Saturday, September 30, 2017

Get Your Reading Spook-tacular Books Right Here! #Giveaway Announcement! #CryptKeeper2017

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It is that time of year by boo-kish friends when I change up my blog for Halloween reading delights. I become the Crypt Keeper of books for your reading pleasure.

This year, as in the past, I will present books with a "Halloween-ish" theme to them. Most of the books will be children's books that I review but some will be for adults as well. There will be some giveaways attached to some spotlighted or book blast books.

This year, I have decided to also give a $10 Amazon gift card away at the end of October. You will be asked to follow along with a "skeletal keyword" to put into the giveaway tools for each book. In essence, it will give you 31 chances to win if you come back every day. There will be other entries too.

Of course, you do not have to enter at all and that is ok but I would love, as all Crypt Keepers do, for you to leave me a comment on my pages. That makes my bones happy!

Happy Haunting!

Michelle aka Naila Moon

Friday, September 22, 2017

#BookBlast & #Giveaway: I. Am. Elizabeth, by Kathi Haacke Morehead

I. Am. Elizabeth by Kathi Haacke Morehead

I. Am. Elizabeth is a story of medieval intrigue based on the life of Elizabeth Plantagenet. Set both contemporaneously and in the 16th century, the reader will be invited to weigh for themselves the truth of Elizabeth's life, including the disappearance of Elizabeth's brothers, the Lost Princes in the Tower, the ascension of her uncle, Richard III, to the throne of England, and her marriage to Henry Tudor. Elizabeth Plantagenet was a daughter, niece, sister, wife, and mother to five Kings of England, and grandmother of the first and second Queens Regnant: Mary I and Elizabeth I. You may have met The White Princess, but prepare for your introduction to the real Elizabeth of York. Description: Elizabeth of York died in 1503. Annie Campbell lives today. Can they reach through time to heal one another's soul, or will their secrets be impossible to overcome? ... Why can't I sleep? It is not as though tonight is any different from last night, or the night before, or even the night before that. It's hot, and not a breath of air moves through the window. I feel like I will go mad from this anxiety, this fear. But of what? It's so very dark tonight. No moon, no light from the windows. Just dark... Damn you, darkness. You've not been kind the past few nights. What horror do you hold for me tonight?

Purchase the book:

$1.00 of all sales proceeds of paperback and hardback editions of this book will go to the fundraising campaign of Mt. Blanc for MS on behalf of Neely Worldwide Publishing and Kathi Haacke Morehead. For more information please visit

About the author:
Kathi - White Night Author PicKathi Haacke Morehead made her fictional debut with WHITE NIGHT followed by the sequel Eternal Night. She is the author of HEART BLEED: Letting go and stanching the flow, and THE BEST FROM THE CHEAP SEATS. Her fiction has tackled questions of morality, spirituality, life after death, love, and integrity. She is not a conventional author, writes in a conversational style to better interact with her readers. If you're looking for high style, you won't find it in her work. Kathi believes in the value of tightly crafted story - everything else will fall into place. To quote Kathi: "I guess that makes me a bit of a bohemian. And I'm good with that." Kathi lives in Brunswick, Maryland with her husband, Dave, and four finicky felines. They have a blended family of 4 children and 3 grandchildren.

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Enter to win a Wine glass: You can't get that wine glass anywhere but the Yeoman Warder's club, The Keys, at the Tower of London, and you can't get into The Keys without an invite from a Yeoman Warder.

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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Review & Giveaway: Overwhelmed Writer Rescue by Colleen M. Story @colleen_m_story @iReadBookTours #WriterRescue #timemanagement

Today’s demands on writers and other creative artists are overwhelming. Not only must you produce the work you love, but build and maintain a platform and market your finished products to the world—all while holding down a day job and/or caring for a family.

You teeter on the edge. What waits on the other side are burnout, exhaustion, and a complete loss of creative motivation.

Overwhelmed Writer Rescue provides practical, personalized solutions to help beginning and experienced writers and other creative artists escape the tyranny of the to-do list to nurture the genius within. You’ll find ways to boost productivity, improve time management, and restore your sanity while gaining insight into your unique creative nature and what it needs to thrive.

My Review:
I have read one of Ms. Story's books before, a novel, a book of great interest. So, it is that I was excited to read another. 

This book, however, is not a novel but a self-help book. It is one that I truly needed to read at this particular time in my life when I am so desperately trying to write my own stories.

I seriously have felt I have no time to do such a thing but, this author, with her book, has shown me not only how to find time but how not to be stressed while doing all the things I need to do.

She mentions at the beginning of her book that this is not just for writers but for anyone who is finding themselves pinched for time to do the things they really love to do.

The book is divided into sections to help the reader find the time, to not fall into pitfalls that sabotage and to pick one's self up when it does happen.

The author includes small boxes of "time treasures" to make the reader think and also includes quizzes to help further understand one's self, all to move forward into (this case) getting that writing done.

As I said before, this book has come at a great time for me and I do recommend it.

5 stars.
Would you like to win a copy? Check out below and enter. Hurry, it ends Sept. 23, 2017. 

~Michelle aka Naila Moon

Where to find the author:

Colleen M. Story has worked in the creative writing industry for over twenty years. Her novels include "Loreena's Gift," an Idaho Author Awards first place winner, New Apple Solo Medalist winner, Foreword Reviews' INDIES Book of the Year Awards winner, Reader Views award finalist, and Best Book Awards finalist; and "Rise of the Sidenah," a North American Book Awards winner and New Apple Book Awards Official Selection. 

As a health writer, Colleen has authored thousands of articles for publications like Healthline and Women's Health; worked with high-profile clients like Gerber Baby Products and Kellogg's; and ghostwritten books on back pain, nutrition, and cancer recovery. She finds most rewarding her work as a motivational speaker and workshop leader, where she helps writers remove mental and emotional blocks and tap into their unique creative powers. 

Colleen is the founder of Writing and Wellness (, a motivational site helping writers and other creative artists maintain their physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being throughout their careers. Sign up for your free weekly email containing tips for living your best creative life at writingandwellness/ newslett


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

A Re-post from 2014...Tag! Favorite books.

Tag, your it! My top 10 books.

9/5 Tomorrow is National Read A  Book Day. This is a repost about some of my favorite books. What books do you love? Tell me about them. ~Michelle

Just this week I was tagged by my friend, Rebecca to do the "10 Books Challenge" were I share 10 books that has stayed with me throughout my life for whatever reason.
The challenge did not say that I had to tell why, but I thought why not? So, I decided to use this challenge for this blog as it fits perfectly. Note: If you click on the book, it will take you to a link to buy it too. (For the record, I have no affiliation links)

So, here I go...

1. Daddy Long Legs-this book has resonated with me for years. I read the book around middle school years and it stuck. It is really my favorite book of all time. I loved the girl wrote letters to an unknown sponsor. She spoke of life, love, and angst.

2. The Giving Tree-I have always loved Shel Silverstein from the first time I read his books. This book in particular I love because it speaks of giving from the heart everything you have. It also represents using what you have and are given wisely.

3. If You Give A Mouse A Cookie-this book is just fun and quirky. I actually like the whole series that started with this book. It shows that sometimes you get in an endless loop of being asked for things and it may never end.

4. The True Story of the Three Little Pigs-I have always liked the fairy tale of the three pigs. However, this telling of the classic tale I adore. I love that the wolf tells the story of what happened from his perspective.

5. The Hardy Boys Mysteries-I know this is not just one book but I loved this series. I used to own several of the books when I was a kid and read them so much they were totally dog eared. The mysteries intrigued me but did not bog me down. I recently found a independently owned book store that has almost all of the books. I would like to own and read them again.

6. Nancy Drew Mysteries-I love these pretty much for the same reason as #5 except it was a girl! Growing up, this was important for me to relate to.

7. It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown-seriously, who does not like Snoopy and the gang? If you know me at all, you know I love Snoopy! This is one of my favorites of the cartoon version. I love that Linus mistakes Snoopy for the Great Pumpkin. This book was also a gift given to me by my husband and has a prominent place in our home every Halloween.

8. Yellow Star-this book I have only read this year but is for sure among my favorites. I am interested in the stories of holocaust survivors. I feel their stories need to be heard so those atrocities never happen again but also so they are remembered. This book is told in first person narrative and is good but heart breaking too.

9. Stillwell: A Haunting On Long Island-although this book is from one of the authors I represent, I really do like this book.I like the ghostly story mixed with just a bit of love story. It is sweet and timeless. In addition, I just like how the author weaves words.

10. Autobiographies/Biographies-I know this is not a book but a genre. I love reading all sorts of books from this genre of which there have been too many to mention. If I find someone interesting, I will read about them.

Many books could be on this list but this is my top selections Who knows they can always change.
So, who to tag now...

Happy reading!