Wednesday, December 28, 2016

#Spotlight and #Giveaway: The Woman At the Well by Rachel Tucker @fitgrl09 @iReadBookTours #Biblestudy #womenatthewell #selfdiscovery

Disclosure: I was asked to spotlight this book on behalf of the author. The following information has been given to me by the author ad iRead book tours which this spotlight is apart of.

Are you ready for a rigorous spiritual boot camp? This 4-week intensive Bible Study is about a journey of self discovery. One that will incite and ignite something amazing and wonderful in you. This is the story of how one person's transformation can create a massive wave of change for Jesus Christ in the world.

Buy the Bible Study:  Amazon
Buy the Leader Guide: Amazon

Book Trailer:

Author's Bio:

Rachel was born in Dayton Ohio to a already large family of 5. She was the baby of the family, and literally about killed her Mother on her entrance into the world. Rachel was the 5th child to a school teacher and truck driver and soon found herself as a child of a single Mom of 5 who was forced to work 3 jobs to support her children. So Rachel is no stranger to seeing and living what it means to be a virtuous woman, as she watched her Mother do it, and continue to do it. Rachel is a devoted wife, Mother of 4 and Founder of Women at the Well Ministries. She is an author and currently writing her first in-depth Bible Study. She has been the keynote speaker at Mother’s of Israel conference, and several of her local church’s women’s events.

Her passion is studying scripture and then teaching those lessons to others, with the goal that they will then turn around and pay it forward. Her #each one #teach one philosophy is her mission. She is passionate about helping women by giving them tools to help them break strong holds so they can pursue whatever the Lord has for them. So, training them up for the call! That is what spurred her ministry.

She knows that God didn’t create women to just sit around and get pedicures and swap recipes and tackle the dust bunnies everyday, but to be side by side with the men in fighting the war against evil and taking as many people to heaven with them as possible.
She now does life with her best friend, her husband Curt and will tell you, her children are the best kids on the earth. They love to do Bible studies together and love traveling with their family.

If she isn’t at home with her family, you will find her checking something off her bucket list! Her biggest so far would be competing in figure competitions, competing at the Arnold class in fitness, being in a beauty pageant representing her county as Mrs. Miami County in the Mrs. Ohio America pageant, and authoring a 30 day bible study devotional. And, she is only getting started.

She loves to weave her own personal stories in with her message, because she believes she is living her calling day by day, and sometimes it gets pretty funny!

Connect with the author:  Website  ~  Twitter  ~  Facebook

Friday, December 16, 2016

#Spotlight & #Giveaway $50 Amazon Gift Card (ENDS 12/30): Captain Hawkins (The Jamie Hawkins Saga Book 1) by H. Peter Alesso #sci-fi


Disclosure: I agreed to spotlight this book and giveaway on behalf of the author and PB book tours. I am not responsible for the prize shipment or contents there of. ~Naila Moon

Jamie Hawkins was living on an obscure planet in the twenty third-century when on one fateful night--his life changed forever. His heroic effort to save the lives of innocent women and children, caught in the cross-fire of war, placed him squarely in the cross-hairs of avenging soldiers. Hawkins was stunned when his rescue effort was seen as treachery.
Unfairly convicted of treason by a corrupt judge, he was sentenced to life imprisonment at hard labor on an infamous penal colony. Once in prison, his courage and perseverance won him the admiration and trust of his fellow convicts.
While he was plotting his escape, an enemy attacked the planet--giving this daring warrior his chance. Together with his fellow prisoners, he launched a bold assault and high-jacked an enemy warship. From then on, Captain Jamie Hawkins and his ship the Indefatigable fought against a corrupt government--only to discover a mysterious alien presence behind the war.

Buy on Amazon

Read for FREE on Kindle Unlimited

  As a scientist and author specializing in technology innovation, H. Peter Alesso has over twenty years research experience at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). As Engineering Group Leader at LLNL he led a team of scientists and engineers in innovative applications across a wide range of supercomputers, workstations, and networks. He graduated from the United States Naval Academy with a B.S. and served in the U.S. Navy on nuclear submarines before completing an M.S. and an advanced Engineering Degree at M.I.T. He has published several software titles and numerous scientific journal and conference articles, and he is the author/co-author of ten books.

