Saturday, March 15, 2025

Magical Elements of the Periodic Table by Sybrina Durant #GuestPost #science #childrensnonfiction

Hello my fellow readers. Today I welcome to my blog a guest poster, Sybrina Durant. She is here to talk about her book and her insight into writing it. Welcome, Sybrina, take it away.

~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

Where the Muse Leads, I Must Follow

By Sybrina Durant

Way back in the 1980’s my muse inserted an idea into my head to write a novel about a tribe of

12 metal horn unicorns with magical powers. Their powers were based on the properties of their

particular metal and how the metals were used in our everyday modern lives. I spent about 25

years world-building and refining the personalities and stories of each individual unicorn. That

charming book is still out there to be enjoyed by fantasy lovers.

Fast forward to 2022 and I decided I wanted to write an alphabet book. I don’t know why that

crazy muse of mine led me there but it just wouldn’t let go of the idea that, even though there

were already thousands of alphabet books in the world, it was my duty to introduce another one.

I decided a unicorn alphabet book would be cute and learned there were already over 50 of

those. Hmmm…more bad news for my book. How in the world could I make mine different?

Then the strangest thought struck. I could make it about unicorns and the periodic table. I

already had 12 metal horn unicorns representing different elements from the periodic table. All I

needed were 14 more to have a book representing all 26 letters of the alphabet. Yay!

Except I soon hit another roadblock. Turns out, not all letters of the alphabet are represented in

the periodic table. Who knew? Well, a lot of scientifically inclined individuals might know, but I

didn’t. And I was inclined to stop right there but my muse kept harassing me to figure something

out. What to do? I started researching what certain elements were called in other languages and

found enough that started with the missing alphabet letters that allowed me to finish the book.

Success! Magical Elements of the Periodic Table Presented by The Metal Horn Unicorns was


That soon made me realize that I couldn’t quit there. After all, that book only represented 26

letters of the alphabet and there are 118 elements in the periodic table. A monumental task

stood in front of me. What in the world was that extremely pushy muse thinking? I guess she

thought that I was up for the task.

I went on to write another “alphabet” book about 26 more elements of the periodic table which

was presented by Elemental Dragons. Then, came this book, Magical Elements of the Periodic

Table Presented By The Alchemical Wizards – Book 1 in which I completely abandoned the

alphabet theme. And in case you’re wondering, there will be a book 2 featuring wizards and

their elements. It will be published later this year. Shortly after that, I’ll be publishing the last

book in the series which will finish out the periodic table and will be presented by Actinide

Knights and Radioactive Goblins.

To make it even more fun filled, I’ve created activity pages, trading cards, an elemental periodic

table poster and even an elemental bingo game featuring all of these characters and the

elements they represent. Visit my website ( to browse all

of those things and more, plus while you’re there, click the links at the top of the page to access

my research pages so you can easily check my facts and learn more on your own about each


You never know where your muse will lead you but it is usually to something wonderful. When I

created my magical metal horn unicorn tribe 40 years ago, I had no idea I would one day create

illustrated periodic table books meant to inspire kids to want to learn more about the world of

science. Researching these elements has certainly inspired me to keep learning. I truly hope it has that

 same positive effect on all who read them.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Word Collector by Peter H. Reynolds #words #childrensfiction #collections #multicultural


Jerome discovers the magic of the words all around him -- short and sweet words, two-syllable treats, and multi-syllable words that sound like little songs. Words that connect, transform, and empower.

My review:

All of us at some point start collecting something. I happen to collect books, writing materials, and art stuff. So, when I picked up this book at my local library, it seemed like a fun book to read. I was not disappointed.

This book starts out talking about collections, just as I did here; but this collection is different: words! Although the book pages had few words on them (mostly a picture book), it did capture the essence of a word collector.

The young boy found words everywhere he looked, they even "jumped out at him." I can relate to that for I do find some extraordinary words everywhere. This boys collection grew in mass as he took all of his words and put them in scrapbooks. Oh, art!  

However, one day the words became bigger and became new words. I won't tell you how, that would spoil the book.  I can say though,his love for words grew and he used them in different ways. It is just too bad that I did not see some definitions for some of the words, especially the harder words

Then one day...oh wait...I cannot tell you the end with my words, that would  ruin the whole book for you. 

So, I will just say, the illustrations are as big and bold as the words on the pages. Get this book as it is one for  all ages. *wink*

4 stars.

Disclosure: I picked up a copy of this book from my local library. The views here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. 

