Thursday, November 21, 2024

Mistletoe and Martians by Samuel DenHartog #martians #aliens #mars #humor #Christmas #traditions #bookseries


"A whimsical journey to Snowville, a charming town where the festive spirit of Christmas is about to encounter the curiosity of visitors from Mars. As the Martians land on Earth with a mission to understand the peculiar and heartwarming traditions of Christmas, they find themselves wrapped up in a series of humorous and endearing adventures. From misunderstanding mistletoe to a comical attempt at caroling, their journey is as heartwarming as it is hilarious."


I tend to like martian/alien stories so I thought getting this book would be a fun read. I was not disappointed at all.

Martians land on Earth as they are on an investigation quest. It just so happens they land during the season of Christmas. Fortunately, they are welcomed by the humans and  get immersed in their holiday customs. They even get parts in a nativity play! 

Humor is intertwined as the martians try to navigate their way in understanding and peace. The humans learn some of the ways of "Mars" too. We  all know martians come from Mars! 

I liked this book enough to keep reading it.  It was fun and an extremely light read. I do think if the author had flushed out some of the characters even more, it would have been an "A" book.

I did enjoy the martian characters and their honest mistakes but truly trying to understand. 

What I enjoyed most was the coming together in peace and harmony and the meshing of two very different cultures. This was a great statement on how things really should be.

I give this book 3 stars. 

Disclosure: I purchased a Kindle copy of this book for my own collections. The review here is 100% my own opinions and may differ from yours. ~Michelle, Reading Authors Network


Samuel DenHartog is a versatile and imaginative author whose works span a wide array of genres, including mythology, fables, fairy tales, fantasy, mystery, science fiction, and children's books. His stories captivate readers of all ages, blending wonder with rich, timeless narratives.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

I Know A Guy Named Noah by Jeanne Ward #childrensbooks #adventure



Follow along with Noah Guy, a character who knows he’s in a book, as he takes you on whimsical adventures where the only limit is your imagination. From riding bulls at the rodeo to joining the circus, Noah shows that anything is possible with a friend by your side.

This charming story celebrates friendship, teamwork, and the power of never giving up. The rhythmic verses are designed to engage young minds, promoting speech, cognitive development, and early literacy skills. Children will love the playful.


My name is Jeanne Ward, I am a mother of three, grandmother of two and a business owner.  Family is everything to me.  Me and my eldest brother married siblings, creating a unique environment of double cousins and a close-knit family.   I live in Brooklyn NY where I own and operate an Early intervention program for young children with autism.  I opened my school in 1998, and I have all 3 of my siblings, had all 3 of my children, my daughters-in-laws, all my nieces and nephew, and my uncle work there at one time or another.  Additionally, I have my brother and brother-in-law who work tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure the school remains a success.  I am a special educator, and a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and love what I do for a living.

My eldest are twins.  One lives right outside Asheville North Carolina with his wife and daughter.  He, like me, is a special educator and a BCBA. Although he has a physics degree from NYU, he found a passion working with children with autism after he graduated college and working for me while applying to graduate school.   My other son, my partner in these books has moved back from Nashville Tenn and currently lives in Newburgh NY with his wife and newborn son.  My youngest, Phoenix, will leave for High Point University in North Carolina in a month.   I lost my husband to cancer nearly 6 years ago and I am about to be an empty nester.  It is my sincere hope to spend my days writing Noah Guy stories, running my school and being the best mom and grandma I can be.

Contact Link


Tuesday, November 19, 2024

The Cat's Museum by Viviana Maria Falleti #Review #childrensbooks #cats #animals #museums


Catherine the Great, in 1766, recruited stray cats to protect her beloved Hermitage Museum from rodents. Generations later, to this day, cats are still working there, protecting the artwork and doing their zany mischief…tune in for a splash of fun!

I am an animal lover and to read a semi-true story about them is so fun. Why do I say "semi?" Well, the story here begins in a museum,which I also love, where a  bunch of cats are taken in to eradicate a at problem within a real museum. The cats who live in the museum to this day, still guard the museums property and are taken care of by the curators of the museum. How cool is that! The cat now roam within the museum for all to adore.

