Thursday, March 23, 2023

Guest Post: & Giveaway: Introvert or Extrovert by Valerie Taylor #WhatsNotLost

Hello my readers,

Today I have a guest post from author, Valerie Taylor. She is a multi-winning author with her most recent book, What's Not Lost.  Welcome to my blog and take it away. ~Michelle, Reading Authors Network

Introvert or Extrovert?

By Valerie Taylor

Multi-award-winning author of the What’s Not trilogy — What’s Not Said, What’s Not True, and

What’s Not Lost

Have you ever taken the Myers-Briggs personality test? Perhaps in high school, college, or through your

employer? If not, it’s possible, though, that you’ve heard about it. The test starts with “an introspective

questionnaire” in which the individual indicates their psychological preferences, how they perceive the

world, and ultimately make decisions.

The output of the test is a four-letter acronym that slots the test-taker into one of 16 personality types

outlined on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® “test table.” You may be—or heard someone referred to

themselves as—an ISTJ or and ENFP, as examples.

I think my first exposure to this test was in college, where I took it several times as required by the course

I was enrolled in. And then throughout my career with various companies, Human Resources thought it

was a great tool to help build teams. And, oh yes, a couple of times when I was in therapy. Um, yes,

therapy. Sorry for TMI! Another acronym, yikes. Too much information?

I have no intention of explaining all of the 16 personality types, or defining each of the letters, except for

two—the “I” and the “E”—which form the first letter of each of the types. Not surprisingly, “I” means

introvert; and “E” means extrovert.

What do you think you are? Introvert or extrovert? Does it matter in your daily life?

For most of my years, I was a writer in some fashion; either in a supporting role where I wrote memos

and articles for my managers, or in a lead marketing and communications capacity where I created my

own original content. All these years I tested mostly as an introvert, but not a flaming introvert. Almost

always, my results vacillated in the center, almost like a scale tipping back and forth before settling on

either characteristic. One time it tilted toward extrovert, but that was a fleeting score. I must have been in

a sociable frame of mind the day I tested and checked off one outgoing indicator too many.

Since I retired in 2016 and moved back from Seattle to Boston and then CT, I’ve taken my writing to

another sphere. I’ve penned and published three dramatic comedies in five years. It is true, as you may

have heard, writing novels is definitely a solitary undertaking, which I enjoy immensely.

Even the production process—working with cover and interior designers, copyeditors, and

proofreaders—is well within my introverted comfort zone. Once published, though, I discovered a

personality change is necessary.

Today, whether traditionally, hybrid, or self-published, an author is expected to not only publicize their

work, but also to market it. Marketing includes digital where introverts like me can hide behind our

keyboards and screens, as well as public events like book signings, fairs, and talks.

How is that possible for a shy person like me?

In all honesty, it isn’t easy. I’ve discovered that as I approach a public gathering I need to take a deep

breath, dig deep inside myself, and find that one bit of extroversion that tipped the scales on the Myers-

Briggs test from years ago.

Smiling helps. So does asking questions such as, “What types of books interest you most? What are you

currently reading? Do you gift books?” Or even a quantitative question, like “How many books do you

read each year?”

Anything to get the people at ay table to talk! Over time I’ve realized I’m better at continuing a

conversation than instigating it. However, once engaged, my inner self relaxes and the beat goes on. In

fact, I quite enjoy being out there with readers.

What I’ve learned in the process is that introverted authors are really extroverts in disguise. No

personality test required.

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Come along with me in my journey. Subscribe to my newsletter: Behind and Ahead at

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Twitter: @ValerieEMTaylor

Instagram: ValerieETaylor


Tuesday, March 7, 2023

#Review and #Giveaway: The Adventures of Lefty and Righty and the Windy City by Lori Orlinsky #poetry #adventure #childrensbooks


Book Details:

Book Title:  The Adventures of Lefty & Righty: The Windy City by Lori Orlinksy
Category:  Children's Fiction (Ages 3-7),  38 pages
Genre:  Children's Picture Book
Publisher:  Mascot Books
Release date:   Mar 7, 2023
Content Rating:  G for everyone.
Book Description:

Do you ever wonder what happens to socks that get lost in the dryer? Join Lefty and Righty for the adventure of a lifetime as they sneak out of the laundry room with a destination in mind.
My Review:
This is the story of a pair of socks that hop out of the dryer and go on a great adventure in Chicago.  I have always wondered where the socks went and now, I know. This pair thought they should go find the ultimate socks, The White Socks! How fun!
The book, in rhyme, follows the duel as they go to different landmarks. In the book, the landmarks are highlighted in red which corresponds with "fun facts" in the back of the book. I have seen other glossaries in other books, but this was a cool way to include them.
The rhyming was great and for older kids they will love the sing-song rhythm. Younger children will enjoy the illustrations which are boldly displayed on each page.
Great book to read over and over. 4 stars!
Disclosure: I received this book from the author. The views here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Michelle, Reading Authors Network
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Meet the Author:

Award-winning children’s book author Lori Orlinsky lives in. . . you guessed it . . . Chicago! Lori is the mother of three little ladies, who are small but mighty. At 5’1”, she wishes her children’s picture book, Being Small (Isn’t So Bad After All), was around when she was growing up. Lori also wrote The Tooth Fairy’s Tummy Ache and Balloons for Tiger. Her latest book, The Adventures of Lefty and Righty: The Windy City, was inspired by her daily struggle to find matching socks when they come out of the dryer.

connect with the author: website 

Friday, March 3, 2023

Paperboy by Dan Romanello #giveaway #spotlight #thriller



Book Details:
CategoryAdult Fiction (18+), 332 pages
GenreComing of Age Contemporary Thriller
Publisher: Sanitas Publishing, Inc.
Publication Date: August, 2022.
Content Rating: R: A series of explicit sex scenes, minimal bad language and drug use are utilized for character and plot development.
Book Description:

Abandoned by his father as an infant and raised by a single mother among the wealthy and privileged in Fairfield County, Connecticut, Dylan Tomassi grew up poor. As a boy he is befriended by a mysteriously reclusive widow he meets on his paper route. She mentors him with sage advice on matters facing a young man growing up without a father. She never pays for her newspapers, and he never asks for the money because of all the good advice she dispenses. When she finally does square up, it changes his life forever.

Dylan relocates to Florida and becomes a successful private investor, wealthy beyond his wildest dreams. His newfound socioeconomic status introduces him into the upper echelon of Florida society where he finds many things going on in the world simply don't make sense. With the help of his old friend and mentor, he navigates life in a turbulent modern-day society and vows to use his wealth to make a difference when he’s not sidetracked running into nefarious characters or busy keeping his best friend, wealthy playboy Alex Malloy, out of hot water. With corruption, debauchery, deception, and murder swirling around him, Dylan proves nice guys can finish first.
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Meet the Authors:

DAN ROMANELLO began his career working for a large Florida newspaper before attending law school at the University of Florida. After serving as an assistant state attorney, he entered private practice where he spent more than 20 years as a civil trial lawyer litigating cases in courtrooms throughout Florida. He retired from the active practice of law in 2017 and, before writing PAPERBOY, spent four years coaching college athletics. He lives in St. Petersburg, Florida.

connect with the authors: website