~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

Find the book on: Amazon

Monday, February 24, 2025

#Spotlight: Dragon Flight #anthology #fantasy #dragons #animals



Caution: Dragons ahead.

Prepare to delve into fiery worlds full of dragons. From hatchlings to ancients. From tame to wild. Many have their own goals, and most want to see the world reduced to ash. To reshape the world in their own reptilian image. Others struggle to survive, but heroes rise among them.

Which side will you choose?

Featuring 27 stories by the following authors: Vicki Erwin, Bruce Buchanan, Demi Michelle Schwartz, Sadie Lielle, Andreas Flögel, Desirae Gracyn, C.L. Hart, Kristen Argyres, Sandy R. Stuckless, Jessica Lee Minneci, Rae Evans, S.E. Reed, Larry Hodges, David O'Mahony, Mae Thorn, M.L. Quinn, Racquel Sims, Sierra Jackson, Daniel DiQuinzio, Ana Cordoba, Gabriella Balcom, D.J. Elton, Ann Stolinsky, Charles Barouch, Arwyn Sherman, Kiera Kearsey, Binod Dawadi, and J.E. Feldman.




A Night In the Magical Menagerie


Can creatures with radically different motivations get along?

In this fantastical tale a fox named Tod and a tortoise named Torte are brought to the Forest Environment of the Magical Menagerie of Celephaïs by the Outer God Nyarlathotep and his daughter. The friends encounter a wheelbarrow full of peculiar fruit and several exotic creatures. Will they enjoy a good life in their new home, or is this strange place as filled with peril as the one they escaped?





In the Forest Environment of the Magical Menagerie of Celephaïs, a fox and a tortoise gave one another a puzzled glance as they examined a wheelbarrow filled with strange yellow fruits.

"Before Nyarlathotep and his daughter left us here last night, they assured us that King Kuranes' gamekeepers would care for us," the fox said. "I am not sure the gamekeepers know what they are doing. What are these, and how is one meant to eat them? They are covered in spines like a hedgehog, and the green growth on the top poked me in my nose! Come to think of it, Torte, I'm not sure I trust Nyarlathotep or his daughter. After all, he is the great Cosmic Trickster, and surely, the apple does not fall far from the tree."

"This is only a name imparted to him by humans, Tod," Torte said. "Humans are a peculiar lot. Nyarlathotep was forthright with Captain Sammy, and he has been forthright with us."

"I defer to your intuition, my friend. You are slow to anger and take the time to thoroughly assess situations. Very well, rather than postulating malice on the part of Nyarlathotep, I postulate that he does not know what my kind eats and nor, apparently, do King Kuranes' gamekeepers."

"Perhaps these were left here for those animals that eat fruit," Torte said. "I have never before seen the like of them, but they have a pleasant scent. On the other hand, perhaps they were left here inadvertently. Upon discovering their mistake, the gamekeepers will return with the correct foodstuffs."

"If you believe they have a pleasant scent, I will knock one to the ground for you," Tod offered.

About the Author

C.L. Hart had a stormy start to her life. She was born at 6 A.M. the morning after Valentine’s Day in 1965 during a raging blizzard.

She has been a fan of horror and weird fiction for as long as she can remember. She used to read horror comics under the covers with a flashlight as a child.

She started reading Edgar Allan Poe when she was six years old. In her early teens, she discovered H.P. Lovecraft. She pretended to lose the copy of At the Mountains of Madness that she borrowed from the school library and paid the fine so she could keep the book.

Ms. Hart blames the team at Chaosium Role-Playing Games for renewing and strengthening her obsession with Lovecraft’s writing. She lives in a small town on the northeastern plains of Colorado in an appropriately old and storied house with her son and cats. She enjoys watching the normal people pass by as she records the happenings in the weird worlds of her imagination.


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Friday, February 14, 2025

Review: A Love Letter to My Library by Lisa Katzenberger #childrensfiction #libraries #ValentinesDay #multicultural #inclusive


Everyone loves visiting the library! Children―and adults alike―enjoy searching the shelves for new adventures, curling up in their favorite cozy chair during story time, and even laughing with their friends during arts and crafts. The library has something for everybody!

My review:

Today happens to be Valentine's Day and what a more perfect book than this one to review. I love that this book is all about loving the library and the things that happen in a library. 

When I was growing up, everyone that entered a library had to be completely quiet. Books, music, and some movies was all you could get there. Now, as this book points out, you can come and listen to stories, laugh, play, and yes, in some areas, be loud. Everyone no matter you age, color, sex, capabilities, etc are also welcome in a library. Finding books that look just like you are there too.