This is what is true. What was not true within the book, was a secondary story that tells of the cats enjoying a yearly romp that included the cats dressing up to party and have a dance. This was fun and made the cats seem more "human" with their gratitude of the yearly feast (which is true).

I enjoyed everything about this book including the descriptive personalities of certain cats and the fact they still live within the museum. Oh would it be great to visit and see them!
The illustrations were large, bold, and colorful. Most of the pages were in different shades of blue and I feel that might have been intentional to describe the museum's colors.

Side note: As I was so enamored with this idea, I did further investigation of the museum. If you would want to read about the cats too, go HERE.

I give this book 5 cats meows.

Disclosure: I was given a copy of this book from the author. The review here is 100% my own and opinions and may differ from yours. ~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

Viviana Maria Falleti is a woman of faith, an insightful children’s storyteller, a lover of all things cats, and an aficionado of splendidly-illustrated books. She aims to produce only the highest quality books, containing wholesome and engaging stories every child is sure to love. The talented world-famous artists she employs bring her wondrous books to life even more. 
Viviana created Little Feather Press for the parent who is ‘hungry for wholesome’. Every book ordered from Little Feather Press can be presented to a child with the assurance that the child’s innocence and the beauty of childhood are respected. The stories entertain in the magical world of a child’s mind, without any corrupting influences.

In her childhood in Germany, Viviana would never tire of listening to storybooks that her mother lovingly read to her. She draws inspiration from those memories. 

Viviana was born in Germany but has lived most of her adult life in America. She has a lovely daughter Ashley and son-in-law Brent, two wonderful nieces Maria and Maria Luisa, and a suave Italian husband Gino. Her current residence is in Southwest Florida. 

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Purchase Link


Wednesday, November 13, 2024

The Hayley Mysteries: The Haunted Studio #Review #MiddlegradeMysteries #bookseries


When Hayley gets the lead role in a new TV show called Sadie Solves It, she's so excited...even if there are rumors of hauntings surrounding the Silver Screen Studios. It's LA, she thinks―there are ghost stories everywhere!

But to her surprise, strange things actually start happening as production ramps up. Lights flicker, cold blasts of air come out of nowhere, and one day the electricity is cut to the studio entirely with no clear cause. Can Hayley and her two best friends solve the mystery of the haunted studio...before it means curtains for their show?


I love a good mystery book. This is kind of one of those that has a mystery within a mystery because of the characters that are involved. How cool to have kids that are actors turn sleuths. The story line runs along their "lines" as Haley and her team "solve" the clues in the TV series, real-life clues are revealed.

This book kept me going with each page turn. I wanted to know who done it and just when I think I had it figured out...Twist! I loved the suspense, the fun, all the surprises that went with this book. 

Included in this book were some great illustrations. They were all in black in white but they added to what was already a good book.

I give this book 4 starts.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the author. The views here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle, Reading Authors Network


As it turns out, Haley LeBlanc is actually an actress, artist, and social media star. She has performed in two hit TV series. This is her first in a series of books and at the writing of this book was 13 years old!

Haley lives in LA where in her spare time she hangs out with friends, listens to music, read books, watches mystery and horror films and TV shows and adores her dogs.    PURCHASE

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

The Power of Three by Teri Polen #YAHorror



Yesterday, a curse. Today, an inheritance. Tomorrow...may never come.

The Power of Three

by Teri Polen

Genre: YA Horror 


Yesterday, a curse. Today, an inheritance. Tomorrow...may never come.

Beck Teller's family bounced from one rental to another his entire life. When his father inherits an ancestral home, he and his siblings are thrilled to finally settle down, especially somewhere his family has roots. And those roots run deep—right to the on-site family cemetery where tombstone dates prove too many members met untimely fates.

When Beck and his two brothers begin experiencing inexplicable things, they grasp for practical explanations. Then their little sister gets a warning from beyond the grave, and the time for rationalizing is over. They pledge to protect their family and set out to identify the source of the danger and a means to defeat it.

They never expected to discover their house is haunted by a vengeful spirit who has vowed to destroy every descendant in the Teller line.

