Thursday, August 31, 2017

#Spotlight & #Giveaway: The Invitation by Tyfany Janee @LiterallyTyfany and @iReadBookTours #poetry

Book Details:

Book Title: The Invitation: To Journey Through a Conscious Mind
Category: Adult Fiction; 40 pages
Genre: Poetry
Publisher: Tyfany Williams
Release date: March 31,2017
Tour dates: Aug 21 to Sept 1, 2017
Content Rating: PG-13 + M (for mature content of love and relationships etc. 1-2 word usage of bad language. No sex scenes or erotica language.)

Book Description:

The Invitation: To Journey Through a Conscious Mind, is a showcase in talent from author and poet Tyfany Janee. She's eloquently produced the anthology through plaintive artistic angst. Injecting the essence of her soul into her prose. The diverse collection of poetry which lies between the covers is the result of an entire life's work experimenting within her vocation.

Her work is comprised of truth, meaning, hope, possibility and a succinct hint of humor as she tears away the facade from humanity. The works shed light on relative issues that we're all faced with in our easily waywardly led astray lives, and the monotony that makes up our existence.

The Invitation: To Journey Through a Conscious Mind is an ode to the beat generation of poets that carved their names in literary history. Any creative mind will revel in the inspiration that lies between these pages; it's full of daring attitude, and celebration for the authentic. A unique look on love, that you have to dare to delve within. It harnesses true devotion, with a stark, hair raising element of modern reality.

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Book Trailer:

About the Author:

Tyfany Janee is a mother and an upcoming graduate with a BS in Business Administration in a concentration of Entrepreneurship, and a minor in Marketing. She is a prolific writer, author and poet and she has an upcoming plan of releasing a short story collection in 2018 that she titles; The Road Sometimes Traveled; and a poetry collection book titled "RSVP: To Be You Unapologetically.” Additionally, a release of a debut novel, the first of a series in 2019 she titles; To Love Him..I.

Her recent book is comprised of truth, meaning, hope, possibility and a much-needed element of humor when it comes to exposing the true nature of humankind. Tyfany devours inspiration wherever she can get it, from cult classics, to just about anything she can see.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ facebook ~ Instagram ~ Pinterest

Enter the Giveaway!
Ends Sept 9

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

#Spotlight and #Giveaway: Spoonful of Grace by Annette Hubbell @AsHubb @iReadBookTours #devotional

Book Details:

Book Title: A Spoonful of Grace: Mealtime Blessings in Bite-sized Pieces
Category: Christian Living; 444 pages
Genre: Family devotional, Children's devotional
Publisher: Credo House Publishers
Release date: Feb 2017
Tour dates: Aug 7 to 25, 2017
Content Rating: G

Book Description:

Just 2 minutes each day can change your family meal time for a lifetime.

A Spoonful of Grace is a collection of 366 evening meal graces taken from all 66 books of the Bible and designed to provide meaningful exposure to prayer and the Bible at a most opportune time: the family evening meal.

The Scripture/grace devotions are inviting, can be grasped at several levels, and are brief enough (about two minutes) to hold the attention of hungry kids. Here's why:
  • Each day has an application section called Grace Notes: ideas and quotes to further illustrate the message and stimulate conversation.
  • Sundays are for Story Graces. These 52 devotions are a bit longer to afford the suspenseful, engrossing reading of stories such as David and Goliath, Daniel in the lions’ den, and Jonah and the big fish.
  • Special Graces are celebrations such as Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays.
  • Each grace:
    • Supports discussions of God’s attributes and of faith-based values, offering moral examples like forgiveness, friendship, honesty, trust, even table manners. 
    • Creates curiosity about the Bible and ways in which Scripture can be applied to today’s issues. 
    • Demonstrates how the act of praying together lifts one’s own spirit; fosters praise; and increases mutual feelings of appreciation, gratefulness, and accountability. 
    • Teaches without overt instruction, similar to hiding extra veggies in the spaghetti sauce. 
    • Remind us that our food, as well as God’s countless other daily blessings, is a gift.

Endorsements for "A Spoonful of Grace":

The dining room table is a key place to connect with your children. It's time to put down the phones and pick up this book instead.” --Arlene Pellicane, speaker and author of “31 Days to Becoming a Happy Mom”

"...beautiful, winsome and creative...will spark meaningful discussion and thoughtful reflection. This book will nourish both heart and mind.”--Dr. Mark L. Strauss, Vice-Chair, The NIV Committee on Bible Translation and University Professor of New Testament, Bethel Seminary

"Annette Hubbell has made this powerful family life rhythm and tradition SO MUCH EASIER! Give your family the gift that will last for generations to come—‘A Spoonful of Grace!’” --Pam Farrel, author of 45 books including best-selling “Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti,” “10 Best Decisions a Parent Can Make”, and “A Couple’s Journey with God.”

