive list of rock and roll landmarks—from beginnings (the site where Elvis got his first guitar), to endings (the hotel where Janis Joplin died), and everything in between. The rowdiest and the most talented rockers are all featured, with sidebars on musical greats like Bob Dylan, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, and U2. And, of course, you’ll learn all about the infamous “Riot House” on the Sunset Strip where Led Zeppelin “crashed.”
My review:
Although this book is an excellent source for musical nature, I found it also to be quite cumbersome to read. The book has 327 pages of musical trivia and facts ranging in particular singers or bands to where they died. In defense of the author though, he did an excellent job in his research and the book is not meant to be read as a novel but as a source for the musical aficionado. 

The content is divided up into sections beginning alphabetically with singers and bands, then goes through places, landmarks, deaths, memorials. He includes photos, addresses, and phone numbers when at all possible. In the back of the book, the author lists 100 songs for the classic road trip and albums (just in case you want to listen to the whole thing), his own personal top 25, and a list of musical stores across the country.

This book no doubt has it all and that is why it gets 4 stars from me. 

Disclosure: I picked up a copy of this book at my local library. The views expressed here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle aka Naila Moon

Where to find the author:


A pop culture (and baseball) history aficionado, Chris has a lifelong penchant for documenting the exact sites where things both great and small occurred. As an author, Epting has found that unearthing and chronicling ‘hidden’ locations offers him a challenge. What began as an inquisitive hobby soon developed into the writing and photographing of 14 books based on his discoveries.

Monday, July 9, 2018

#Review & #Giveaway: The Three Shoeboxes by Steven Manchester #blogtour Ends 9/1/18

Book Details

Genre: Fiction

Published by: The Story Plant 
Publication Date: June 12th, 2018 
Number of Pages: 285 
ISBN: 1611882605 (ISBN13: 9781611882605) 
Purchase Links:   AmazonBarnes & NobleiBooks, & Goodreads


Mac Anderson holds life in the palm of his hand. He has a beautiful wife, three loving children, a comfortable home, and a successful career. Everything is perfect―or so it seems. Tragically, Mac is destined to learn that any sense of security can quickly prove false. Because an invisible enemy called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder has invaded Mac's fragile mind and it is about to drop him to his knees. He does all he can to conceal his inner chaos but to no avail. Left to contend with ignorance, an insensitive justice system, and the struggles of an invisible disease, he loses everything―most importantly his family.
One shoebox might store an old pair of sneakers. Two shoeboxes might contain a lifetime of photographs. But in Three Shoeboxes, a father's undying love may be just enough to make things right again.

My review:

One of the things I try not to do when reading Steven Manchester's books is read the summary. This is so I can read without any clear idea what his books are about. Now, I know I already put the summary here for you to read but this is only the tip of the iceberg.

The author dug deep with this one and like many of the other books I have read, it almost seems like a personal journal but, that is the beauty of Steven Manchester's writing. PTSD is discussed in depth in the book and what it takes to overcome such a disorder. Steven Manchester once again brilliantly writes about a subject that is not only hard to digest for some but is very real in this day and time.

The main characters had everything, the life that every man or woman would ever want it seems. One magical night after a 15th wedding anniversary turns into a tragic tailspin. So much distrust, miscommunication, and mind-altering chaos turn this once loving family into a complete nightmare. His only saving grace is the love of his children.

Will they manage to ride the waves to healing? Will love conquer all through the gifts of shoeboxes? Ah, that my friends is why you have to read this excellent book!

I cannot begin to say enough here but this, pick up the book, read it, and breathe it in as only you can when reading this authors book. This is certainly a winner!

5 stars!

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the author for review. The opinions expressed here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle aka Naila Moon

For the giveaway for this tour, see below.

About the author:

Steven Manchester is the author of the #1 bestsellers Twelve MonthsThe Rockin’ ChairPressed Pennies, and Gooseberry Island, the national bestseller Ashes, and the novels Goodnight, Brian and The Changing Season. His work has appeared on NBC’s Today Show, CBS’s The Early Show, CNN’s American Morning, and BET’s Nightly News. Recently, three of Manchester’s short stories were selected “101 Best” for the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.


This is a rafflecopter giveaway hosted by Providence Book Promotions for Steven Manchester and The Story Plant. Michelle aka Naila Moon of Reading Authors is not responsible for prize shipment. There will be 1 winner of one (1) Gift Card AND 3 winners of one (1) print copy of Ashes by Steven Manchester. The giveaway begins on July 1 and runs through September 1, 2018. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

#Spotlight & #Giveaway: What Does God Sound Like? by #BernieDiPasquale @iReadBookTours @AuthorBernieD

Book Details:

Book Title: What Does God Sound Like? by Bernie DiPasquale
Category: Children's Fiction, 34 pages
Genre: Children's Books, Values & Virtues, Christian Books
Publisher: Mindstir Media
Release date: September 14, 2016
Tour dates: June 25 to July 20, 2018
Content Rating: G

Book Description:

We tell our kids that God is everywhere. Pray and maybe He will answer. But if God is everywhere and has created all things, then He must be talking to us all the time. This is my short story to help my Grandchildren understand they can talk with God all day, every day, everywhere.

Buy the Book:

Watch the trailer:

Meet the Author:

Bernie was born and raised in Baltimore, MD and now resides in Joppa, a small community just a bit north up the I-95 corridor. He has spent his entire professional career in Education and Financial Services. More importantly, he is a Husband, Father, and Grandfather to a beautiful family.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook 

Enter the Giveaway!
Ends July 28, 2018