Centuries earlier, three Teller brothers battled the evil entity. Since then, her wrath has caused generations of suffering and untimely deaths. Now, three more Teller brothers will stand against this wicked being. But this time, the curse must be broken. If they win the final fight, they'll banish the malevolent force forever. But if they lose, their family line ends...and they unleash hell on Earth.


Amazon * Goodreads

Teri Polen is the author of young adult horror, science fiction, and fantasy novels. Sarah, her debut novel, was a horror finalist in the 2017 Next Generation Indie Book Awards. named Subject A36 one of the 50 Best Indie Books of 2020. An avid reader, movie watcher, and chocolate lover, Teri lives in Bowling Green, KY with her husband and Feline Overlord, Bond. 



Sunday, November 10, 2024

A Room for Murder by Michele Pariza Wacek #giveaway #Cozymysteries #guestpost #bookseries

Already into mid-November and all is well in the cool crisp air, that is in Arizona? Ah well. Today I welcome to my blog the author of "A Room  for Murder".  She is taking over my room (blog) to discuss her book that we are spotlighting today. Welcome one Michele from another Michelle...take it away!

~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

Setting - Wisconsin - In the 1990s

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Love-Based Publishing (November 2, 2024)

Number of Pages: 100 pages

Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CMN7TXGY

ABOUT THE BOOK: Charlie' very first case!
Normally Darla, the ghost that haunts the Redemption Inn, behaves herself. Relatively speaking.

Nancy, the owner of the Redemption Inn, swears that Darla is harmless. At least, mostly
harmless. Maybe she plays a few pranks on some unsuspecting guests, but it's all in good fun.
Until one of the hotel guests is found dead at the bottom of the stairs, and Darla is the one who's
With the threat of guests cancelling and her business on the line, Nancy turns to Charlie to help
find the real culprit so Darla can rest in peace.
Meet Charlie. Better known as "Aunt Charlie" from the award-winning Secrets of
Redemption series. She's back, making teas and solving cases in this funny, twisty, cozy
mystery series set in the 1990s in Redemption, Wisconsin.

Author post

Get a Behind-the-Scenes Look at A Room For Murder

A few years ago, one of my author friends reached out to ask me if I’d like to be in an

anthology that was geared around female sleuths.

At the time, I was writing a standalone psychological thriller (The Third Nanny), and I

wasn’t sure where I was going to with my Secrets of Redemption psychological thriller

series (I had just completed Book 5 of what would end up being a 9-book series, but at

the time, I didn’t know I still had four more books to write).

But regardless, neither of those books or projects fit the “female sleuth” theme.

Of course, that didn’t stop me from saying yes. I had six months to figure it out. Surely I

could come up with a female sleuth story that somehow tied into my published books by


And sure enough, about a week later, Charlie Kingsley whispered into my ear, and just

like that, two stories fell into my lap. A Grave Error, which was the first Charlie Kingsley

story and the one that ended up in the anthology, and The Murder Before Christmas,

which ended up being Book 1 of the Charlie Kingsley Mysteries.

When I wrote A Grave Error, I knew that wasn’t Charlie’s first case. The first person who

called Charlie for help was Nancy, who owned The Redemption Inn, as the resident

ghost had been blamed for a murder.

I knew I wanted to write it at some point, I just wasn’t sure when. The series arc that had

been slowly building out would be disrupted, and I was unclear on how it would all fit

together. Could I go back in time even as the series moved forward? How would the

readers react?

But, as these things go, it all fell easily into place when the time was right. Darla made

an appearance in A Cornucopia of Murder, and I knew then that Charlie’s first case had

to be the next book. And I also knew it would be the perfect fit for my Charlie Kingsley

Cozy Novella series, a side series of standalone novellas that cover shorter cases.

And thus, A Room For Murder, is now finally available. Readers will get a peek at how it

all began, from first meeting Wyle to Pat becoming her sidekick.

Giveaway: HERE

Friday, November 8, 2024

Hannah's Pony Twist by Susan Count #Giveaway #Middlegrade #bookseries #horses

Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 190 pages 
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1952371201
 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1952371202 
Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0DGS287C7 

ABOUT THE BOOK: what the pony needs break Hannah’s heart? Freckles can’t be convinced to trot sometimes, and even though that’s fine with Hannah, she suspects something must be wrong with the pony. The barn manager thinks it’s time to retire him, so the vet is called and tests are run. But Hannah enjoys being with Freckles even if they only walk down the trails. She ignores the facts. When all her efforts to help him fail, she tries desperately to write a happy ending to her pony story. Will she have to put on her big girl breeches and let Freckles take his own trail, or is she the real problem? 