Follow Website / Facebook / Goodreads

Enter to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card. Fill out the form below to enter!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

#Spotlight: Silence Interrupted by Sania Shaikh @authorsania @iReadBookTours #YAlit #youngauthors

Note:Although the author requested a spotlight tour only,  I am so impressed with this author for being so young and have written her own novel and published. She began the book when she was only in 8th grade. We should always encourage children to write and read. ~Naila Moon

Book Description:

Two months before Troye Saavedra’s senior year of high school, his father’s drinking problem skyrockets. When Troye’s parents make an impulsive move to Georgia in order to “help” him finish high school on a positive note, he is forced to leave behind everything he knows. Things couldn’t get worse for Troye. That is, until he meets three enigmatic teenagers: Adelaide, an independent violinist with radical ideas; Zaidan, fiercely loyal and always funny; and Arabella, a girl who harbors secret struggles. Together, the four friends try to pick up the jagged pieces of their lives without getting hurt themselves. An insightful tale of perseverance, Silence Interrupted is a young adult novel about the beauty and peril of traversing the world as a teenager.

Buy the Book:  Amazon

Author's Bio:

Sania Shaikh is a junior at Cambridge High School. Inspired to write from a young age, she worked on Silence Interrupted, her debut novel, starting in eighth grade.

Monday, December 12, 2016

#Giveaway: $25 Amazon Gift Card Open WW ends Jan. 7, 2017

Giveaway:​ from author Rachel Tucker Win a $25 Amazon Gift Card (open int'l / 1 winner)

Disclosure: I am not responsible for this giveaway, that is the sole responsibility of the author. This giveaway is part of a spotlight tour on behalf of the author that begins today, December 12, 2016. Please stop by all the bloggers associated with the spotlight, including me, on December 28th. TOUR INFORMATION 


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Review: David Travels to the Past by Gonzalo Martinez de Antonana & Maria Jose Mosquera @editorialsaure @iReadBookTours #graphicnovel #education

David is a young and restless apprentice painter who wants to know everything about painting. His intelligent teacher, the Master Messina, invents a way of transporting David through time to prehistory. They go there looking for the origins of art, but once they are there nothing will be as they thought.

In a second adventure they travel towards the unknown art of Mesopotamia. This time they won´t go alone. The sympathetic and intelligent Angela will travel to the past with them bringing her particular point of view.

My review:
I am not someone who generally enjoys comic books but in this case, I make an exception. The two authors of this hard back book, have combined efforts to come up with a truly extraordinary book.

The book is designed completely in comic book style. The story tells the tales of David and his teacher Messina who end up traveling in time to learn about varying art styles mixed with history lessons. The story may seem overwhelming at times but for the older child, they would love it.

The colors are perfect for the styles of art and subject. I personally learned a thing or two as I read, which of course, is the intent of the book to begin with.

The book is targeted for no younger than late elementary to young adult. It should be noted that a couple of times expletive language is used, which could have been left out and still made for a great book. It is nothing major and for me, not a drawback to the book at all.

I give this book 5 stars.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book for review. The views expressed here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Naila Moon

Where to find the authors:

María José is a teacher. She won international illustrations awards.
Gonzalo has a degree in art history. He works in museums and as a tourist guide.

Connect with them: Website  ~  Twitter  ~  Facebook

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Huge Children's Book #Giveaway...ends 12/14/16 @las930 #SMGN

Huge Children's Book Giveaway 8 winners

This post contains affiliate links if clicked on Michigan Savings may receive a small commission to support her blog.

All of you know how much I love to read and review children's books so, when I was asked to promote this giveaway, I just had to. I am not responsible for the giveaway but it does look like some fun books for gift giving. Good luck! ~Naila Moon

Welcome to the 2016 Epic Holiday Gift Guide Huge Children's Book 8 winners Giveaway!

