As a writer of cozy mysteries, I’m certain I am supposed to
say my favorite part is the mysteries themselves. Don’t get me wrong, I do love
them, the twist and turns, the big murder solved in every book, the little mysterious threads which go from installment to installment that
tie the series together. Those are all great. They’re not my favorite
thing, however. Without a doubt, and the thing that keeps me coming back
over and over and over again to my most beloved cozy series are the characters
who feel like family. The kind of characters you think about, characters
you miss between books. Ones you can’t wait to catch up with at
the next new release. Even the loud, bossy, annoying characters that make
you roll your eyes in the back of your head so hard you almost sprain something
(you know the ones). After a few installments, you realize you’re in love with
them too, and when they enter a scene again only to be cantankerous,
disapproving, or too nosy for their own good, you’re excited to see that they’re
still there, comforted that you can roll your eyes at their shenanigans.
That was my goal, front and center, as I crafted and planned
and daydreamed over my new Twister Sisters series. I want the mysteries
to be tight, compelling, and shocking. But more than that, I want
you to fall in love with the people who make up Willow Lane. I want you to fall
in love with our three Twister Sisters.
This goal seemed even more important as the three main
characters of the series are women whose ages are rarely represented on
page. Cordelia and Wanda are both sixty-six, and Pamela is fifty-nine.
It’s these three women who make the business of Twister Sisters--delivering
their casseroles to the townspeople in need, and, as luck would have it, discovering dead bodies and solving their murders.
These women have lived full, dynamic, and meaningful
lives. With over six decades of life experience and relationships built
in their cozy little town, there’s a lot of history to pull from. You’ll
get to travel along with them through their explorations of those
relationships, both with family and friends. Find out why Minnie Wells,
the master knitter, is always so cantankerous. Discover what makes Pastor
Trout so worried about her teenage son. Help Cordelia uncover some of the
relationships she thought she understood her whole life are actually sinister puppet masters, who’ve wielded more control over the events of
her town than anyone ever imagined.
That’s the other thing about these three women--often when characters of a certain age are featured, it only deals with the past, what they did, who they were. Life doesn’t end
at sixty. These women are still doing, they are still becoming, and they are changing their town of Willow
Lane and the lives within one casserole and one mystery at a time. Along
with them, are the people and characters who have traveled life’s journey
with them side-by-side. Wanda’s assistant baker who dreamed of Hollywood but
stayed in the little Ozark town. Pamela’s son who overcame addiction and
came home to start anew. And Cordelia’s first love, who moved back
to Willow Lane after fifty years away. Everywhere you turn, there’s a
character to fall in love with, be suspicious of, and make you laugh and
cry. Characters you’ll be excited to catch up with in the next book!