Monday, February 16, 2015

#Review : "The Monster That Ate My Socks" by A.J. Cosmo and #Giveaway for chance of 1 of 2 #Kindles #kidsbooks #childrenfiction # bookreview #monsters

A young boy, who is about to be grounded for going through so many socks, discovers that a monster has been eating them.

Max is a young boy who is constantly getting in trouble for his socks disappearing. He doesn't know where they go, but he does know that if he doesn't do something quickly his mom will ground him for summer. Max soon discovers that a little green monster is sneaking into his room at night and eating his sweaty socks. His mother, of course, doesn't believe him, so Max calls on his best friend to come for a sleepover to catch the monster.
They devise a trap and capture the monster only to learn that the creature can speak. It hasn't meant to cause any harm, it's just trying to feed its family. The monster shows them his home and his three little children and begs the boys not to turn them over to the adults. Adults, he says, want to destroy monsters. 

The boys are left in a pickle. Allow the monsters to be and get grounded, or turn the monsters in knowing what will happen to them? Neither idea seems good, so they come up with a new plan!

My review:
As I first started reading this, I thought it was too bad that the main character's mom did not believe him.  I understand that the idea of monsters is imagination for the most part but kids need to be believed. At very least, work through imaginary friends or in this case, problems that are occurring.

The only negative other than what I said above, is the monster's change in eating habits from the socks. It was understandable via the story but it might give children the idea that if they don't do well in school or having problems in school that they can just hide the evidence. I could see where this might be a talking point for parents with their children.

Having said that though, this book is a lesson in three-fold. The first is taking care of your things, as things can be expensive to buy to constantly have to replace them. The second is, taking care of others. The third is finding self solutions to a problem that one might have. All of these ideals were cleverly written so young children could perfectly understand them.

There were very few pictures in this book and that is also understandable as this book is meant to be an early reader. In fact, there is a guide for teachers/homeschool parents to use with this book.

Overall, this is a likable book and I can give it 4 stars.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book for my open and honest opinion. The views expressed here are 100% my own and may differ with yours.
The giveaway below is being conducted by the author and ireadbooks. I am not responsible for prize distribution. ~Naila Moon

Where to find the author:

Connect with A.J.:  Website  ~  Facebook  ~  Amazon



Michelle de Guzman said...

As I child I was petrified of the people who lived under the stairs.

wendy browne said...

I am STILL afraid of ghosts!

Anonymous said...

I was definitely afraid of monsters and am quite surprised at how many monsters are around these children's movies, books and TV shows! Aren't kids scared of monsters anymore???

outasite said...

Yes ours was called the Boogie Man

Unknown said...

I don't remember being afraid of any monsters.

XmasDolly said...

Yes, I was afraid of the dark and I use to see stuff and ran to my mom & slept with my mom & dad the rest of the night. That went on for a while. hehehe

Unknown said...

I don't think I was afraid of monsters, but it's been so long, I can't remember.

Unknown said...

Yes, at night I was afraid that light towers would turn into transformer looking robots, and afraid of gas station pumps turning into robots, lol.

Unknown said...

I sure was as a child!

Renee C. said...

What do you mean when I was a child?! lol I still keep the closet doors closed at night! ;-) Thanks for the giveaway.

Robin A said...

Yes I was terrified of monsters in my closet.