This contest is hosted by the Social Media Gurus Network!

Michigan Saving and More

Deliciously Savvy

Tales From A Southern Mom

Heartbeats ~ Soul Stains

My Crafty Zoo

Adventures of a Nurse

Welcome To My Kitchen

Life in a House of Testosterone


Now more about our sponsors in this giveaway!
The winners will receive the one of the books listed below.
1st prize
Book Giveaway

See the review HERE.


2nd prize
Book Giveaway 

See the review HERE.


3rd prize
Book Giveaway

See the review HERE.


4th prize
Book Giveaway 

See the review HERE.


5th prize
Book Giveaway 

See the review HERE.


6th prize
Book Giveaway 

See the review HERE.


7th prize
Book Giveaway

See the review HERE.


8th prize
Book Giveaway 

See the review HERE.


I would also like to say Thank you to all the promoting bloggers!


This giveaway is in no way endorsed, affiliated, or associated with Facebook, Twitter or any other Social Media Networking Site.You are not eligible if you have won a prize from the sponsor in the last 12 month. This Giveaway is valid in the United States Only and Entrants must be 18+ years of age to enter. This giveaway event will end at 11:59 PM (EST) 12/14/16. The winners will have 48 hours to email their information back to las93063 at gmail dot com or a new winner will be drawn, you may want to put this email address as safe as it could go to spam. The sponsors are each responsible for shipping of the above prizes. No blog associated with this contests are responsible for prize fulfillment.. If you take an entry you must stay following for the entire contest or you will be disqualified.

Also we all “love it if you like us” on Facebook! If you like our blogs on social media it helps us bring you only the best giveaways and more of them!

Enter below and Good Luck!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

#Spotlight and #Giveaway: Falling For the Stars, A Stunt Gal's Tattle Tales by Lisa Loving Dalton #Memoir #stuntgal #filmfans @michaelchekhov @iReadBookTours

Book Description:
This Behind-the-Scenes Tell-All About Doubling for Celebrity Superstars Also Reveals the Compelling Life Story of an Insecure Hollywood Arrival Who Rises to the Top of Her Field, But Pays a Hefty Price.
  • Addiction
  • Chauvinism  
  • Big Egos collide with the surprising kindness of superstars.

Discover the magic and the tragic stories of many great films & TV shows through the eyes of a stunt woman. Dalton reveals what it took to hang over cliffs, get hit by a moving car, drop from five stories up, dodge an avenue full of speeding cars--and to ignore the Universe's more gentle prompts that it was time to quit and follow her passion into acting full-time or teaching acting.

The resulting career-ending spinal injury has a story of its own, how she researched medical and alternative paths that form the heart of what she shares with the world today. "What stands out in this book is the indomitable spirit the author has, despite the extraordinary price she paid for her stellar career--including misogyny, a miscarriage, and a life-long back injury. And each juicy story she relays in her fascinating chronicle, brings home an important life lesson for the reader--one that she learned the hard way.

  • Stunt Gal Lisa Dalton tattles about humorous and harrowing tales culled from over 200 films, television shows and commercials including
  • Ghostbusters
  • Money Pit
  • Crocodile Dundee
  • Married to the Mob
  • FX
  • Legal Eagles
  • The Last Dragon
  • Saturday Night Live  
  • Splash
  • The Highlander
  • World According To Garp

Working with or doubling such superstars as Meryl Streep, Cher, Madonna, Grace Jones, Robert Redford, Katherine Hepburn, Sean Connery, Tom Hanks, Chevy Chase, Robin Williams, Ed O'Neill, Michelle Pfeiffer and more.