In my local library, we have poetry reads, Zumba classes, games, quilt shows, photography shows, blanket making, things for the homeless, a huge dinosaur, and so much more! Oh, and did I happen to mention books, music, and movies?

This book makes mention about pet fish and comfy chairs and spaces to sit and read or simply relax. What a place! What a love letter to one of the best places to be anywhere in the world! Kudos to the author.

About the illustrator: his pictures are bold, bright, and a nice compliment to the story the author presented. It is obvious, he too, likes to be in the library.

5 stars!

Disclosure: This book I retrieved from my own library. The views expressed here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

Where to find the authors:


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Review: The Dictionary Story by Oliver Jeffers and Sam Winston #childrensfiction # dictionaries #animals #funny #words


Dictionary is filled with all the words that ever existed, but can she find a way to bring them to life?

My review:

As a reviewer, I read tons of stories and books.  I grew up with a dictionary at the ready to look up words I did not know. Of course now, we have Google but a dictionary can be just as valuable, which is why I picked up this book. The title intrigued me.

The story is about a dictionary. I suppose that is a no brainier since it is in the title and the synopsis. However, in this case, dictionary wanted more out of her life. Side note: I did not know dictionaries were "hers" but good to know. As her pages begin with "A" you expect to see things in alphabetical order. SPOILER ALERT: You do!

That is where it begins as dictionary is thinking about how to have a story like the other books. Essentially, she is bored, but that is in "B" so I am getting ahead of myself here. Anyway, alligator gets hungry and that is where the story truly begins. His pursuit of food causes all sorts of chaos. What is a dictionary to do?

I chortled (a good "C" word) as everything came to life and the alphabet and dictionary herself became one big mess. Oh, did she really want this? Well, no.

The story did go right on through "Z" but got straightened out in the end. Funny how it all happened but of course, I cannot reveal that. Read her! 

If I was to say anything to the authors that helped the dictionary tell her story, I would say, maybe she should have used the "T" word "tape" and things would have been okay. 

This book gets a big 5 "S" word "STARS" from me!

Disclosure: I picked up a copy of this from my local "L" library. The views expressed here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

Where to find the authors:


Thursday, February 6, 2025

Review: I Have A Dream by Dr. Martin Luther King/Illustrations by Kadir Nelson #childrensnonfiction #liveCD #speeches #BlackHistoryMonth


On August 28, 1963, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington, Martin Luther King gave one of the most powerful and memorable speeches in our nation's history.

My review:

It is not the first time that I have seen in print or heard the now famous speech, by Dr. Martin Luther King. It is one that still rings true to this day.

However, I picked up this book from my local library to honor Black History month and WOW, I am so impressed. Dr. Martin Luther King's words were so powerful by them selves but then compare it with this illustrator and you have one excellent children's book!

For each page turn, I was drawn in by the illustration but then the words I heard as if the pastor himself was reading it aloud today. The plus, plus side for the book is a CD that is included so children can hear the original speech in the pastor's own voice.

Run, don't walk and get you a copy right now. You will not be disappointed. If you don't believe me look to the fact that this book won the Coretta Scott King and Parent's Choice Awards.

5 absolute stars!

Disclosure: I picked up a copy of this book from my local library. The views expressed here are 100% my own and may differ from yours.

~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

Where to find this book:


Friday, January 31, 2025

Review: Athletes who Changed the Game by James Buckley Jr & Ellen Labrecque #sport #multicultural #childrensnonfiction


While these athletes came from different backgrounds and overcame unique struggles, they had one thing in common: they would not take "You can't" for an answer. With a don't-give-up attitude, these fearless firsts fought for what they believed in and created a better sports world.

My review:

As the latest Olympics just took place in 2024 and we are on the cusp of The Superbowl and Spring training seasons, this book seemed like a winner to read.

I come from a family who are sport enthusiast and with over 50 athletes featured in this book, it was fun to see the ones I knew and the ones I did not.  I enjoyed learning about their backgrounds and the different barriers they went through to become the great athlete they were or currently are.

Divided into sections, readers are able to find easily a sport that might be of interest. On pages 118-119 also gives the exact person and sport to follow. However, I found the book fascinating just reading from front to back. On pages 116-117 gives a complete timeline beginning in 1899 to present day of different athletes accomplishments.

This book is by far a terrific resource book for all.

5 stars!

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book. The views expressed here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

Where to find the authors:

Amazon     Goodreads