Susan Count writes for the joy and entertainment of young readers. She is an Amazon best- selling, award-winning author of the Dream Horse Adventures Series, Dream Pony Riders Series, and Texas Boys Adventures. She prefers to create stories in a quiet zone. Out her window, her mind wanders through the forest and keeps her in a grateful, contented state of being. Susan writes at a fabulous antique desk that has secret compartments filled with memories, mysteries, and story ideas. As a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, American Christian Fiction Writers and Alliance for Independent Authors, she takes studying the craft of writing seriously. Susan confesses to being overly fond of brownies, and horseback riding on forest trails. She is a lifelong equestrian and is owned by a Rocky Mountain Horse. You are invited to saddle up and ride along. 


Friday, November 1, 2024

Interview with author, Sherry Ellis #Interview/GuestPost #giveaway #bookseries #middlegrade

Hi everyone, after a whirlwind of an October, I am welcoming a guest poster  from Silver Dagger today to my blog.

This is a interview with author, Sherry Ellis, who is speaking about their latest book, The Legend of the Lost Pearls.  Amazon Purchase

Welcome to my blog. ~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

What inspired you to write this book? Bubba and Squirt’s The Legend of the Lost Pearls is

the final book of the Bubba and Squirt Adventure series. The first book, Bubba and Squirt’s Big

Dig to China was inspired when I was a kid trying to dig a hole to China from Florida. I wondered

what could happen if I succeeded. The rest of the books in the series were either set in places

I’ve visited or places that interest me. Legend of the Lost Pearls is the latter.

What can we expect from you in the future? Good question. I wrote another picture book

manuscript called Happy Birthday to US! I sent it to an agent and entered it into a writing

contest. We’ll see what happens with that. I am playing with the idea of writing an adult or YA

novel—historical fiction, set during the time of the Civil War. The working title is Return to

Sapelo. I’m still in the research stage.

Do you have any “side stories” about the characters? Bubba and Squirt are roughly based

on my two kids who are now adults. I started writing these Bubba and Squirt stories when they

were about 7 years old.

Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in Bubba and Squirt’s The Legend of the

Lost Pearls? Bubba is a precocious fourth-grader, and his sister Squirt is a responsible sixth-

grader. Throughout the Bubba and Squirt series, both characters grow. Squirt gains confidence

and Bubba learns to be more responsible and not so impetuous. Other characters are people

Bubba and Squirt meet on their journey and some creatures from Japanese mythology.

How did you come up with the concept and characters for the book? I thought it would be

fitting to end the Bubba and Squirt series in Japan, since that’s where the father had been doing

his magic show during the second book, Bubba and Squirt’s Mayan Adventure. It was also

another Asian country, and I thought it might be fun to compare and contrast China and Japan.

Where did you come up with the names in the story? Bubba and Squirt were nicknames for

my kids when they were little. I got the names of the Japanese characters by Googling

Japanese names and picked a few that sounded good.

What did you enjoy most about writing this book? Learning about Japanese mythology.

Most of us know a lot about Greek mythology, because that’s what we learn in school. (I covered

that in my last book, Bubba and Squirt’s Shield of Athena.) But we don’t learn much about

Japanese mythology. In my opinion, it’s just as colorful.

Tell us about your main characters- what makes them tick? Bubba is always up for an

adventure. He loves joking around and often gets himself into sticky situations because he has

trouble controlling himself. Squirt is the cautious one, and she feels great responsibility in

looking after her younger brother.

How did you come up with the title of your first novel? When I was an eight-year-old kid

living in Florida, I tried digging a hole to China. Of course it didn’t work. The hole quickly filled

with water. But this was the inspiration for my first novel, which is called Bubba and Squirt’s Big

Dig to China.

Who designed your book covers? Dancing Lemur Press’s in-house illustrator designed all the

Bubba and Squirt book covers.