Author's Bio:

From a bullied, dyslexic, messy, freckle-faced, klutzy pixie, Lisa Loving Dalton grew into a statuesque and skillful stunt woman, actor, director, teacher, author, filmmaker, leadership and life coach, and ceremonial minister. Always seeking and finding the silver lining, she has made the most of whatever life threw at her. She says, “I spill stuff, trip and drip all of the time so I made a career out of it. My advice: Embrace what is as perfect.”
Dalton appeared in more than 200 films, television shows and commercials in New York, Hollywood and Texas, including work in Ghostbusters, Money Pit, Crocodile Dundee, Married to the Mob, FX, Legal Eagles, and Splash on the big screen and ER, HBO’s Carnivale, Dr. Quinn and Melrose Place among her many TV credits.

Connect with the author:  

Website  ~  Twitter  ~  Facebook


Grand Prize Package: one winner will receive:
1) a paperback copy of Falling For the Stars by Lisa Loving Dalton with autographed Last Dragon Pic
2) a paperback copy of A Balancing Act by Emmanuelle Chaulet
3) an e-copy of Murder of Talent
4) a 30-min video chat with author

2nd and 3rd Prize Packages: 2 winners will each get:
1) a Kindle copy of Falling for the Stars by Lisa Loving Dalton with an autographed Last Dragon pic
2) a paperback copy of A Balancing Act by Emmanuelle Chaulet
3) an e-copy of Murder of Talent

Disclosure: Naila Moon of Reading Authors is not responsible for prize shipment.
USA only. Giveaway ends Dec 17, 2016

Saturday, November 19, 2016

#Review: Mama's Knight: A Cancer Story of Love by Aurora Whittet @AuroraWhittet @iReadBookTours #kidlit #fightingcancer

Once upon a time . . . It’s how all heroes begin their story, and you’re a hero, too! Your mama has cancer, and it’s a scary journey, but you can help your mama just by being you—special, wonderful, YOU. Your mama loves you just the way you are. You are your mama’s knight.

Mama’s Knight: A Cancer Story of Love is an emotional toolbox that can help kids and parents communicate about what it means for Mama to have cancer. The book is filled with tools and activities designed to make coping with illness easier on both parent and child, and can be personalized for each child.

My review:
My interest in reading this book is because I have known so many people fighting cancer including my cousin-in-law. Several of the people I know have young children and frankly, it is scary enough for an adult, but for a child it is almost too much. Kids are curious and as with many things in life, I think it is great to have books that help explain things on a child's level.

This book puts the explaining cancer and its symptoms in very simple terms, to me almost too simple, but then again, it is hard to explain to anyone much less a kid. This book is not written though to share, this is written to personalize to an individual child. For example, there is a page that has activities that could be done by a "helper" when Mom is too sick. Yet, another has a page for photos of fun times together when Mom could do things with an individual child. There are very few pages to actually explain the illness itself. In essence, this book really is more of a self-help book.

The illustrations are minimal and okay but not overly fantastic.
Overall, the book is intended to be an individuals love for her child and to help her child through what Mom is going through and for that it is great! As a book for children in mass, it is just okay.

3 stars from me.

Disclosure: This book was given to me from the author. I was not required to leave a review but the opinions here are 100% my own and may differ from yours. ~Naila Moon

Where to find the author:

Aurora Whittet started out as a wild red-haired girl in Minnesota dreaming up stories for her friends to read. Today, she has completed Bloodmark, Bloodrealms, and Bloodmoon of the Bloodmark Saga trilogy and started her journey into children’s books with Mama’s Knight in honor of her own mother who lost her battle with cancer. She’s a national award-winning graphic designer and birth doula in her day jobs. Aurora lives with her family in Minnesota.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

KID LIT BLOG HOP-October 2016 #KLBH #KidLitBlogHop

We want to welcome you to the October 2016 Kid Lit Blog Hop. Fall is here and Halloween is in a mere two weeks...WOW! There are some really great Halloween and Autumn books out there for children. We have seen some listed already. How about you share some of those on our monthly hop or for that matter, any great kid's literature. We love it all!

Have you seen the Kid Lit Blog Hopper Facebook fan page. This page has all the news and information related to the hop plus ongoing posts, giveaways, news articles, etc. related to Kid's Lit. Check it out and of course, please like the page.