"Wonderfully composed and chock-full of wit and wisdom. I wish I’d had this book when my husband and I were raising our four children.” --Susan Meissner, Award-winning author of “Secrets of a Charmed Life”

Watch the book trailer: 

Buy the Book:

Meet the Author:

Annette Hubbell earned her undergraduate degree in Marketing from San Diego State University, her M.B.A. from Cal State University in San Marcos, and a Certificate in Christian Apologetics from Biola University. She has been featured in over 160 performances, and starred in the DVD, “Witness to Gettysburg” edited by 33-time Emmy Award winner, Robert Gardner. She was awarded Presenter of the Year twice at the Civil War Round Table of San Diego, and is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR).

Hubbell lives in San Diego, California with her husband of 33 years, Monte. They have a daughter, Amy. She and her husband Scott live in Los Angeles, California. For more information, visit or

Connect with the Author: Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Youtube

Enter the Giveaway!
Ends Sept 2.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Indie Bookfest Coming Soon!


Over eighty fabulous authors, panels and workshops for both authors and readers . . . two amazing parties and a huge signing . . . where in the world can you find all of this awesomeness in one event?

Indie BookFest, of course!

This premier author-reader event, in its fifth year in central Florida, takes place September 28 th through October 1 st at the Westin Lake Mary.

Indie BookFest is the only non-organization- affiliated author event to offer a dedicated Industry Day, with representatives from a variety of service companies presenting workshops, participating in panels and meeting with authors. This year, industry reps include those from Written Word Media, Draft2Digital, Robin Reads, Bublish and more.
But IBF isn’t simply an author education conference. We also offer an entire evening and day of Reader Appreciation panels and presentations—PLUS FanFare, an evening where the authors entertain the readers.
And if that wasn’t enough, there’s also a three-hour signing that is free and open to the public, on Saturday from three to six.
Tickets to Indie BookFest 2017 are available now. There are several options for readers and for attending authors:
--INDUSTRY DAY Ticket: This option provides admittance to and participation in all the panels and workshops offered on Friday, September 29 th . Topics will apply to both new and established authors, as well as to others in the publishing field. This ticket allows attending authors and those interested in exploring the possibility of authorhood to participate in the entire weekend; it also includes FanFare, Reader Appreciation Day participation, the signing and Saturday night party. Thursday night’s Dinner with the Authors is not included.
--VIP TICKET: This option provides admittance to and participation in all aspects of Indie BookFest, including access to the entire weekend EXCEPT the Thursday night dinner (available at an additional charge), including the Green Room, all panels, workshops, parties and signings. VIP ticket holders also receive a special VIP swag bag.
--GENERAL ADMISSION TICKET: This option includes access to FanFare on Friday night, reader workshops and panels on Saturday, the three-hour signing on Saturday, and the Saturday night party, as well as access to the Swag Tables.
--YOUNG AUTHOR EVENT: The Young Author session will take place Saturday, September 30, from 9:30-11 AM. Attendees must be under 18 to attend. A panel of authors will lead the workshop, which will explore all nuances of writing and publishing a book. Very Important: This is an add-on ticket to the main event. You must purchase either a general admission/VIP or Industry Day ticket to add this event.
-- THURSDAY NIGHT DINNER WITH THE AUTHORS: Join authors from Indie BookFest 2017 as we kick off the event with a lovely buffet meal in a beautiful setting.
For more information and to purchase tickets, visit our website and Eventbrite page.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Book Blast: Audition for Murder

Audition for Murder by P.M. Carlson Book Blast Banner

Audition for Murder

by P.M. Carlson

Book Blast on August 1, 2017


Audition for Murder by P.M. Carlson
Actors Nick and Lisette O’Connor need a change. They leave New York City for a semester as artists-in-residence at a college upstate, where they take on the roles of Claudius and Ophelia, two of the professional leads in a campus production of Hamlet. Threats and accidents begin to follow Lisette, and Nick worries it might be more than just petty jealousy. Maggie Ryan, a student running lights for the show, helps investigate a mystery steeped in the turmoil of 1967 America.

Don't Miss These Great Reviews:

"P.M. Carlson's energetic and insightful novels are back in print — hallelujah!" — Sara Paretsky
"An extremely well-written tale, with a plotline that offers a jolt per page." — CF, Booklist
"Very literate, sprinkled with surprises and offering that rarity of rarities — fully fleshed out characters." — Bob Ellison, Los Angeles Daily News

Book Details:

Genre: Traditional Mystery
Published by: The Mystery Company / Crum Creek Press
Publication Date: October 2012
Number of Pages: 233
ISBN: 1932325212 (ISBN13: 9781932325218)
Series: Maggie Ryan and Nick O'Connor #1
Purchase Links: Amazon  | Barnes & Noble  | Smashwords  | Goodreads 


Read an excerpt:

Lisette stumbled on the way to the car, and Nick caught her elbow to steady her. Rob had unlocked the back door, and Nick helped her in while Rob let Maggie into the front passenger seat and then went around to the driver’s side. There were a few snowflakes blowing in the wind, and his pale hair licked about his forehead like little flames. He sat down, closed the door, and stared at the wheel a minute.
“God,” he said. “I’m stoned. A little.”
“Do you want someone else to drive?” asked Maggie.
“No. I’ll be fine.” He raised a dramatic finger and declaimed, “Good wine is a good familiar creature if it be well used.”
“Every inordinate cup is unblessed,” countered Nick, who had maybe had a drop too much himself.
“I’ll be extremely careful,” Rob promised. He turned the key and started out of the lot. Lisette lurched against Nick as they rounded the corner onto the highway.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Very tired,” she said.
Nick tipped her chin up and studied her a minute in the headlights of the car behind them. “You look bad,” he said, concerned. He could see her honey-brown eyes in the wavering light. The pupils were tiny. “Do you feel sick?”
“M’all right,” she said. The eyes closed. Nick leaned forward.
“Rob, she looks bad.. Could we get her to a hospital, do you think?” Maggie turned to look at Lisette.
“She says she’s all right,” objected Rob. “Are you sick, Lisette?”
She made an effort. “Just tired. Bed.”
“I’ll just take you home,” said Rob soothingly.
“Home,” murmured Lisette. Her cheek was cold and damp. Nick felt panic rising.
“Rob, please!” he said.
“Come on, Nick,” said Rob. He had stopped at a stoplight, and turned to look back at them, the red glow making his hair shine like embers. “The hospital is miles away, and she says she’s just tired. I believe her. I’m tired too.”
“Nick’s right,” said Maggie suddenly. “She’s not just tired.”
“Jus’ tired,” repeated Lisette.
“See?” said Rob. “You two alarmists are interfering with her rest.”
Maggie leaned across Rob, switched off the ignition with one hand, and opened his door with the other. “Out, Rob,” she said.
“Out. Get out. Now.”
“You’re crazy!” He stared at her unbelievingly. The light blinked to green.
“Sorry, kid,” she said, leaning back against her door and placing an elegant French boot, still muddy, against his thigh.
“My God! My coat!” Shocked, he flinched away from the boot. She shoved, and he suddenly found himself outside, arms flailing for balance. Maggie slid smoothly into the driver’s seat and turned the ignition. The car moved forward and left Rob on the pavement, staggering. When they were clear of him Maggie pulled the door closed and made a rapid U-turn, then pressed the accelerator. The car vaulted up the hill toward the hospital.
By the time they had run their third red light, a patrol car was chasing them. Lisette was slumped against Nick, and he braced himself to keep them both from ricocheting around the back seat as Maggie traced a complex, competent line through the other traffic. He was dimly aware of the flashing lights from behind intersecting the rapid flow of the light from street lamps. She did not slow, and the sirens and lights behind them got other traffic out of the way. When she turned into the hospital driveway the patrol car seemed to relax a little. She skidded to a halt in front of the emergency room and was out opening Nick’s door instantly.
“Need help?”
“She’s not heavy,” he said. Lisette was unconscious.
“I’ll follow when I’ve talked to the officers.” She made sure the emergency door was open and then walked toward the patrol car. Nick carried the limp body into the emergency room.
Excerpt from Audition for Murder by P.M. Carlson. Copyright © 2017 by P.M. Carlson. Reproduced with permission from P.M. Carlson. All rights reserved.
P.M. Carlson

Author Bio:

P.M. Carlson taught psychology and statistics at Cornell University before deciding that mystery writing was more fun. She has published twelve mystery novels and over a dozen short stories. Her novels have been nominated for an Edgar Award, a Macavity Award, and twice for Anthony Awards. Two short stories were finalists for Agatha Awards. She edited the Mystery Writers Annual for Mystery Writers of America for several years, and served as president of Sisters in Crime.

Catch Up With Our Author On: Website , Goodreads , Smashwords, & Twitter !

Tour Participants:

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This is a rafflecopter giveaway hosted by Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours for P.M. Carlson. There will be 1 winner of one (1) Gift Card. The giveaway begins on August 1 and runs through August 8, 2017.

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