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book? At this

point, no. But inevitably as time goes on, I may reread it and say, “Darn, I wish I would’ve have

done this differently.”

Did you learn anything during the writing of your recent book? Every time I write a book

that requires research, I learn something. The writing of Bubba and Squirt’s The Legend of the

Lost Pearls was no exception. I learned more about Japanese culture and customs, as well as

some interesting stories about Japanese mythology. And of course, I learned some Japanese

words and how to make a recipe called mugitoro which you can find in the book.

If your book was made into a film, who would you like to play the lead? Maxim Swinton

might be a good choice to play Bubba. He’s a funny kid.

Anything specific you want to tell your readers? Even though the intended audience for the

Bubba and Squirt books is for middle-grade readers, many adults have told me they enjoyed the

stories and learned a lot by reading them. They also enjoyed trying the recipes included in the

books. I’d like to add that teacher guides can be found on my websites. If you don’t see one for

my recently-released books, come back. I’m still working on them and will have them up soon.

How did you come up with name of this book? The Legend of the Lost Pearls is taken from

Japanese mythology. Two demigod brothers got in a fight related to tide jewels—pearls with the

power to raise and lower the tides. After the pearls were lost, tsunamis and other horrible natural

disasters began to happen. The story I created in Bubba and Squirt’s Legend of the Lost Pearls

is very much based on that story with my own Bubba and Squirt twists.

What is your favorite part of this book and why? I like when the frogs come to life. It’s

completely unexpected and turns the story into an underwater fantasy. I also had fun with some

of the humorous dialog between the frogs and Squirt.

If you could spend time with a character from your book whom would it be? And what

would you do during that day? Well, I kinda did spend time with characters in my book:

Bubba and Squirt. If I could turn back time and have my kids be Bubba and Squirt’s age again,

I’d probably take them on one of our adventures. We used to pick places we’d never seen and

visit them. Places like gardens, museums, farms, Indian settlements, historical sites, etc. Then

we’d have to stop for ice cream. It’s the best treat after an adventure.

Are your characters based off real people or did they all come entirely from your

imagination? Bubba and Squirt are based off of my children who are now all grown up.

Grandpa Joe is based off of my dad. Great-great grandpa Jacob was a great-grandfather of

Bubba and Squirt’s dad. I’m the mom. The rest of the characters are completely fictitious.

Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reins of the

story? For The Legend of the Lost Pearls, I felt I had the reins of the story. It wasn’t the case for

the third and fourth books of the series. They were doing whatever, and I was along for the ride.

Convince us why you feel your book is a must read. All of the books in the Bubba and

Squirt series are educational. Even adults reading them learn something. I think Japan is a

fascinating country and a pretty cool destination for the last book of the series. This one is the

most action-packed of all. There’s no shortage of monsters and terrifying situations! Of course,

if you’ve read the previous books in the series, you absolutely must read this one to find out

what happens to Bubba and Squirt’s dad and see how it all ends.

Have you written any other books that are not published? Yes. I have two picture books that

are not published: Happy Birthday to US, a patriotic book, and Chickens Sleep on Sunday, a

days-of-the-week book. I’ve written a bunch of other stories, but they are probably not worthy of

publication. LOL!

If your book had a candle, what scent would it be? Cherry blossom. When I think of Japan, I

always think of Japanese cherry blossom trees. So picturesque!

What did you edit out of this book? I don’t think there were any scenes edited out of the

book, but there were plenty of overused words. “That,” was one of them.

Is there a writer whose brain you would love to pick for advice? Who would that be and

why? I’d say Mary Pope Osborne, author of the Magic Tree House series. I’d love to know how

her books became wildly successful, learn her marketing tips, and find out how she managed to

come up with so many stories without getting tired of it.

Fun Facts/Behind the Scenes/Did You Know?'-type tidbits about the author, the book or

the writing process of the book. I write all my stories by hand in a notebook before I type

them into a Word document. It’s a long process but doing it this way allows for an additional

editing round. I also enjoy putting a pencil to paper. Another interesting thing about this book, is

that it is the only one of the series that I had not written any part of the story before the first

book, Bubba and Squirt’s Big Dig to China was published. All the rest had been partially written.