This monthly hop, is designed to engage a group of people who love everything that has to do with children's literature. Everyone is welcome to join us: bloggers, authors, publicist, and publishers!

So for our hop, please make sure that your posts are related to Children’s literature only and add it to the linky. (Please make sure to add your direct post only) If you are an author, feel free just to link to your blog.

Once you are done, then hop around to visit others. Please follow the co-host and visit at least the one or two people above your link. Please leave a comment when you do visit, we all like those.

Also, it would be appreciated if you grab the Kid Lit Blog Hop Badge and display it on your blog and/or your post. Note: Make sure you have the newest badge as the old one goes to the wrong page.

We would also be grateful if you tweet and/or posted on Facebook about the blog hop. Let’s grow this wonderful community.

Our next hop will be January 18, 2017. We will be taking a break for November and December. Happy Holidays to all of you and thank you for coming back month after month.

Thanks for sharing your great children's books with all of us! The hostess will be around to see you.

Happy Hopping!

Reading Authors, Host

The Bookshelf Gargoyle


Cheryl Carpinello

Pragmatic Mom

The Logonauts

Spark and Pook

Monday, October 17, 2016

Review: A-Z Mysteries: The Haunted House by Ron Roy #Halloween #KidMysteries #series

H is for Haunted . . . There s a ghost in Green Lawn! Strange sounds and even stranger sights are terrifying guests at the Shangri-la Hotel. More and more people are being scared away. Will Green Lawn turn into a ghost town? Or can Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose stop this spook?

My review:
This is a cute chapter book that tells the tale of three children who set out to find a mysterious ghost that is haunting their towns hotel. Although this is supposed to be a spooky book for this age group, I thought it might be too mild. Kids do like to be spooked even at a young age. The book is a bit predictable but it is targeted toward 2nd-3rd graders so, that is forgivable.

Overall, I think the book is okay and does remove the gore factor which I would not like, but still needs a little more boo.

This book is part of an alphabet mystery series of stand along books. I would like to read some more from this author.

3 stars.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Masking for Trouble by Diane Vallere #Halloween #CozyMystery

Halloween conjures up big business for Margo Tamblyn’s costume shop, Disguise DeLimit, but this year, the holiday comes knocking with serious trouble. Venture capitalist Paul Haverford plans to rezone historic downtown into a glitzy commercial area which would push out local business. Margo is set on saving her family’s store, especially after a nasty run-in with the chain-store tycoon, but after Haverford’s body is discovered during a spooky party at the derelict Alexandria Hotel, Margo finds herself dressed as the police’s prime suspect.
Anxious to clear her name, Margo begins hunting down anyone who might have wanted Haverford dead. Between all of his malicious maneuverings, the murdered mogul had buckets of people anxious to see him gone. Now, Margo will have to use every trick in the book to find a cloaked killer—before someone else winds up wearing a death shroud...

My review:
I was interested in this book for a two-fold reason. The first of which it was marked as a Halloween book which the title being a play on word. Secondly, it was a mystery book minus all of the gore that I so hate.

I enjoyed the character, Margo, who was quirky with her daily costume changes. This was not only because she owned a costume shop but because it was her mere personality. She was in essence a part of Halloween and Halloween was a part of her. This made her very likable in my mind. As the story moved along though, I felt she should have been in a detective outfit most of the story. She would have passed for one much more than the actual detective in the story.

I liked the ending but was a bit bogged down to get there. Her so-called romance with one of the characters seemed to stretch out too far for me and I was a bit disappointed it did not speed up. However, her ignorance of the matter did not make sense to the rest of her investigative style. Maybe the term, "love is blind" fit in this case.

Getting back to the ending, I personally would have liked to see a little bit more hint to whom it was but then, it might have ruined the story.

At the end of the book were Halloween recipes and costume ideas that could be found throughout the book. This was a nice addition!

Overall, I give this a 4 star and look forward to reading more from this author.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the author for free. The review here is 100% my own opinion and may differ from yours.
This review is also part of the Great Escapes Book Tours.
~M.M. aka Naila Moon

Where to find the author:
